Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.

That’s not what he asked.
He asked if it bothers you that trump lies.

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When did Trump lie? I only heard you lie like everyday. Liberals are the biggest liars in the universe.
So videotape was posted of trump lying. Can you still pretend he doesn’t lie?
fake news, traitor.

The reason why trump doesn't go to christmas parties...

jesus gets more attention.

Trump, Christmas, and Jesus.
The GDP spiked for a month or two during the Hussein administration but it was the only time in (modern) history that an administration could not hit 4% in a yearly average. Trump knocked it over the fence in his first year. You almost gotta laugh at lefties who secretly whine about taxes just like the rest of us but claim that tax breaks "weren't necessary". What a bunch of fools

Good points but failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's GDP never reached an annual average of 3%. That's why the Fed. kept their interest rate at basically ZERO for his entire term.

Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Just So it’s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president.

The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.

Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies?

And if he lies does that bother them?

What are some of the lies that might cause problems?

What are lies that don’t bother you at all?

Do you believe that the President of the United States must be totally honest, 100%, in every public utterance? Why or why not?

Which lies have affected the lives of average Americans the most? Obama or Trump?

Pinocchio Obama’s Top 20 presidential lies
December 18, 2013 | John R. Smith

President Barack Obama seems to be setting a record among U.S. presidents. But it’s a record he’d rather keep secret. In this era of ubiquitous cameras capturing everything, Obama may have set a new record for presidential lies.

Turns out Obama is a man of empty pledges and unkept promises. Yet mainstream media sympathizers or accomplices , with their “nothing to report here” treatment of Obama, have largely let him get away with a stream of lies and broken promises by diverting attention to other events, or whitewashing them.

Let’s take a stroll down Obama’s liar lane and see what we find:

– “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay.” Still open.

– “If we have not gotten our troops out [of Iraq] by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.” Didn’t happen.

– “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Instead, the national debt increased $5 trillion on his watch.

– “As soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means.” Huh?

– “We agree on reforms that will reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.”

– “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country.” Later, Obama admitted his own lie, saying, “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

– “We reject the use of national security … to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

– We “will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”

– We “will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year.”

– “We are going to work with you to lower your [health care] premiums by $2,500,” and we’ll “do it by the end of my first term as president.”

– “I don’t take a dime of their [lobbyists’] money, and when I am president, they won’t find a job in my White House.” In fact, Obama granted waivers at will, and more than a dozen lobbyists got jobs in the Obama administration.

– “I pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” But Obama has ignored the constitutional amendment granting powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states.

– “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” The truth is that the White House proposed an “automatic sequester” on July 12, 2011.

– “I didn’t set a red line [in Syria].” And yet, at a prior news conference, using unscripted language in a statement, he said, “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around.”

– “It’s here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” After Obama’s administration gave the company $535 million, Solyndra and its solar panels went belly up.

– To Israel, “We have not only made sure that they [Iran] have to stop adding additional centrifuges, we’ve also said that they’ve got to roll back their 20 percent advanced enrichment … down to zero.” In fact, the deal allows Iran uranium enrichment of 5 percent.

– “Eighty percent of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the [debt ceiling] deal.” However, that same week, a poll by Rasmussen showed only 34 percent supported a tax hike as part of the deal.

– In 2006: “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.” But as president, Obama has led the charge each year to increase America’s debt.

– And, let’s not forget PolitiFact’s 2013 Lie Of The Year: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what. … You can keep your family doctor.”

Love Obama or detest him, the evidence mounts that millions of Americans don’t know the man who is their president.

Pinocchio Obama’s Top 20 presidential lies

Before you start ranting, please keep in mind that President Trump still has six years to fulfill his campaign promises and President Obama's term is already past.
The actual reported number is in double digits

In your example Trump would be saying he got 3-5 million rebounds

He was specifically questioned about his claim and doubled down on his lie ....he still lies about it today

Typical Lefitst. You didn’t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still don’t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
I am an active European citizen.
You still don’t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
And yet if you look up the definition of Cult, they very closely match right wingers. Especially with Trump.

All cults are bad. Right Wing and your Left Wing. The fact that you see the Right as villains and don't see the same about the extreme left is absolutely mind boggling. You're the problem here deantard, just as much as the hate filled Alt Right. You're equally vile and insane and I will call you out on it every single time. How dare you tell me what to believe and suppress my speech? This isn't the USSR.
You do not appear to see the difference between the left and the extreme left, which leaves you less intelligent than most of the leftists I know.
So destroying wildlife and the environment is necessary? Why is that necessary? Don’t we live in the environment?

How? Where?

all you have to do is look it up. any time you want to educate yourself - you can google & research. don't be so lazy.... key in ' air water deregulations trump ' & there are a slew of credible legit sites that you can read & learn.

or you can choose to stay the poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable that trump loves long time.
I have a question for those who follow Trump
I would like an honest answer

When you listen to a Trump speech and he starts spouting facts and there a voice in your head that says....He is probably making this up
I have a question for those who follow Trump
I would like an honest answer

When you listen to a Trump speech and he starts spouting facts and there a voice in your head that says....He is probably making this up

Trump is not a professional politician, which means that he is not a professional liar.
Trump's lie are more like mistakes or casual conversation.
He is still better than Hillary and Obama.
I have noticed that the Press never scrutinizes Democrat Politician lies.
I have noticed that the Press spins and lies 24/7 for the Democrats.

