Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

Amen! I have much more proof of the existence of Santa - and he delivers!
There is plenty of evidence for the existence of a Creator, which is why Plato, Aristotle and so many Greek philosophers switched from polytheism to monotheism.

That you are an ignorant Nazi doesnt prove anything other than you are an ignorant Nazi.

Fine, then give us some proof. Any proof.

I'll list my proof that God exists right after you list your proof that gays are born gay, how is that? Science hater.

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection. Thanks for playing...

Or, you could answer the question.

Start your own fucking thread - then maybe I will.
It boggles my mind how any sane person could honestly believe everything was created only 6,000 years ago - by an invisible Sky Daddy. Holy shit...
Wait you claim to be guys worship wolves and eagles....stfu

HA HA HA!!!!!!


Yeah, sit around smoking dope, dancing and praying to birds and snakes. Yeah, that's teal sane.

Wendigo - Flesheater of the Forest.

He just makes it too easy, I feel like I'm beating up a retard.....
There is plenty of evidence for the existence of a Creator, which is why Plato, Aristotle and so many Greek philosophers switched from polytheism to monotheism.

That you are an ignorant Nazi doesnt prove anything other than you are an ignorant Nazi.

Fine, then give us some proof. Any proof.

I'll list my proof that God exists right after you list your proof that gays are born gay, how is that? Science hater.

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection. Thanks for playing...

Or, you could answer the question.

Start your own fucking thread - then maybe I will.

Lakhota can't, he has no original thought, if it's not in huff post, he has nothing.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...
There is plenty of evidence for the existence of a Creator, which is why Plato, Aristotle and so many Greek philosophers switched from polytheism to monotheism.

That you are an ignorant Nazi doesnt prove anything other than you are an ignorant Nazi.

Fine, then give us some proof. Any proof.

I'll list my proof that God exists right after you list your proof that gays are born gay, how is that? Science hater.

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection. Thanks for playing...

Or, you could answer the question.

Start your own fucking thread - then maybe I will.

Ouch. Hit a nerve Pocahontas?
There is plenty of evidence for the existence of a Creator, which is why Plato, Aristotle and so many Greek philosophers switched from polytheism to monotheism.

That you are an ignorant Nazi doesnt prove anything other than you are an ignorant Nazi.

Fine, then give us some proof. Any proof.

I'll list my proof that God exists right after you list your proof that gays are born gay, how is that? Science hater.

Aw, the ole NaziCon deflection. Thanks for playing...

Or, you could answer the question.

Start your own fucking thread - then maybe I will.

No you won't you'd come with some other excuse as to why you're ignoring science is valid but others isn't. In other words, you'd be a typical partisan shit bag.
He had trouble answering a question on the topic in 2009.

While it’s anyone’s guess what presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump thinks about evolution, his rumored running mate apparently doesn’t think it’s real.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), whom Trump has allegedly selected to be his vice presidential running mate, struggled to answer questions about evolution during a 2009 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. At the time, Pence was a congressman representing Indiana’s 6th District.

Matthews repeatedly asked if he believed in evolution, which the scientific community widely accepts as fact. Pence would not outright answer the question, but implied that he instead subscribes to creationism.

MATTHEWS: Okay, you want to educate the American people about science and its relevance today. Do you believe in evolution, sir?

PENCE: Do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them.

MATTHEWS: Right. But do you believe in evolution as the way he did it?

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

Pence has stayed silent on the topic since then, and his office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment on his current views.

Trump has also not made his views on the issue clear. While most of his rivals during the GOP primary either flatly rejected evolution or claimed they didn’t have the scientific knowledge to make that call, Trump has been silent on what he believes.

A debate prep memo penned by ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone ahead of the first GOP debate last year, however, coached Trump to say he “believes in both” creationism and evolution if asked.

Mike Pence Apparently Doesn't Believe In Evolution

Trump and Pence will be forced to address these questions - and give straight answers!
Have you ever seen anyone who looks like more of a dick than Dick Chaney?
Pence like the backwards republican party is a lot more like Iran every day!

We're nothing like Iran you retard. I've been to iran several times and let me tell you , the average person on the street would literally kill for half the freedoms you take for granted each and every day.

You fucking idiot.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

They can believe what they wish, but it needs to stay out of our government.

Wrong, there is ZERO in our COTUS which prevents someone who believes in God from serving in public office. In fact suggesting that there should be directly advocates violating the First Amendment.

What a bunch of morons.

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