Does Mike Pence believe in evolution? Apparently not...

He had trouble answering a question on the topic in 2009.

While it’s anyone’s guess what presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump thinks about evolution, his rumored running mate apparently doesn’t think it’s real.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), whom Trump has allegedly selected to be his vice presidential running mate, struggled to answer questions about evolution during a 2009 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. At the time, Pence was a congressman representing Indiana’s 6th District.

Matthews repeatedly asked if he believed in evolution, which the scientific community widely accepts as fact. Pence would not outright answer the question, but implied that he instead subscribes to creationism.

MATTHEWS: Okay, you want to educate the American people about science and its relevance today. Do you believe in evolution, sir?

PENCE: Do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them.

MATTHEWS: Right. But do you believe in evolution as the way he did it?

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

Pence has stayed silent on the topic since then, and his office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment on his current views.

Trump has also not made his views on the issue clear. While most of his rivals during the GOP primary either flatly rejected evolution or claimed they didn’t have the scientific knowledge to make that call, Trump has been silent on what he believes.

A debate prep memo penned by ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone ahead of the first GOP debate last year, however, coached Trump to say he “believes in both” creationism and evolution if asked.

Mike Pence Apparently Doesn't Believe In Evolution

Trump and Pence will be forced to address these questions - and give straight answers!
Have you ever seen anyone who looks like more of a dick than Dick Chaney?

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton had somewhere around 74% approval rating in 1998.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton Presidential Job Approval


You just hated him as you do all Democrats.
He had trouble answering a question on the topic in 2009.

While it’s anyone’s guess what presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump thinks about evolution, his rumored running mate apparently doesn’t think it’s real.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), whom Trump has allegedly selected to be his vice presidential running mate, struggled to answer questions about evolution during a 2009 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. At the time, Pence was a congressman representing Indiana’s 6th District.

Matthews repeatedly asked if he believed in evolution, which the scientific community widely accepts as fact. Pence would not outright answer the question, but implied that he instead subscribes to creationism.

MATTHEWS: Okay, you want to educate the American people about science and its relevance today. Do you believe in evolution, sir?

PENCE: Do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them.

MATTHEWS: Right. But do you believe in evolution as the way he did it?

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

Pence has stayed silent on the topic since then, and his office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment on his current views.

Trump has also not made his views on the issue clear. While most of his rivals during the GOP primary either flatly rejected evolution or claimed they didn’t have the scientific knowledge to make that call, Trump has been silent on what he believes.

A debate prep memo penned by ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone ahead of the first GOP debate last year, however, coached Trump to say he “believes in both” creationism and evolution if asked.

Mike Pence Apparently Doesn't Believe In Evolution

Trump and Pence will be forced to address these questions - and give straight answers!
Have you ever seen anyone who looks like more of a dick than Dick Chaney?

Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton had somewhere around 74% approval rating in 1998.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton Presidential Job Approval


You just hated him as you do all Democrats.

Nah.. I voted for him second term. I just thought as President, he set a very poor example.
As someone who's third eye has been thoroughly squeegeed during long, grueling sessions of the most potent psychedelic known to man, I can say that there is a God, or a supreme higher power. Unfortunately, we can't actually grasp this higher power or prove it, but we can get glimpses of it in certain altered states of consciousness.

I am not a 'creationist,' but I don't necessarily have that much of a problem with them being elected officials. And let's not kid ourselves, virtually all conservatives are creationists. They are free to believe as they wish...after all, even Francis Crick who discovered DNA (after ingesting LSD, incidentally) said that it would've been impossible for DNA to have evolved spontaneously within such a short period of time. There is a shit ton of science that confirms evolution, and I am a believer myself, but there are a few holes that remain unexplained. We'll get there eventually.

What I do have a problem with are elected officials using their beliefs as justification for job decisions. That's some scary shit.
It boggles my mind how any sane person could honestly believe everything was created only 6,000 years ago - by an invisible Sky Daddy. Holy shit...

There is a valid scientific explanation, but it would be wasted on you non-believing pissants.
Hey lakhota how did the universe start?

Probaby from the big bang,. This is down right iranian! Just say no to doing what Turkey has been doing in America.

What caused the big bang?

Probably either the otherside of a black hole or another universe hitting with the universe parallel to it.

Probably? So, you have no idea.

Thanks for sharing.

And there's no evidence for this god you want to force on everyone.

No force involved, just an offer of everlasting life.
Probaby from the big bang,. This is down right iranian! Just say no to doing what Turkey has been doing in America.

What caused the big bang?

Probably either the otherside of a black hole or another universe hitting with the universe parallel to it.

Probably? So, you have no idea.

Thanks for sharing.

And there's no evidence for this god you want to force on everyone.

No force involved, just an offer of everlasting life.

Delco batteries made me the same offer. That was a lie, too.
Hillary lied and people died. She traded self respect for political power by spending her entire sorry adult life justifying her husband's abuse of women. The FBI made a strong case that she committed several felonies in her negligent use of E-mail and the freaking left worries whether Gov Pence believes in freaking evolution.
Hillary lied and people died. She traded self respect for political power by spending her entire sorry adult life justifying her husband's abuse of women. The FBI made a strong case that she committed several felonies in her negligent use of E-mail and the freaking left worries whether Gov Pence believes in freaking evolution.

Don't leave out her murdering Vince Foster....
Hillary lied and people died. She traded self respect for political power by spending her entire sorry adult life justifying her husband's abuse of women. The FBI made a strong case that she committed several felonies in her negligent use of E-mail and the freaking left worries whether Gov Pence believes in freaking evolution.

Don't leave out her murdering Vince Foster....

I doubt she did it herself...but she knows who did
Creationism? Holy shit. Anyone who believe in Creationism should not even be near the White House - let alone Vice President of the United States.
We had one religious nutter as prez we we don't need another as VP

Religious fanatics want people to switch off their own minds, ignore the evidence, and blindly follow a holy book based upon private 'revelation'. Richard Dawkins

Nope, I never ran into anyone who wants you to do that. But to be a liberal it would certainly help.
What caused the big bang?

Probably either the otherside of a black hole or another universe hitting with the universe parallel to it.

Probably? So, you have no idea.

Thanks for sharing.

And there's no evidence for this god you want to force on everyone.

No force involved, just an offer of everlasting life.

Delco batteries made me the same offer. That was a lie, too.

That's what you get for putting o much faith in a battery company.
Great...another anti-science idiot. Is Indiana a breeding ground for them or something?

Ohh look, Shortbus is lying.

PENCE: The means, Chris, that he used to do that, I can’t say. But I do believe in that fundamental truth.

He said nothing against evolution, you shit fer brains commie. IN fact said that might be the method his god used for creation.

Hey, you Commies are stupid, and you're liars, but at least you're reprehensible scumbags!

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