Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

They can believe what they wish, but it needs to stay out of our government.

Exactly. But this also includes people who believe there is no God.

Aw, so now you're playing the ole "prove a negative" game. I also don't believe that trees grow upside down - because I've never seen any proof that they do.

Are you morons really arguing that there should be a religious litmus test for politicians? Yes it seems you are. what a bunch of morons

No, nor do we want to be governed by any delusional religious nuts who wear Jesus on their sleeve and try to govern us accordingly.

Nor do we want to governed by some jackwad with no sense of purpose beyond himself.
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit persona freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!

Well do you like pedophilia? Beastiality? Human sacrifice? Polygamy? Necropolis?

All things illegal because of those religious nutjobs....
He had trouble answering a question on the topic in 2009.

While it’s anyone’s guess what presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump thinks about evolution, his rumored running mate apparently doesn’t think it’s real.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), whom Trump has allegedly selected to be his vice presidential running mate, struggled to answer questions about evolution during a 2009 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. At the time, Pence was a congressman representing Indiana’s 6th District.

Matthews repeatedly asked if he believed in evolution, which the scientific community widely accepts as fact. Pence would not outright answer the question, but implied that he instead subscribes to creationism.

MATTHEWS: Okay, you want to educate the American people about science and its relevance today. Do you believe in evolution, sir?

PENCE: Do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them.

MATTHEWS: Right. But do you believe in evolution as the way he did it?

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

Pence has stayed silent on the topic since then, and his office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment on his current views.

Trump has also not made his views on the issue clear. While most of his rivals during the GOP primary either flatly rejected evolution or claimed they didn’t have the scientific knowledge to make that call, Trump has been silent on what he believes.

A debate prep memo penned by ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone ahead of the first GOP debate last year, however, coached Trump to say he “believes in both” creationism and evolution if asked.

Mike Pence Apparently Doesn't Believe In Evolution

Trump and Pence will be forced to address these questions - and give straight answers!
Have you ever seen anyone who looks like more of a dick than Dick Chaney?

Bill Clinton
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!
No. You really want less personal freedoms. You only support the narrow minded freedoms you agree with.
Mike Pence is like Ronald Reagan. He claims to support the Bible in order to win the heartland and South. Very few people with a solid college degree support creationism.

Politicians prey on the stupid.

Republicans prey on the stupid and backwards of our society.

Democrats prey on the ignorant and gullible.

And that is why they want everyone educated and thinking for themseves. Oh'lol! You on the otherhand want everyone to live by your narrow standards.

I do? How do you come to that conclusion?

Well, before the printing press the church controlled what one believed based on ones ability to read the bible. After the printing press more people started to read and question teh church. The fact that our educational system teaches everyone to at least read at a basic level = most people are far more likely to question such extreme beliefs. So one can think for themselves.

Of course, when you get your way people won't have this in the future.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

Wow that is quite the confession coming from someone who pretends to be Lakota. Wow just wow.

Apparently the name Wakan Tanka means nothing to you.

The Great Spirit provides spiritual comfort to ancient people. I'm an Atheist who believes in the collective energy of the known universe and beyond. Maybe that is the Great Spirit...
Mike Pence is like Ronald Reagan. He claims to support the Bible in order to win the heartland and South. Very few people with a solid college degree support creationism.

Politicians prey on the stupid.

Republicans prey on the stupid and backwards of our society.

Democrats prey on the ignorant and gullible.

And that is why they want everyone educated and thinking for themseves. Oh'lol! You on the otherhand want everyone to live by your narrow standards.

I do? How do you come to that conclusion?

Well, before the printing press the church controlled what one believed based on ones ability to read the bible. After the printing press more people started to read and question teh church. The fact that our educational system teaches everyone to at least read at a basic level = most people are far more likely to question such extreme beliefs. So one can think for themselves.

Of course, when you get your way people won't have this in the future.

My way? What is my way? What on Earth are you talking about?
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

Wow that is quite the confession coming from someone who pretends to be Lakota. Wow just wow.

Apparently the name Wakan Tanka means nothing to you.

The Great Spirit provides spiritual comfort to ancient people. I'm an Atheist who believes in the collective energy of the known universe and beyond. Maybe that is the Great Spirit...

The collective energy of the known universe and beyond.

That's rich.
Creationism? Holy shit. Anyone who believe in Creationism should not even be near the White House - let alone Vice President of the United States.
We had one religious nutter as prez we we don't need another as VP

Religious fanatics want people to switch off their own minds, ignore the evidence, and blindly follow a holy book based upon private 'revelation'. Richard Dawkins

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I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!
No. You really want less personal freedoms. You only support the narrow minded freedoms you agree with.

So you agree with what Turkey is doing because a majority of its people want a religious government? Or say Iraq or maybe even one day Britain? I am against religion at the government level as it is illogical and never results in good things for humanity.

I want to legalize drugs
I want to give people more freedoms.
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!

If you want to suck lakhotas dick, who's stopping you?
Uh oh.....this is going to leave a mark....that and kill this thread.

Barack Obama In 2008: Bible’s Account Of God Creating Earth ‘Essentially True’

Barack Obama In 2008: Bible's Account Of God Creating Earth 'Essentially True' (VIDEO)

Funny. So now you're quoting Obama on religion. Do you believe him?

I'm a Christian you befuddled buffoon, the point is your boy believes it so why are you hating on Pence for believing it? Your thread just got blown out of the water. You can't hate on one and not the other
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!

If you want to suck lakhotas dick, who's stopping you?

Do you kiss anyone with that mouth?
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!
No. You really want less personal freedoms. You only support the narrow minded freedoms you agree with.

So you agree with what Turkey is doing because a majority of its people want a religious government? Or say Iraq or maybe even one day Britain? I am against religion at the government level as it is illogical and never results in good things for humanity.

I want to legalize drugs
I want to give people more freedoms.

Ding ding ding.......its out, it not about science for Matt, he just wants to toke it up without cop I see the light!!!!!!!!!
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It is not surprising a politician cannot openly state Yahweh and the other nonsense in the Old and New Testament is complete and total bullshit. Too many people are not ready for that truth. Plus that kind of thinking makes religious based things like "Israel" (the zionist regime) which Pence supports, actually nothing be a racist, xenophobic, supremacist state. So the way it establishment is set up, the Bible has to be believe in one way or another, otherwise there is no basis for middle east policy.

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