Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Just So itā€™s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president.

The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.

Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies?

And if he lies does that bother them?

What are some of the lies that might cause problems?

What are lies that donā€™t bother you at all?
Clearly not given the fact that Republicans lie as much as Trump.
Share some of the lies? Everyone lies. Doesn't bother me at all. Be specific, deantard.
Donald Trump's 25 Worst Lies From His First 200 Days - Vogue

The 25 Most Outrageous, Hilarious, and Ridiculous Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days

Jul 27, 2017 - In honor of President Trump's 200 days in office, a trio of Vogue contributors list his ... The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days.

You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie
Iā€™m pretty sure he believes both and most the time says both or things very similar.
How many do you think voted illegally? We donā€™t know. He threw the number out there as an exaggeration to make a point. When I play hoops, I may say, damn, #23 got like 50 rebounds. He probably got 12 but I said 50 to make a point. It was an obvious exaggeration. Would that make me a liar? I donā€™t think so. Stop being so damn literal. He was trying to make a point.
The actual reported number is in double digits

In your example Trump would be saying he got 3-5 million rebounds

He was specifically questioned about his claim and doubled down on his lie ....he still lies about it today

Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Just So itā€™s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president.

The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.

Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies?

And if he lies does that bother them?

What are some of the lies that might cause problems?

What are lies that donā€™t bother you at all?

The MSM needs to get a hold of this strategy. There's no way the Trump's administration can survive if they play the "Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" card.
Card? Or statement of fact?
How many do you think voted illegally? We donā€™t know. He threw the number out there as an exaggeration to make a point. When I play hoops, I may say, damn, #23 got like 50 rebounds. He probably got 12 but I said 50 to make a point. It was an obvious exaggeration. Would that make me a liar? I donā€™t think so. Stop being so damn literal. He was trying to make a point.
The actual reported number is in double digits

In your example Trump would be saying he got 3-5 million rebounds

He was specifically questioned about his claim and doubled down on his lie ....he still lies about it today

Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Donald Trump's 25 Worst Lies From His First 200 Days - Vogue

The 25 Most Outrageous, Hilarious, and Ridiculous Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days

Jul 27, 2017 - In honor of President Trump's 200 days in office, a trio of Vogue contributors list his ... The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days.

You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie
Iā€™m pretty sure he believes both and most the time says both or things very similar.

Says the Leftist fool who believed Blasey the Liar Ford. LMAO. You have zero credibility, deantard.
The actual reported number is in double digits

In your example Trump would be saying he got 3-5 million rebounds

He was specifically questioned about his claim and doubled down on his lie ....he still lies about it today

Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
And yet if you look up the definition of Cult, they very closely match right wingers. Especially with Trump.
Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
And yet if you look up the definition of Cult, they very closely match right wingers. Especially with Trump.

All cults are bad. Right Wing and your Left Wing. The fact that you see the Right as villains and don't see the same about the extreme left is absolutely mind boggling. You're the problem here deantard, just as much as the hate filled Alt Right. You're equally vile and insane and I will call you out on it every single time. How dare you tell me what to believe and suppress my speech? This isn't the USSR.
You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie
Iā€™m pretty sure he believes both and most the time says both or things very similar.

Says the Leftist fool who believed Blasey the Liar Ford. LMAO. You have zero credibility, deantard.
Only problem with that republican breath is SHE WASN"T LYING
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie
Iā€™m pretty sure he believes both and most the time says both or things very similar.

Says the Leftist fool who believed Blasey the Liar Ford. LMAO. You have zero credibility, deantard.
Only problem with that republican breath is SHE WASN"T LYING

Prove it. Zero corroborating evidence. Your opinion was that she was not and mine is that she was. Opinions cannot be wrong.
By the very definition, a coalition canā€™t be a cult.

Republicans are a cult under Donald Trump.

Democrats are everyone else. A party thatā€™s a coalition.

There is no single leader in the Democratic party. Because itā€™s a party thatā€™s made up a bunch of different groups working together. Thatā€™s a coalition.

And Republicans itā€™s just white people.

I donā€™t understand how you guys can deny that. Itā€™s right there as plain As the white on your face.
What bothers me more is congress is will to reward Mexico and South America will nearly 11 billion dollars and not using that money to build the wall- Congress=Traitors

if slick willy could get impeached over that, then trump is marmalade toast.

lol! listen to all the butt hurt girlie men crying! lmao!


Boo hoo, Trump grabs pussy! Boo hoo my butt hurts.

now you're just trolling, incel.

I'm mimicking you whiny losers.

'cept you really aren't.

if slick willy could get impeached over that, then trump is marmalade toast.

lol! listen to all the butt hurt girlie men crying! lmao!


Boo hoo, Trump grabs pussy! Boo hoo my butt hurts.

now you're just trolling, incel.

I'm mimicking you whiny losers.

'cept you really aren't.

That's right because I'm not a whiny loser.
What bothers me more is congress is will to reward Mexico and South America will nearly 11 billion dollars and not using that money to build the wall- Congress=Traitors
Maybe if Trump gives Mexico an extra 5 billion dollars they can kick some back
Lying spreads, just like any disease.

We know Swalwell and Schiff said there were those who lied to congress but they can't say who because Republicans are in charge......................for now.

So who lies, besides Trump? My best guesses:

Erik Prince
Roger Stone
Donald Trump Jr.
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner

You know there are others.

Who are those "others"?

:desk:steve bannon for one...
Donald Trump's 25 Worst Lies From His First 200 Days - Vogue

The 25 Most Outrageous, Hilarious, and Ridiculous Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days

Jul 27, 2017 - In honor of President Trump's 200 days in office, a trio of Vogue contributors list his ... The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump's First 200 Days.

You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie

If he believes it. Is it a lie? Yes or no? I think you donā€™t understand it.

if a tree falls in the forest & nobody hears it... did it make a sound?


soooooooooo........... whether he believes it or not, matters not. a lie is a lie

is a fucking lie.
if slick willy could get impeached over that, then trump is marmalade toast.
lol! listen to all the butt hurt girlie men crying! lmao!


Boo hoo, Trump grabs pussy! Boo hoo my butt hurts.

now you're just trolling, incel.
I'm mimicking you whiny losers.

'cept you really aren't.
That's right because I'm not a whiny loser.

you are a buttercuppy incel snowflake.
You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You donā€™t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie

If he believes it. Is it a lie? Yes or no? I think you donā€™t understand it.

if a tree falls in the forest & nobody hears it... did it make a sound?


soooooooooo........... whether he believes it or not, matters not. a lie is a lie

is a fucking lie.

If no one saw the tree fall then how do you know it fell? You dumbass Leftist.
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?
If the man truly is dishonest, you make him sound like the only president of our country who has even been guilty of such a thing. In other words, don't go blaming just the student when they do get what they learn from someone else.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


he's evil. you are a christian woman, or so you claim. how can you reCONcile the two?

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