Does it suprise anyone? Thanks Italy! :(


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
nycflasher said:
What are you talking about?

psst...Italy paid-off some terrorists to release a couple chicks...
-=d=- said:
psst...Italy paid-off some terrorists to release a couple chicks...

And that image you posted has to do with what?
I'm sure that Silvio was just worried that they wouldn't be back in time to do his laundry and make him dinner.
nycflasher said:
And that image you posted has to do with what?
I'm sure that Silvio was just worried that they wouldn't be back in time to do his laundry and make him dinner.

See, Terrorists would likely want a weak, indecisive leader of their greatest enemy - one who pledges "Any attack would be met with an equal or greater counter-attack" instead of a STRONG leader who says "We'll kill you before you get the chance to hurt us".
-=d=- said:
See, Terrorists would likely want a weak, indecisive leader of their greatest enemy - one who pledges "Any attack would be met with an equal or greater counter-attack" instead of a STRONG leader who says "We'll kill you before you get the chance to hurt us".

I could care less what the terrorists want. And Kerry wants them crushed just as bad as Bush. We already blew the chance to kill them before they hurt us--um, 9/11-- due in large part to intelligence failures.
-=d=- said:
See, Terrorists would likely want a weak, indecisive leader of their greatest enemy - one who pledges "Any attack would be met with an equal or greater counter-attack" instead of a STRONG leader who says "We'll kill you before you get the chance to hurt us".

Another thought: The argument could easily be made that the terrorists want Bush to remain in power because of the rift he has caused in the International community, to put it lightly. But, again, that's if you have the time our interest to spend thinking about what the terrorists want versus what we the people want.
nycflasher said:
Another thought: The argument could easily be made that the terrorists want Bush to remain in power because of the rift he has caused in the International community, to put it lightly. But, again, that's if you have the time our interest to spend thinking about what the terrorists want versus what we the people want.

can you please show me proof that Kerry will unite the whole world and fight terrorists.You libs think Kerry is some kind of great god that once he becomes prez he 's gonna solve every problem we have because the rest of the world don't like republicans...get a clue the rest of the world is jealous of the USA and always will be no matter what party is in power.On 9-11 the first images of al-Quaida I saw were a couple of terrorists shooting at pictures of Bill Clinton.So to them it doesn't matter who's in office a republican or democrat.
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duke said:
can you please show me proof that Kerry will unite the whole world and fight terrorists.
No. Campaign promises are campaign promises. I can't prove that George Bush won't be shot in the face, either. Kerry has volunteered to fight for his country in the past, however.

duke said:
You libs think Kerry is some kind of great god that once he becomes prez he 's gonna solve every problem we have because the rest of the world don't like republicans...get a clue the rest of the world is jealous of the USA and always will be no matter what party is in power.
I don't think that Kerry is God-like or the panacea and I could care less what the rest of the world likes. he is my choice for president. Jealousy? What the heck does that have to do with our Presidential election? Get a clue? Okay, oh wise one. :cuckoo:

duke said:
On 9-11 the first images of al-Quaida I saw were a couple of terrorists shooting at pictures of Bill Clinton.So to them it doesn't matter who's in office a republican or democrat.
And they don't get to vote, do they? :whip:
I think you just made my point. I was wondering why you quoted me.
nycflasher said:
Another thought: The argument could easily be made that the terrorists want Bush to remain in power because of the rift he has caused in the International community, to put it lightly. But, again, that's if you have the time our interest to spend thinking about what the terrorists want versus what we the people want.

That argument could be made - but it's a retarded argument.

Let's put it in a way you would understand... As a homo, who would YOU want in charge - the guy who wants to kill all your kind, or the guy who feels you could 'talk it out'?
-=d=- said:
That argument could be made - but it's a retarded argument.

Let's put it in a way you would understand... As a homo, who would YOU want in charge - the guy who wants to kill all your kind, or the guy who feels you could 'talk it out'?

If I knew what you were talking about, I'd respond. I'm a retarded fag?
Whatever you say, bro. Go back to swilling the Natty Ice and let the big boys and girls talk.

