Does it Ring a Bell? Op-Ed: Jews are Excluded from European Universities. Does it Ring a Bell?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Insidious, but more and more pervasive and lethal, is the academic boycott.

The case of Orange, the French mobile phone company that is considering abandoning the Israeli market, was on the front pages of all major newspapers. But there is a silent boycott of the Jewish State which is more insidious, latent and even more dangerous because it undermines Israel's cultural superiority and cuts Israel's link with the rest of the world.

Seaford did it by sending the following motivation: "Alas, I am unable to accept your kind invitation, for reasons that you may not like. I have, along with many other British academics, signed the academic boycott of Israel, in the face of the brutal and illegal expansionism and the ethnic cleansing being practiced by your government

This case is reminiscent of the Oxford pathologist, Andrew Wilkie, who declined a doctoral application from a student of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tel Aviv, Amit Duvshani, with these words: "Thank you for contacting me, but I don't think this would work. I have a huge problem with the way that the Israelis take the moral high ground from their appalling treatment in the Holocaust, and then inflict gross human rights abuses on the Palestinians because the (the Palestinians) wish to live in their own country. I am sure that you are perfectly nice at a personal level, but no way would I take on somebody who had served in the Israeli army. As you may be aware, I am not the only UK scientist with these views but I'm sure you will find another suitable lab if you look around".

Students and teachers are banned from European universities just because they are Israeli Jews. Ring a bell?

Jews are Excluded from European Universities. Does it Ring a Bell - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

undermines Israel's cultural superiority,

gee could that be your problem , thinking your so culturally superior? Now and then you have to look in the mirror and see the real you, not some bloated view of your head. But Zionist love the attention even if its negative. Anti Semitism is a Zionist friend as it gives you power to try and make everyone else look bad.
Insidious, but more and more pervasive and lethal, is the academic boycott.

The case of Orange, the French mobile phone company that is considering abandoning the Israeli market, was on the front pages of all major newspapers. But there is a silent boycott of the Jewish State which is more insidious, latent and even more dangerous because it undermines Israel's cultural superiority and cuts Israel's link with the rest of the world.

Seaford did it by sending the following motivation: "Alas, I am unable to accept your kind invitation, for reasons that you may not like. I have, along with many other British academics, signed the academic boycott of Israel, in the face of the brutal and illegal expansionism and the ethnic cleansing being practiced by your government

This case is reminiscent of the Oxford pathologist, Andrew Wilkie, who declined a doctoral application from a student of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tel Aviv, Amit Duvshani, with these words: "Thank you for contacting me, but I don't think this would work. I have a huge problem with the way that the Israelis take the moral high ground from their appalling treatment in the Holocaust, and then inflict gross human rights abuses on the Palestinians because the (the Palestinians) wish to live in their own country. I am sure that you are perfectly nice at a personal level, but no way would I take on somebody who had served in the Israeli army. As you may be aware, I am not the only UK scientist with these views but I'm sure you will find another suitable lab if you look around".

Students and teachers are banned from European universities just because they are Israeli Jews. Ring a bell?

Jews are Excluded from European Universities. Does it Ring a Bell - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

undermines Israel's cultural superiority,

gee could that be your problem , thinking your so culturally superior? Now and then you have to look in the mirror and see the real you, not some bloated view of your head. But Zionist love the attention even if its negative. Anti Semitism is a Zionist friend as it gives you power to try and make everyone else look bad.
What is the ethnic cleansing about?
Perfectly understandable. Jews wreck the grade curves. :)

Oh the , they are jealous thinking. they are envious of our greatness. See that wrote a lot , how us non Israelites are just so jealous. Believe me , that is not true.
Insidious, but more and more pervasive and lethal, is the academic boycott.

The case of Orange, the French mobile phone company that is considering abandoning the Israeli market, was on the front pages of all major newspapers. But there is a silent boycott of the Jewish State which is more insidious, latent and even more dangerous because it undermines Israel's cultural superiority and cuts Israel's link with the rest of the world.

Seaford did it by sending the following motivation: "Alas, I am unable to accept your kind invitation, for reasons that you may not like. I have, along with many other British academics, signed the academic boycott of Israel, in the face of the brutal and illegal expansionism and the ethnic cleansing being practiced by your government

This case is reminiscent of the Oxford pathologist, Andrew Wilkie, who declined a doctoral application from a student of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tel Aviv, Amit Duvshani, with these words: "Thank you for contacting me, but I don't think this would work. I have a huge problem with the way that the Israelis take the moral high ground from their appalling treatment in the Holocaust, and then inflict gross human rights abuses on the Palestinians because the (the Palestinians) wish to live in their own country. I am sure that you are perfectly nice at a personal level, but no way would I take on somebody who had served in the Israeli army. As you may be aware, I am not the only UK scientist with these views but I'm sure you will find another suitable lab if you look around".