I have a question for those who follow Trump
I would like an honest answer

When you listen to a Trump speech and he starts spouting facts and there a voice in your head that says....He is probably making this up

Trump is not a professional politician, which means that he is not a professional liar.
Trump's lie are more like mistakes or casual conversation.
He is still better than Hillary and Obama.
I have noticed that the Press never scrutinizes Democrat Politician lies.
I have noticed that the Press spins and lies 24/7 for the Democrats.

View attachment 236158
Thanks for your honest reply

You don’t believe what Trump tells you
Did I hit a nerve? Need a safe space? I am Challenging the OP of this thread.

lol... that's quite the methane bubble you are wrapped in.

You want to die on the hill defending deantard. That’s on you.

oh just get off the stage, drama queen. there will be no oscar for you.

You’re the drama queen. Identifying as a man or a woman today? Which is it?

lol... what? that makes no sense & whatever point you are trying to make is a big fail, jr.

Again basic English escapes you. Dumbass.
Typical Lefitst. You didn’t answer me. If I said I played really well and got like a million rebounds would you call me a liar or understand that I was exaggerating to make a point. For us to have a conversation you actually need to answer me.

You still don’t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
I am an active European citizen.

Great so you’re part of a caliphate? Europe is basically becoming the Middle East 2.0
Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
And yet if you look up the definition of Cult, they very closely match right wingers. Especially with Trump.

All cults are bad. Right Wing and your Left Wing. The fact that you see the Right as villains and don't see the same about the extreme left is absolutely mind boggling. You're the problem here deantard, just as much as the hate filled Alt Right. You're equally vile and insane and I will call you out on it every single time. How dare you tell me what to believe and suppress my speech? This isn't the USSR.
You do not appear to see the difference between the left and the extreme left, which leaves you less intelligent than most of the leftists I know.

Proof. Show it. Or shut your dumbass Islamist mouth.
I have a question for those who follow Trump
I would like an honest answer

When you listen to a Trump speech and he starts spouting facts and there a voice in your head that says....He is probably making this up

Trump is not a professional politician, which means that he is not a professional liar.
Trump's lie are more like mistakes or casual conversation.
He is still better than Hillary and Obama.
I have noticed that the Press never scrutinizes Democrat Politician lies.
I have noticed that the Press spins and lies 24/7 for the Democrats.

View attachment 236158


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You still don’t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
I am an active European citizen.

Great so you’re part of a caliphate? Europe is basically becoming the Middle East 2.0
You still don’t understand hyperbole

When you say you got a million rebounds it is understood that is a hyperbole and it is not to be taken literally

When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes and then claims he really won the popular vote because HIllary had between 3 and 5 million illegal people vote for her......that is a lie

Do you have a link or video of this. Because I bet he said, "I am told there were 3-5 mil illegal votes". Or something like that. I know EXACTLY what hyperbole is. Don't twist this around, Leftist. There is not one Leftist in the world. NOT ONE. That is smarter than moi. I am sure, you and the rest of your idiot cronies would see that statement as a lie as well. However, an opinion cannot be wrong or a lie. And this is mine.

I'll wait for the link. Lets see if Leftists can use Google.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
I am an active European citizen.

Great so you’re part of a caliphate? Europe is basically becoming the Middle East 2.0
More ignorance from you.
From where I sit, it looks like most Leftists are smarter than you.

Where is that? On a couch in front of your TV eating chips and getting fatter? I am less a Trump supporter and more of an anti Leftist because Leftists are a dangerous cult. If Trump is renting space in your empty head I will support him just for that reason. Keep eating, fatty.
And yet if you look up the definition of Cult, they very closely match right wingers. Especially with Trump.

All cults are bad. Right Wing and your Left Wing. The fact that you see the Right as villains and don't see the same about the extreme left is absolutely mind boggling. You're the problem here deantard, just as much as the hate filled Alt Right. You're equally vile and insane and I will call you out on it every single time. How dare you tell me what to believe and suppress my speech? This isn't the USSR.
You do not appear to see the difference between the left and the extreme left, which leaves you less intelligent than most of the leftists I know.

Proof. Show it. Or shut your dumbass Islamist mouth.
You show it for me right here in black and white where everyone can see it.
I have a question for those who follow Trump
I would like an honest answer

When you listen to a Trump speech and he starts spouting facts and there a voice in your head that says....He is probably making this up
He doesn't make shit up, he repeats what others told him assuming they spoke the truth.
It's not that the white wing cares about Trump lying, they feel YOU shouldn't care.

You propganda tool, Obama made 80% of bush jr tax cuts premant how many times do we have to go over it?

He revoked the tax cuts where they mattered most
On the wealthy

And that slowed down the recovery..

No, actually Republican austerity slowed the recovery

For studying fly habits?


No idea what you are babbling about

Probably because your a paid troll

You call those lies? LOL...seem to be just statements without proof. Like me stating you're a moron. Doesn't make me a liar.
Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election.According to the president, between 3 and 5 million fraudulent voteswere cast in the 2016 election.

Blatant lie

If he believed that was true it is not a lie. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain that you. If you want to argue that he blurts stuff out without proof, I'll agree with you. He is the king of hyperbole. But that is not the same as lying. Do you understand what I am typing here? F*CK.
You don’t understand hyperbole

If Trump says.......I am the greatest President of all time
That is hyperbole

If he says 3 to 5 million historians say I am the greatest President of all time
That is a lie

If he believes it. Is it a lie? Yes or no? I think you don’t understand it.

He has no basis to believe 3-5 million voted illegal

Unless you are claiming he is a raging lunatic living in a fantasy world ...he is a liar

So, which is it?
He is freak’n crazy or a liar

Did the states release their voting data?


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