I mean, I'd be happy to discuss this with you, but I thougt the point of this board was to discuss issues and ideas not insult eachother?
-=d=- said:
That argument could be made - but it's a retarded argument.

Let's put it in a way you would understand... As a homo, who would YOU want in charge - the guy who wants to kill all your kind, or the guy who feels you could 'talk it out'?

Should I say; spoken like a true Republican?
I wonder if they would claim you?
nycflasher said:
If I knew what you were talking about, I'd respond. I'm a retarded fag?
Whatever you say, bro. Go back to swilling the Natty Ice and let the big boys and girls talk.

I mean, I'd be happy to discuss this with you, but I thougt the point of this board was to discuss issues and ideas not insult eachother?

I'm not trying to be insulting; I picked an example and used it to illustrate my point. No offense intended.

The argument that terrorist would want GWB re-elected IS a 'retarded' argument.
-=d=- said:
I'm not trying to be insulting; I picked an example and used it to illustrate my point. No offense intended.

The argument that terrorist would want GWB re-elected IS a 'retarded' argument.

You're the worst kind of ignorant asshole, dude. Can't even stand behind your insults? :dunno:

You spend way too much time thinking about who the terrorists want elected. They don't get to vote, so it doesn't matter.

If you're trying to illustrate a point I suggest using a pencil in the future as I imagine it will take you several drafts until you convince ANYONE of ANYTHING.

Have a good night.
krisy said:
i also saw on the news today that these two girls thanked "the irai resistance'. i don't like the sound of that. they almost sound to me like they enjoyed their stay with the terrorists. :bat:

Well ,let's just be happy their lives were spared, while so many others aren't as fortunate.

Thanking them, though? That is a little much. How about thanking whoever secured your release.
nycflasher said:
Another thought: The argument could easily be made that the terrorists want Bush to remain in power because of the rift he has caused in the International community, to put it lightly. But, again, that's if you have the time our interest to spend thinking about what the terrorists want versus what we the people want.

Your joking right? Kerry will create an even bigger rift between the international community. I mean he has already offended PM Allawi, all of our coalition of the "bribed and coerced", has his sister trying to influence Austrialia elections for the people who want to pull out of our coalition. Exactly how will Kerry unite the International community when he has already offended everyone who is with us and everyone who isnt has already said they wont join us if Kerry is President?
nycflasher said:
No. Campaign promises are campaign promises. I can't prove that George Bush won't be shot in the face, either. Kerry has volunteered to fight for his country in the past, however.

So has President Bush. So what? You think that simply because Bush's unit wasnt sent into combat he didnt volunteer?

nycflasher said:
I don't think that Kerry is God-like or the panacea and I could care less what the rest of the world likes. he is my choice for president. Jealousy? What the heck does that have to do with our Presidential election? Get a clue? Okay, oh wise one. :cuckoo:

Wait let me get this straight, you candidate is running on the promise that he can get more international involvement for Iraq. That is his main campaign promise. You are on Bush's ass for not getting sufficient International involvement, although i dont know how many nations you expected to get involved, yet you dont care if Kerry is well liked in other nations? Yet you expect Republicans to care whether President Bush is well liked? Now you are using our argument on Who cares what the rest of the world thinks about the President? wow you are all over the place today.

im glad you dont think Kerry is god-like. i dont think he is either.

nycflasher said:
And they don't get to vote, do they? :whip:
I think you just made my point. I was wondering why you quoted me.

Nope they dont. hence why it makes no sense that liberals think we care if the world hates President Bush as long as he does a good job. Which he has done.
nycflasher said:
You're the worst kind of ignorant asshole, dude. Can't even stand behind your insults? :dunno:

You spend way too much time thinking about who the terrorists want elected. They don't get to vote, so it doesn't matter.

If you're trying to illustrate a point I suggest using a pencil in the future as I imagine it will take you several drafts until you convince ANYONE of ANYTHING.

Have a good night.

He didnt insult you. He asked a question: If you had to choose between someone who wanted to kill all gays for President or someone who only wanted to talk you out of it, which would you prefer?

Now put yourself in the mindset of the terrorist. do you want someone who wanted to kill all terrorists in power or someone who wants to talk you out of it?

How is that an insult?

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