Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

Pence like the backwards republican party is a lot more like Iran every day!

We're nothing like Iran you retard. I've been to iran several times and let me tell you , the average person on the street would literally kill for half the freedoms you take for granted each and every day.

You fucking idiot.

Well, fucking idiot,

If your party had its way we'd be moving in that direction.
He had trouble answering a question on the topic in 2009.

While it’s anyone’s guess what presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump thinks about evolution, his rumored running mate apparently doesn’t think it’s real.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), whom Trump has allegedly selected to be his vice presidential running mate, struggled to answer questions about evolution during a 2009 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. At the time, Pence was a congressman representing Indiana’s 6th District.

Matthews repeatedly asked if he believed in evolution, which the scientific community widely accepts as fact. Pence would not outright answer the question, but implied that he instead subscribes to creationism.

MATTHEWS: Okay, you want to educate the American people about science and its relevance today. Do you believe in evolution, sir?

PENCE: Do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them.

MATTHEWS: Right. But do you believe in evolution as the way he did it?

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

Pence has stayed silent on the topic since then, and his office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment on his current views.

Trump has also not made his views on the issue clear. While most of his rivals during the GOP primary either flatly rejected evolution or claimed they didn’t have the scientific knowledge to make that call, Trump has been silent on what he believes.

A debate prep memo penned by ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone ahead of the first GOP debate last year, however, coached Trump to say he “believes in both” creationism and evolution if asked.

Mike Pence Apparently Doesn't Believe In Evolution

Trump and Pence will be forced to address these questions - and give straight answers!

and that is relevant because .................................?

Pence like the backwards republican party is a lot more like Iran every day!

We're nothing like Iran you retard. I've been to iran several times and let me tell you , the average person on the street would literally kill for half the freedoms you take for granted each and every day.

You fucking idiot.

Well, fucking idiot,

If your party had its way we'd be moving in that direction.

Nobody wants to move in that direction.
Pence like the backwards republican party is a lot more like Iran every day!

We're nothing like Iran you retard. I've been to iran several times and let me tell you , the average person on the street would literally kill for half the freedoms you take for granted each and every day.

You fucking idiot.

Well, fucking idiot,

If your party had its way we'd be moving in that direction.

A) My party?
B) You're retarded
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

They can believe what they wish, but it needs to stay out of our government.

Exactly. But this also includes people who believe there is no God.

Aw, so now you're playing the ole "prove a negative" game. I also don't believe that trees grow upside down - because I've never seen any proof that they do.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

Since noone cared the first time, you put it in by and bigger never have a fact

I mean you believe In eagles.....or even better some atom just blew up randomly....yeah that's a good one.
Creationism? Holy shit. Anyone who believe in Creationism should not even be near the White House - let alone Vice President of the United States.

Hey lakhota how did the universe start?

Probaby from the big bang,. This is down right iranian! Just say no to doing what Turkey has been doing in America.

What caused the big bang?

Lakota and Matthew and their stable mates are constantly deride people of faith. Call them stupid and uneducated.

But there is no greater leap of faith than everything we see is nothing but a lucky coincidence.

No greater leap of faith than having the faith in the teaching of a 19th century musings of a hack who preached about the survival of the fittest, while he could not survive without the support of his rich family.

There is no greater leap of faith than believing that life started in some premordial sludge, but unable to reproduce it.

There is no greater leap of faith than assuming that things just happen helter skelter without design.

There is nothing more uneducated and stupid than accusing others whom you disagree with, the same.

There is nothing more despicable than not realizing that you and your ideas are NOT all there is to life.

There is nothing more stupid than not realizing that there is someone or something better than you, someone or something you are too stupid and too conceited to even comprehend.

So, tell me when are you going to create a new life? Is it going to be before or after destruction of a new life by the next abortion you so love?
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

They can believe what they wish, but it needs to stay out of our government.

Exactly. But this also includes people who believe there is no God.

Aw, so now you're playing the ole "prove a negative" game. I also don't believe that trees grow upside down - because I've never seen any proof that they do.

Are you morons really arguing that there should be a religious litmus test for politicians? Yes it seems you are. what a bunch of morons
Mike Pence is like Ronald Reagan. He claims to support the Bible in order to win the heartland and South. Very few people with a solid college degree support creationism.

Politicians prey on the stupid.

Republicans prey on the stupid and backwards of our society.

Democrats prey on the ignorant and gullible.

And that is why they want everyone educated and thinking for themseves. Oh'lol! You on the otherhand want everyone to live by your narrow standards.
Mike Pence is like Ronald Reagan. He claims to support the Bible in order to win the heartland and South. Very few people with a solid college degree support creationism.

Politicians prey on the stupid.

Republicans prey on the stupid and backwards of our society.

Democrats prey on the ignorant and gullible.

And that is why they want everyone educated and thinking for themseves. Oh'lol! You on the otherhand want everyone to live by your narrow standards.

I do? How do you come to that conclusion?
I urge you all, if you ant to see the government the left wants, watch the Twilight Zone episode "The Obsolete Man".

It's 50 years old, yet still chilling.

lol, you're the one wanting government that is so limited that it can't do anything the people want it to do. You're the one wanting everyone being a prude and to limit personal freedoms on a cultural level. I want more freedom!
Pence like the backwards republican party is a lot more like Iran every day!

Matt, I know lots of Christian scientists.......but keep following the progressive science crowd, the ones who thought eugenics was real science
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

They can believe what they wish, but it needs to stay out of our government.

Exactly. But this also includes people who believe there is no God.

Aw, so now you're playing the ole "prove a negative" game. I also don't believe that trees grow upside down - because I've never seen any proof that they do.

Are you morons really arguing that there should be a religious litmus test for politicians? Yes it seems you are. what a bunch of morons

No, nor do we want to be governed by any delusional religious nuts who wear Jesus on their sleeve and try to govern us accordingly.
Look, it's a simple fact: Religious nuts have no "credible" proof of the existence of any supernatural Sky Daddy. That is a simple fact. Face it...

Wow that is quite the confession coming from someone who pretends to be Lakota. Wow just wow.

Apparently the name Wakan Tanka means nothing to you.
Mike Pence is like Ronald Reagan. He claims to support the Bible in order to win the heartland and South. Very few people with a solid college degree support creationism.

Politicians prey on the stupid.

Republicans prey on the stupid and backwards of our society.

Democrats prey on the ignorant and gullible.

And that is why they want everyone educated and thinking for themseves. Oh'lol! You on the otherhand want everyone to live by your narrow standards.

You do realize that thinking for yourself may well lead to one believing in God.

Then what?


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