Students and teachers are banned from European universities just because they are Israeli Jews. Ring a bell?

Jews are Excluded from European Universities. Does it Ring a Bell - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

undermines Israel's cultural superiority,

gee could that be your problem , thinking your so culturally superior? Now and then you have to look in the mirror and see the real you, not some bloated view of your head. But Zionist love the attention even if its negative. Anti Semitism is a Zionist friend as it gives you power to try and make everyone else look bad.

Would not be allowed under current anti racism laws in Europe, so I am calling you out
Love how smug Euroweenies love to lecture the world when they are prime cesspool and disappearing before their own eyes but cant admit it
The "Euroweenies" are disappearing like Americans are. It is just your racism that believes non-white Europeans are not Europeans. The European population is growing like the U.S. population. In both cases the growth is mostly among the non-Europeans through immigration and natural increase.
The Arab Muslim invaders of Europe should be more worried about their own future as an integral part of Europe than the Jews.

Report reveals rising Islamophobia in Europe - Daily Sabah

A report entitled "Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism in Europe", published by the International Center for Watching Violation of Rights (UHİM), has revealed the rising xenophobia against Muslims in Europe.

The Brief Rising Religious Tensions in Western Europe
The Arab Muslim invaders of Europe should be more worried about their own future as an integral part of Europe than the Jews.

Report reveals rising Islamophobia in Europe - Daily Sabah

A report entitled "Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism in Europe", published by the International Center for Watching Violation of Rights (UHİM), has revealed the rising xenophobia against Muslims in Europe.

The Brief Rising Religious Tensions in Western Europe

Europeans support Palestinians, as you well know. And Palestinians are Christians too.
Riiight. Just remember when you go to Italy don't tell them you converted to Islam, as they're one of the wise countries that have officially banned Islam as an official religion. Good for the Italians. :clap2: Now if Israel, U.S., and many European countries followed suit....
Islam is banned as an official religion in Italy. Vast majority of Palestinians Muslims, and they are ruled by Islamist savages.

2 + 2 does not equal to 5. LOL.
Yeah sure that's why they banned Islam as an official religion.

Take a hike Jew hater.
The Arab Muslim invaders of Europe should be more worried about their own future as an integral part of Europe than the Jews.

Report reveals rising Islamophobia in Europe - Daily Sabah

A report entitled "Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism in Europe", published by the International Center for Watching Violation of Rights (UHİM), has revealed the rising xenophobia against Muslims in Europe.

The Brief Rising Religious Tensions in Western Europe

Europeans support Palestinians, as you well know. And Palestinians are Christians too.
It is not just that is because the ABOMINABLE treatment the Jews/Zionists have treated the Palestinians since the inception of Zionism and the Israeli State,the Slaughtering and Stealing of Palestinians/Palestinian Land.....Europeans are Cultured,they see Israel as completely the opposite.steve
The Arab Muslim invaders of Europe should be more worried about their own future as an integral part of Europe than the Jews.

Report reveals rising Islamophobia in Europe - Daily Sabah

A report entitled "Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism in Europe", published by the International Center for Watching Violation of Rights (UHİM), has revealed the rising xenophobia against Muslims in Europe.

The Brief Rising Religious Tensions in Western Europe

Europeans support Palestinians, as you well know. And Palestinians are Christians too.

No only the left wing governments support Palestine, the people are against islamonazi terrorism. Just look at the fall out after the Charlie Hebdo murders. If you want more evidence just look at the recent elections in the UK where the people spoke out against the muslim enablers and kicked them into a secondary role.
The Arab Muslim invaders of Europe should be more worried about their own future as an integral part of Europe than the Jews.

Report reveals rising Islamophobia in Europe - Daily Sabah

A report entitled "Hatred, Islamophobia and Racism in Europe", published by the International Center for Watching Violation of Rights (UHİM), has revealed the rising xenophobia against Muslims in Europe.

The Brief Rising Religious Tensions in Western Europe

Europeans support Palestinians, as you well know. And Palestinians are Christians too.
It is not just that is because the ABOMINABLE treatment the Jews/Zionists have treated the Palestinians since the inception of Zionism and the Israeli State,the Slaughtering and Stealing of Palestinians/Palestinian Land.....Europeans are Cultured,they see Israel as completely the opposite.steve

Since the inception of Zionism how many Christians has islam mass murdered as opposed to how many the Jews have mass murdered. Then look at Hindu's, Sikhs and Jews for the truth on who is treating other abominably. Start with the Armeniam genocide and go on to the genocides in India

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