Does God want us to judge him?

My point was that you know those were racist slurs but you don’t have the balls to admit it.
Bumberclyde was a term used by the rastas in a restaurant I once worked in as a young lad. They'd call anyone that. Not racist.

Nignag is a word I heard here, I think its hilarious, they are so always complaining.

Too bad for you.
If you don’t think those words have racial connotations then you are ignoring nig and clyde.
Bumberclyde was a word use by Rastas sort of in jest, if it's good enough for them to joke around with... They also call others bloodclot, lol.

nignag probably came out of this site banning "n1gg3r". It's hilarious.
Read the embedded text.
My point was that you know those were racist slurs but you don’t have the balls to admit it.
Bumberclyde was a term used by the rastas in a restaurant I once worked in as a young lad. They'd call anyone that. Not racist.

Nignag is a word I heard here, I think its hilarious, they are so always complaining.

Too bad for you.
If you don’t think those words have racial connotations then you are ignoring nig and clyde.
Bumberclyde was a word use by Rastas sort of in jest, if it's good enough for them to joke around with... They also call others bloodclot, lol.
I can see that because they are referring to each other. It all depends on how YOU use it.
it's all in good fun. Actually, if you read the race threads I'm in, I always give them solutions to not be perceived as an inferior race. Always trying to help. :biggrin:

Who are you giving solutions to?
fyi check the bull ring. Already done that, already won. Jus sayin...
You got a link for that?

You certainly haven’t debated it with me.
No I definitely didn't debate with you. But I did debate with other religious zealots prior to you, using the ancient astronaut theory. And common sense.
I’m not them.
No, you're not them either lol. Just search the debate forum. I just don't want to go into it again right now.

Right now, I'm into how a racist poster is allowed to continue to post here. I got banned for calling him out, but he continues to shovel his shit with free abandon....
and btw ding, It's a good thing we finally agree on something! :)

It's a good ding!

(see what i did there?)
fyi check the bull ring. Already done that, already won. Jus sayin...
You got a link for that?

You certainly haven’t debated it with me.
No I definitely didn't debate with you. But I did debate with other religious zealots prior to you, using the ancient astronaut theory. And common sense.
I’m not them.
No, you're not them either lol. Just search the debate forum. I just don't want to go into it again right now.

Right now, I'm into how a racist poster is allowed to continue to post here. I got banned for calling him out, but he continues to shovel his shit with free abandon....
I guess my point was that I’m not making the argument they made.
Bumberclyde was a term used by the rastas in a restaurant I once worked in as a young lad. They'd call anyone that. Not racist.

Nignag is a word I heard here, I think its hilarious, they are so always complaining.

Too bad for you.
If you don’t think those words have racial connotations then you are ignoring nig and clyde.
Bumberclyde was a word use by Rastas sort of in jest, if it's good enough for them to joke around with... They also call others bloodclot, lol.
I can see that because they are referring to each other. It all depends on how YOU use it.
it's all in good fun. Actually, if you read the race threads I'm in, I always give them solutions to not be perceived as an inferior race. Always trying to help. :biggrin:

Who are you giving solutions to?
The Black supremacists here who are always complaining.
fyi check the bull ring. Already done that, already won. Jus sayin...
You got a link for that?

You certainly haven’t debated it with me.
No I definitely didn't debate with you. But I did debate with other religious zealots prior to you, using the ancient astronaut theory. And common sense.
I’m not them.
No, you're not them either lol. Just search the debate forum. I just don't want to go into it again right now.

Right now, I'm into how a racist poster is allowed to continue to post here. I got banned for calling him out, but he continues to shovel his shit with free abandon....
I guess my point was that I’m not making the argument they made.
I know you think you're not, but you are. And it will be same result. :)
The only reason ding believes in his religion, is that he was born into it.

If he was born Jewish, or any other religion, he would sing a different story.

He argues not because his religion is right, he argues because it's the one he was born into.
I was born Roman Catholic. And I rejected it at an early age. I studied many religions after that. And, guess what, they're all wrong, believing in false prophets and committing genocide to further their profits and power. Except maybe for Buddhism, or my current favorite, Pantheism.
You got a link for that?

You certainly haven’t debated it with me.
No I definitely didn't debate with you. But I did debate with other religious zealots prior to you, using the ancient astronaut theory. And common sense.
I’m not them.
No, you're not them either lol. Just search the debate forum. I just don't want to go into it again right now.

Right now, I'm into how a racist poster is allowed to continue to post here. I got banned for calling him out, but he continues to shovel his shit with free abandon....
I guess my point was that I’m not making the argument they made.
I know you think you're not, but you are. And it will be same result. :)
The result is that you will be made to look silly for taking such an unbalanced position that religion is evil.

And you know it too. That’s the real reason you don’t want to debate.
You're not my first rodeo ding.... :)
And you are not mine but it really doesn’t have anything to do with us. It has to do with reality and our ability to see reality. If you took the time to argue both sides of the issue you would see what I am saying.
The only reason ding believes in his religion, is that he was born into it.

If he was born Jewish, or any other religion, he would sing a different story.

He argues not because his religion is right, he argues because it's the one he was born into.
No. You don’t know my path.

I believe things because I consider all sides of an issue before I make my decisions.
I was born Roman Catholic. And I rejected it at an early age. I studied many religions after that. And, guess what, they're all wrong, believing in false prophets and committing genocide to further their profits and power. Except maybe for Buddhism, or my current favorite, Pantheism.
I’ve studied all the major religions too. Even a few of the primal ones. I can tell you from my studies that they are more similar than they are dissimilar.

Buddhism is effectively Hinduism without the form. Siddhārtha Gautama was a Hindu reformist. He believed that it had become fettered. Theology, ritual, authority, grace, mystery and tradition are components of religion. He believed they had become overbalanced. Where the form had replaced the meaning. He didn't reject them. He rejected the imbalance. He was a called the rebel child of Hinduism. He asked his followers, "did I ever teach you that God existed?" They said, "no." He asked them, "did I ever teach you that God didn't exist?" They said, "no." He asked them, "did I teach you the world is eternal?" They said, "no." He asked them, "did I teach you the world isn't eternal?" They said, "no." He then asked them, "what have I taught you?" They said, you have taught us suffering and the end of suffering."

He was a rationalist and a moralist. He taught that people should work out their own salvation with diligence. He was not against Hinduism. He was against the corruption which had entered into Hinduism and wanted to get back to what was important in Hinduism. He believed we crave and cling to impermanent states and things which are incapable of satisfying us. Which is very true. We are free to pursue pleasure, wealth, fame and power but none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.

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