Does Isreal build on deeded land for"illegal settelements ?

is everyone proud of you for trolling airport men's rooms for sex with the janitor?

I think you're overestimating his skills....riffling through the lady's room trash cans is more like it.

You must be proud of yourself, sweetheart.

Indeed I am sweetcheeks....I remember our lessons in Kindergarten...
Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - DICK.

Now don't be a dick Marc...k? :D
not as embarrassing as living in newark must be.

i usually take thanksgiving off and feed the homeless.

i'll save some candied yams just for you.

too subtle.

Not that is was actually all that subtle. Gotta take into account the intended audience though.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


It's the thought that counts.
But Newark has some very good Portugese restaurants...

and their mayor is awesome.

mmmmm, forbidden linguica and kale soup. :eusa_drool:

not that i can afford to go out on what i make as a *chat room monitor*, but if i start saving now, i can probably go for thanksgiving.

maybe meet the mayor.


well, if that doesn't work out, there's an IKEA in Elizabeth. I hear they have good Swedish meatballs. :tongue:

Cory Booker actually answers people's tweets to him. I saw someone ask him to get the snow on his mom's street cleaned up last week. He tweeted back that he'd send a crew out to look at the block. I thought that was pretty cool.

that is pretty cool.

if someone asked menino to twitter, i think he'd start doing bird calls.
mmmmm, forbidden linguica and kale soup. :eusa_drool:

not that i can afford to go out on what i make as a *chat room monitor*, but if i start saving now, i can probably go for thanksgiving.

maybe meet the mayor.


well, if that doesn't work out, there's an IKEA in Elizabeth. I hear they have good Swedish meatballs. :tongue:

Cory Booker actually answers people's tweets to him. I saw someone ask him to get the snow on his mom's street cleaned up last week. He tweeted back that he'd send a crew out to look at the block. I thought that was pretty cool.

that is pretty cool.

if someone asked menino to twitter, i think he'd start doing bird calls.

I'm scared. :eek:
Israel has announced the building of 1,600 new homes in east Jerusalem, in a move that threatens to overshadow US Vice-President Joe Biden's visit.

The move has angered Palestinians, whose leaders have only recently agreed to resume contacts with Israel - at Mr Biden's urging.

It is also likely to embarrass the Obama administration, given its timing.

The international community considers East Jerusalem, annexed by Israel in 1967, to be occupied territory.

Building on occupied land is illegal under international law
BBC News - Israel announces East Jerusalem homes as Biden visits
International law:eusa_whistle:
How many "Muslim" countries have colonies in other countries?

And, of course, you sidestepped my questions because you don't know jack about this history.

The ummah, the islamic nation has carved out entire sections of countries.

Interview with firefighters in Sweden’s ‘no go zones’.
[ame=]YouTube - Firemen in Sweden interview[/ame]
TruthTube. tv Muslims Louts Go On Violent Rampage In Oslo Norway.
TheOPINIONATOR: SHOCKER!! Muslim No-Go Areas Harming Community Cohesiveness in Britain
The 751 No-Go Zones of France :: Daniel Pipes
Ramadan Rioting in Europe's No-Go Areas | The Brussels Journal
Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in North America
Israel has announced the building of 1,600 new homes in east Jerusalem, in a move that threatens to overshadow US Vice-President Joe Biden's visit.

The move has angered Palestinians, whose leaders have only recently agreed to resume contacts with Israel - at Mr Biden's urging.

It is also likely to embarrass the Obama administration, given its timing.

The international community considers East Jerusalem, annexed by Israel in 1967, to be occupied territory.

Building on occupied land is illegal under international law
BBC News - Israel announces East Jerusalem homes as Biden visits
International law:eusa_whistle:

Jerusalem is the historic capital of the Jewish people, thus, it is entirely appropriate they build homes there.

You don't even know what occupation is, dildo.

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