Does no one care about Dr. Laura? She's leaving radio!

Oh the left is HAPPY she is leaving..heck ya, the HELL with all those people who called in to her show for advice all these years.

as long the lefties get to celebrate and believe they have WON SUMTHING OR SUMTHING.:eusa_shhh:

what a lying trashmouth you've become steffie-baby. you freaks are still celebrating that dan rather got set up.

she earned what she got.

no one has to tolerate racist idiots.

lol, oh the "TWO" cases are soooooo comparable Jilly dear.
:cuckoo::lol: - Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more - ABC News


"niggar!" "niggar!" "niggar!"
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.

Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word.

" ******

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"

Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.
Her 15 min is loooong gone.

But to tell the truth, she had the total right to say what she was actually more of a question.
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As I don't listen to here, it makes very little difference to me. The few times I've heard her show, she gave a some common sense advice wrapped in a shrill and offensive delivery. Very tiresome very quickly.
Oh the left is HAPPY she is leaving..heck ya, the HELL with all those people who called in to her show for advice all these years.

as long the lefties get to celebrate and believe they have WON SUMTHING OR SUMTHING.:eusa_shhh:
She brought it on herself. And how funny...after years of preaching about personal responsibility she has none herself.
Funny how she thinks her right to free speach means she can say whatever she wants and no one can disagree with her or her speach has been infringed.

That is not what the constitution gurantees
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.

Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word.

" ******

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"

Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.
I tell you what...if you find a black radio therapist who tells a white person to quit being sensitive about racial insults from her husband's family and friends and starts shouting cracker, you'll have a point.
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.

Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word.

" ******

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"

Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.
I tell you what...if you find a black radio therapist who tells a white person to quit being sensitive about racial insults from her husband's family and friends and starts shouting cracker, you'll have a point.
:lol: good point.

Of course it's only a word, but did Laura get so angry at the black woman as if the one black woman was responsible for some blacks using the 'n; word?

The poor lady called in for help and she got berated and yelled at by Dr. Laura.
Dr Laura is a nasty bitch and I've hated her since the beginning of time.

But in Europe "the n word" is not forbidden or even shunned nor is the word fag.

They laugh at our "so called" freedom of speech.
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.
Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word." ******
a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"
Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.
I tell you what...if you find a black radio therapist who tells a white person to quit being sensitive about racial insults from her husband's family and friends and starts shouting cracker, you'll have a point.
:lol: good point.

Of course it's only a word, but did Laura get so angry at the black woman as if the one black woman was responsible for some blacks using the 'n; word?

The poor lady called in for help and she got berated and yelled at by Dr. Laura.

that is not a race thing. Dr Laura berates everyone who calls in for help.
I tell you what...if you find a black radio therapist who tells a white person to quit being sensitive about racial insults from her husband's family and friends and starts shouting cracker, you'll have a point.
:lol: good point.

Of course it's only a word, but did Laura get so angry at the black woman as if the one black woman was responsible for some blacks using the 'n; word?

The poor lady called in for help and she got berated and yelled at by Dr. Laura.

that is not a race thing. Dr Laura berates everyone who calls in for help.
Berating a black woman who calls in about racist relatives and using the word '******' to do so is beyond what Laura normally does.

But why was she so angry that black people use the word?

Does she want to do it too?

She did. There are no laws against using the word or any word in the USA (like there are in Europe). Laura used the word and public opinion went against her.

It's all about greed and self delusion. Laura is concerned about money and a delusion of reputation
Oh the left is HAPPY she is leaving..heck ya, the HELL with all those people who called in to her show for advice all these years.

as long the lefties get to celebrate and believe they have WON SUMTHING OR SUMTHING.:eusa_shhh:

I feel sorry for those nuts who called this"doctor' for advise. They really do need help and listening to her on this call...she treats her callers with vitriol and hate.

I am so glad she if gone. Seriously...woohoo. i hope "Jade" gets help but there is one thing positive she can take for all this....its because of her call this horrible "doctor" is off the air. I applaud Jade.
I tell you what...if you find a black radio therapist who tells a white person to quit being sensitive about racial insults from her husband's family and friends and starts shouting cracker, you'll have a point.
:lol: good point.

Of course it's only a word, but did Laura get so angry at the black woman as if the one black woman was responsible for some blacks using the 'n; word?

The poor lady called in for help and she got berated and yelled at by Dr. Laura.

that is not a race thing. Dr Laura berates everyone who calls in for help.

You sig is off sir..

"The sheriff is a ******."~ Blazing Saddles

Thats not exzctly the way it went down....what he said was, the shriff is a neeeeeeaaaarrrrr. :lol:
Oh the left is HAPPY she is leaving..heck ya, the HELL with all those people who called in to her show for advice all these years.

as long the lefties get to celebrate and believe they have WON SUMTHING OR SUMTHING.:eusa_shhh:

what a lying trashmouth you've become steffie-baby. you freaks are still celebrating that dan rather got set up.

she earned what she got.

no one has to tolerate racist idiots.

Well, in here they get rep points. :cool:
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.

Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word.

" ******

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"

Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.

Dear sir, who the fuck says cracker?

I am black and the last time I heard this was on a jefferson's rerun. Seriously..

And the N word is not the issue, the issue was this woman called and said she was being berated in her own home and her response was ....get a sense of humor and to not marry outside her race.

Can you respond to this specifically?
I can't believe she was able to "practice" her quack psychology as long as she has been. She has a degree in PHYSIOLOGY--not psychiatry or even psychology. Anyone else who did this in an office would be arrested for fraud. I don't know what the difference is, but it is interesting that so many conservatives have embraced this woman who took another man from his wife, didn't know that her mother was rotting away dead in her condo--and more importantly didn't care. She decided to be an Orthodox Jew and then she got upset with them and is no longer a Jew--she is nothing if not just plain pathetic. They should have jailed this fraud a long time ago.
Shame on the Good Doctor. We all know that white people aren't permitted to use the N word. Why, if you say that you must be a racist; if you are white, that is.

Grow some thicker skins. It's only a word.

" ******

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "******" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*"

Urban Dictionary: ******

Racism is simply stupid.

Dear sir, who the fuck says cracker?

I am black and the last time I heard this was on a jefferson's rerun. Seriously..

And the N word is not the issue, the issue was this woman called and said she was being berated in her own home and her response was ....get a sense of humor and to not marry outside her race.

Can you respond to this specifically?

Specifically, if this woman who is in a mixed marriage has married a racist and his family are racists she has more problems than you, I, or Dr Laura can solve. There are 4 mixed race marriages in my immediate family, none of us have ever had this problem.

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