Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

uh-huh. now i'm just reqalizing you don't understand sarcasm, i'll 'slpain it to ya...

that's a common battle cry for rwnjs.... but i guess you didn't get the memo.

or you're just slow....

Nice try again. You know you looked stupid so you played the "sarcasm" card. Not going to work. I despise people on the far right and the far left. To me you're equally stupid. I hope you understand this. I am not here to bash DJT. We can do that if you like. I am here to bash you, a Leftist fool. Not my fault your idiot party nominated a terrible candidate. You lost. Deal with it.

uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Let’s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.
Nice try again. You know you looked stupid so you played the "sarcasm" card. Not going to work. I despise people on the far right and the far left. To me you're equally stupid. I hope you understand this. I am not here to bash DJT. We can do that if you like. I am here to bash you, a Leftist fool. Not my fault your idiot party nominated a terrible candidate. You lost. Deal with it.

uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Let’s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.
your alternative facts just don't pass the logic test, jr.

Wrong. My point is Trump talks out of his @$$ because he doesn't know. That is not the same thing as lying. F*CK you're dumb.

what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.
Wrong. My point is Trump talks out of his @$$ because he doesn't know. That is not the same thing as lying. F*CK you're dumb.

what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.
uh- i use that expression all the time here, when it applies... which i applied this time. & i am not quite the leftist that you ASSume i am because i disagree with y-o-u.

& that is another fact, jack.

Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Let’s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.
what he knows he lies about & what he doesn't know he lies about.

'i know better than my generals'.

^^^ lie ^^^

How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.
Do you think men should be able to identify as women on a whim? Let’s test your statement.

uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.
How can an opinion be a lie? That is his opinion.

his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.
uh.... what? wanna clarify wtf you are talking about?

Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.

then you should have clarified & expanded wtf you were talking about. that's what adults do. but i see why you didn't.

yes, he can 'identify' as a woman, psychologically. does that mean he is biologically female? no. now, how will you spin that false equivalency into an analogy to fit your diatribe?
his opinion is obviously a lie. all it means is that he is whacked.

He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.
Do you not speak English? You know what I mean.

yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.

then you should have clarified & expanded wtf you were talking about. that's what adults do. but i see why you didn't.

yes, he can 'identify' as a woman, psychologically. does that mean he is biologically female? no. now, how will you spin that false equivalency into an analogy to fit your diatribe?

Thank you. Proves my point. You’re a Leftist.
He may be whacked and or uninformed. Not arguing that. I am Arguing whether or not he is a liar. You’re one astute person....not

lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.

You want to die on the hill defending deantard. That’s on you.
yes. & nope- have no idea




you are talking about.

Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.

then you should have clarified & expanded wtf you were talking about. that's what adults do. but i see why you didn't.

yes, he can 'identify' as a woman, psychologically. does that mean he is biologically female? no. now, how will you spin that false equivalency into an analogy to fit your diatribe?

Thank you. Proves my point. You’re a Leftist.

tell that to the log cabin republicans.
lol... he calls it truthful hyperbole.

in other words... colorful lies.

Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.

You want to die on the hill defending deantard. That’s on you.

oh just get off the stage, drama queen. there will be no oscar for you.
Then you’re an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.

it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.

then you should have clarified & expanded wtf you were talking about. that's what adults do. but i see why you didn't.

yes, he can 'identify' as a woman, psychologically. does that mean he is biologically female? no. now, how will you spin that false equivalency into an analogy to fit your diatribe?

Thank you. Proves my point. You’re a Leftist.

tell that to the log cabin republicans.

Whatever dumb Leftist. All set with you.
Who is he? You’re off your meds again I see.

he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.

You want to die on the hill defending deantard. That’s on you.

oh just get off the stage, drama queen. there will be no oscar for you.

