Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

I have no idea but it happened. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Hence your equivalency was false. Damn you're stupid.

nope. there were no WMD. that was a lie. just like trump's 'win' over ISIS.

Don't deflect loser. You stated "Benghazi" in bright red letters. That was a false equivalency because Benghazi did happen. Bush was and is still an idiot. Just like you.

uh-huh. now i'm just reqalizing you don't understand sarcasm, i'll 'slpain it to ya...

that's a common battle cry for rwnjs.... but i guess you didn't get the memo.

or you're just slow....

Nice try again. You know you looked stupid so you played the "sarcasm" card. Not going to work. I despise people on the far right and the far left. To me you're equally stupid. I hope you understand this. I am not here to bash DJT. We can do that if you like. I am here to bash you, a Leftist fool. Not my fault your idiot party nominated a terrible candidate. You lost. Deal with it.

uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Letā€™s test your statement.
Did it? Define sound? How the F do you know? Maybe it was 100% silent. You also cannot read. I am in a war against Leftists. Don't care who is in the WH as long as it is not a Leftist idiot like you.

because that is what happens when a tree falls. unless one is deaf. you seem to be deaf against logic & facts. kinda dumb & blind to them as well. what a dupe.

Nope. If he never saw the tree fall he has no idea what noise you're talking about.

your alternative facts just don't pass the logic test, jr.

Wrong. My point is Trump talks out of his @$$ because he doesn't know. That is not the same thing as lying. F*CK you're dumb.

what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.
The actual reported number is in double digits

In your example Trump would be saying he got 3-5 million rebounds

He was specifically questioned about his claim and doubled down on his lie ....he still lies about it today

Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO
Typical Lefitst. You didnā€™t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
You still donā€™t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?
If the man truly is dishonest, you make him sound like the only president of our country who has even been guilty of such a thing. In other words, don't go blaming just the student when they do get what they learn from someone else.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!

he's evil. you are a christian woman, or so you claim. how can you reCONcile the two?
How do you know that he is truly an evil person? Do you spend every minute of every day with him?

God bless you and him always!!!

Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.

The thing is that unlike Obama, Trump has a long and public track record and never had this hatred directed at him.


Oh shit

Iā€™m talking to Fredo here ......Iā€™m smart, people think Iā€™m stupid but Iā€™m SMART!

Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.
Sorry Skippy but I am not playing your games

I have seen your child like dismissal of evidence on this thread

I am not providing more
Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.
The OP asked what bothers you...ABOUT TRUMP'S LIES.

That you have to obfuscate & prevaricate speaks volumes about you.
Itā€™s true. Occasionally you can get a Republican to admit Trump lies. But itā€™s very difficult. They just donā€™t want to see it.

They voted for this guy thinking he was going to bring them to the land of milk and cookies. Instead heā€™s taking them to bankruptcy court.
Nice try. Don't deflect. We have conversed multiple times on this board and I have made a monkey out of you each and every time. I just did it again.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.
Sorry Skippy but I am not playing your games

I have seen your child like dismissal of evidence on this thread

I am not providing more

That doesnā€™t make any sense. Look if I know I have 3 TVs and you ask me how many I have and I say 4, it is a lie. We agree. If I say, IDK like 4? Itā€™s not a lie. I just Donā€™t know.
Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.
The OP asked what bothers you...ABOUT TRUMP'S LIES.

That you have to obfuscate & prevaricate speaks volumes about you.
Itā€™s true. Occasionally you can get a Republican to admit Trump lies. But itā€™s very difficult. They just donā€™t want to see it.

They voted for this guy thinking he was going to bring them to the land of milk and cookies. Instead heā€™s taking them to bankruptcy court.