You’re the drama queen. Identifying as a man or a woman today? Which is it?
What would lefties do without the tax exempt Media Matters? If President Trump claimed a figure, any figure like ten million and the real number came out to nine million 999,999 Media Matters would spin it and claim it's a lie and give it to the buzz head crazies to slurp up like pablum. Presidents are entitled to exaggerations and errors. Didn't Barry Hussein claim that there were something like fifty three states? The DOW is still high and the GDP is still higher in two years than it was in the last eight years and the Country is still relatively safe but the crazy angry left needs their daily dose of outrage and they can find it in left wing blogs.
Obama didn't have to BS America by giving an unneeded tax cut like trump did That's the only reason the DOW went up and now you see the whole story of the morons cut Up 5 off 800 Market like a yo yo
Say what? The DOW went up because of a "unneeded" tax cut? Obviously the tax cut was needed. The GDP never hit 4% for the first time in modern history during the eight years of the Obama administration but it hit 4.2 in the first year of the Trump admin. Is that a bad thing?
Tax cut was needed?

Dow is lower than when the cut was made
GDP went over 4 percent several times while Obama was president
The GDP spiked for a month or two during the Hussein administration but it was the only time in (modern) history that an administration could not hit 4% in a yearly average. Trump knocked it over the fence in his first year. You almost gotta laugh at lefties who secretly whine about taxes just like the rest of us but claim that tax breaks "weren't necessary". What a bunch of fools.
What would lefties do without the tax exempt Media Matters? If President Trump claimed a figure, any figure like ten million and the real number came out to nine million 999,999 Media Matters would spin it and claim it's a lie and give it to the buzz head crazies to slurp up like pablum. Presidents are entitled to exaggerations and errors. Didn't Barry Hussein claim that there were something like fifty three states? The DOW is still high and the GDP is still higher in two years than it was in the last eight years and the Country is still relatively safe but the crazy angry left needs their daily dose of outrage and they can find it in left wing blogs.
Obama didn't have to BS America by giving an unneeded tax cut like trump did That's the only reason the DOW went up and now you see the whole story of the morons cut Up 5 off 800 Market like a yo yo
Say what? The DOW went up because of a "unneeded" tax cut? Obviously the tax cut was needed. The GDP never hit 4% for the first time in modern history during the eight years of the Obama administration but it hit 4.2 in the first year of the Trump admin. Is that a bad thing?
Tax cut was needed?

Dow is lower than when the cut was made
GDP went over 4 percent several times while Obama was president
The GDP spiked for a month or two during the Hussein administration but it was the only time in (modern) history that an administration could not hit 4% in a yearly average. Trump knocked it over the fence in his first year. You almost gotta laugh at lefties who secretly whine about taxes just like the rest of us but claim that tax breaks "weren't necessary". What a bunch of fools.
YOU gd pissant Obama was handed an economy that republicants fed up so don't give out any of your republican bs in belittling obama
it means you are talking gibberish. & probably means you don't know either.

I know exactly what it means. I ll clarify since you’re dumb. Can a biological man identify as a woman? Yes or no? Seems simple. Even for an idiot like you.

then you should have clarified & expanded wtf you were talking about. that's what adults do. but i see why you didn't.

yes, he can 'identify' as a woman, psychologically. does that mean he is biologically female? no. now, how will you spin that false equivalency into an analogy to fit your diatribe?

Thank you. Proves my point. You’re a Leftist.

tell that to the log cabin republicans.

Whatever dumb Leftist. All set with you.

just cause you say it doesn't make it true. you & trump have that in common.
he is trump. the subject of the thread. 'off my meds'? is that the best you can do - pull out some over used 1/2 witted attempt at an insult? please.... you are an amateur.

Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.

You want to die on the hill defending deantard. That’s on you.

oh just get off the stage, drama queen. there will be no oscar for you.

You’re the drama queen. Identifying as a man or a woman today? Which is it?

lol... what? that makes no sense & whatever point you are trying to make is a big fail, jr.

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