How about your lies, deantard? You voted for HRC the worlds buggest liar.
Nice try Fredo

Your inability to differentiate between a boast and an outright lie shows you lack the integrity to comment

You provide the perfect example of the OP
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

You demonstrate the answer is a resounding ...NO

I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.
Sorry Skippy but I am not playing your games

I have seen your child like dismissal of evidence on this thread

I am not providing more

That doesnā€™t make any sense. Look if I know I have 3 TVs and you ask me how many I have and I say 4, it is a lie. We agree. If I say, IDK like 4? Itā€™s not a lie. I just Donā€™t know.
Not even close to what Trump said

Try again
I am still waiting for you to show me his lies.
Your childish reliance on obtuse logic will not work


I asked For a link and you did not provide it either. Still waiting for the lie example.
Sorry Skippy but I am not playing your games

I have seen your child like dismissal of evidence on this thread

I am not providing more

That doesnā€™t make any sense. Look if I know I have 3 TVs and you ask me how many I have and I say 4, it is a lie. We agree. If I say, IDK like 4? Itā€™s not a lie. I just Donā€™t know.
Not even close to what Trump said

Try again

Then show the link. Why are you asking me to prove a negative? Is this Christine Ford?
Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.
The OP asked what bothers you...ABOUT TRUMP'S LIES.

That you have to obfuscate & prevaricate speaks volumes about you.
Itā€™s true. Occasionally you can get a Republican to admit Trump lies. But itā€™s very difficult. They just donā€™t want to see it.

They voted for this guy thinking he was going to bring them to the land of milk and cookies. Instead heā€™s taking them to bankruptcy court.

No, I voted for the guy to stuff the Supreme Court. So far so good.
nope. there were no WMD. that was a lie. just like trump's 'win' over ISIS.

Don't deflect loser. You stated "Benghazi" in bright red letters. That was a false equivalency because Benghazi did happen. Bush was and is still an idiot. Just like you.

uh-huh. now i'm just reqalizing you don't understand sarcasm, i'll 'slpain it to ya...

that's a common battle cry for rwnjs.... but i guess you didn't get the memo.

or you're just slow....

Nice try again. You know you looked stupid so you played the "sarcasm" card. Not going to work. I despise people on the far right and the far left. To me you're equally stupid. I hope you understand this. I am not here to bash DJT. We can do that if you like. I am here to bash you, a Leftist fool. Not my fault your idiot party nominated a terrible candidate. You lost. Deal with it.

uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Letā€™s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?
because that is what happens when a tree falls. unless one is deaf. you seem to be deaf against logic & facts. kinda dumb & blind to them as well. what a dupe.

Nope. If he never saw the tree fall he has no idea what noise you're talking about.

your alternative facts just don't pass the logic test, jr.

Wrong. My point is Trump talks out of his @$$ because he doesn't know. That is not the same thing as lying. F*CK you're dumb.

what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?
If the man truly is dishonest, you make him sound like the only president of our country who has even been guilty of such a thing. In other words, don't go blaming just the student when they do get what they learn from someone else.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!

he's evil. you are a christian woman, or so you claim. how can you reCONcile the two?
How do you know that he is truly an evil person? Do you spend every minute of every day with him?

God bless you and him always!!!


i see what he has done. he has carried out evil deeds. what 'good' has he done?

we are charged with being stewards of the earth.... he has deregulated protections to keep our air & water clean. & he has lifted the ban on killing & importing the bodies of endangered species... like the elephant

he has separated families & put people in cages.

he has just signed an EO that will restrict people from having food stamps.

he gave a trillion dollar tax cut to the upper most uber wealthy & he's taking 800 billion dollars away from the most vulnerable to pay for it.

he wants to strip people of their ability to get health care... that includes innocent little babies that so called 'christians' want to keep from being aborted...

ya.... like i said.... e-v-i-l.

Last edited:
Don't deflect loser. You stated "Benghazi" in bright red letters. That was a false equivalency because Benghazi did happen. Bush was and is still an idiot. Just like you.

uh-huh. now i'm just reqalizing you don't understand sarcasm, i'll 'slpain it to ya...

that's a common battle cry for rwnjs.... but i guess you didn't get the memo.

or you're just slow....

Nice try again. You know you looked stupid so you played the "sarcasm" card. Not going to work. I despise people on the far right and the far left. To me you're equally stupid. I hope you understand this. I am not here to bash DJT. We can do that if you like. I am here to bash you, a Leftist fool. Not my fault your idiot party nominated a terrible candidate. You lost. Deal with it.

uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Letā€™s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.
Nope. If he never saw the tree fall he has no idea what noise you're talking about.

your alternative facts just don't pass the logic test, jr.

Wrong. My point is Trump talks out of his @$$ because he doesn't know. That is not the same thing as lying. F*CK you're dumb.

what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. Youā€™re one astute person....not

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