Does Pelosi have Any Exit Strategy?

The bill has been there all along. Just sitting on the Turtle's desk. The same bill the last Republican Senate passed.

Spineless Mitch knows this Republican Senate would pass it, too. Then Lyin' Donald would be forced to veto it or cave.

It's all on the Turtle and the Toad.

O did the same thing during the 2013 shutdown. You conveniently forgot .
You could have just said, "Number 1". Looks like my answers weren't flawed after all, eh?

You know, I think all your answers are right. Thanks G!!!!
regardless which party says no if Trump doesnt get his way its obstruction ....

Quit obstructing is her only option.

how many times has Trump shut down the government?

So far, 5 times less than Ronald Reagan did.

Good ole Ronny, tried 8 times but just couldn't keep the beast shutdown. :p
A total of five days.

A total of 14 days, 8 different occasions.

1987 12/18 to 12/20 - 1 day
1986 10/16 to 10/18 - 1 day
1984 10/3 to 10/5 - 1 day
1984 9/30 to 10/3 - 2 days
1983 11/10 to 11/14 - 3 days
1982 12/17 to 12/21 - 3 days
1982 9/30 to 10/2 - 1 day
1981 11/20 to 11/23 - 2 days

You Go Boi!
still, not a valid comparison imo. Reagan never refused to compromise. It's a disgrace to compare Trump to Reagan.
regardless which party says no if Trump doesnt get his way its obstruction ....

Well, no one should even try to dispute that McConnell is sitting it out because Trump's word is worthless. McConnell's plainly said that he will not play any role in negotiation until Trump makes the deal.
Trump is seeing an uptick in his polling number Pelosi has two low grade revolts going on in her caucus.

The Ds from Red and swing districts can cross the aisle if the pressure from constituents becomes too great. The lack of income during the shut down means that houses do not sell in the northeast Washington-Boston corridor right now. This is mainly due to many buyers having no or low income during the shutdown. The left wing of the party wants Pelosi to do something about it.

If Pelosi continues one or the other wing of the D caucus will set up a separate caucus or cross the aisle in either case she is effectively toast. Since Trump cannot get reelected if he caves on the wall Pelosi can't win so why has she painted herself into a corner like this?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
Trump is seeing an uptick in his polling number Pelosi has two low grade revolts going on in her caucus.

The Ds from Red and swing districts can cross the aisle if the pressure from constituents becomes too great. The lack of income during the shut down means that houses do not sell in the northeast Washington-Boston corridor right now. This is mainly due to many buyers having no or low income during the shutdown. The left wing of the party wants Pelosi to do something about it.

If Pelosi continues one or the other wing of the D caucus will set up a separate caucus or cross the aisle in either case she is effectively toast. Since Trump cannot get reelected if he caves on the wall Pelosi can't win so why has she painted herself into a corner like this?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.

But yet, here's pelosi and schumer yoking the rope around their own necks.
Quit obstructing is her only option.

how many times has Trump shut down the government?

So far, 5 times less than Ronald Reagan did.

Good ole Ronny, tried 8 times but just couldn't keep the beast shutdown. :p
A total of five days.

A total of 14 days, 8 different occasions.

1987 12/18 to 12/20 - 1 day
1986 10/16 to 10/18 - 1 day
1984 10/3 to 10/5 - 1 day
1984 9/30 to 10/3 - 2 days
1983 11/10 to 11/14 - 3 days
1982 12/17 to 12/21 - 3 days
1982 9/30 to 10/2 - 1 day
1981 11/20 to 11/23 - 2 days

You Go Boi!
still, not a valid comparison imo. Reagan never refused to compromise. It's a disgrace to compare Trump to Reagan.

What don't you understand about numbers and how mine were accurate and yours were not?

Do you often find that facts confuse you so much that you forgot what the original question was? :cool:
how many times has Trump shut down the government?

So far, 5 times less than Ronald Reagan did.

Good ole Ronny, tried 8 times but just couldn't keep the beast shutdown. :p
A total of five days.

A total of 14 days, 8 different occasions.

1987 12/18 to 12/20 - 1 day
1986 10/16 to 10/18 - 1 day
1984 10/3 to 10/5 - 1 day
1984 9/30 to 10/3 - 2 days
1983 11/10 to 11/14 - 3 days
1982 12/17 to 12/21 - 3 days
1982 9/30 to 10/2 - 1 day
1981 11/20 to 11/23 - 2 days

You Go Boi!
still, not a valid comparison imo. Reagan never refused to compromise. It's a disgrace to compare Trump to Reagan.

What don't you understand about numbers and how mine were accurate and yours were not?

Do you often find that facts confuse you so much that you forgot what the original question was? :cool:

How dare you compare reagan.......after he asked you to.
Trump is seeing an uptick in his polling number Pelosi has two low grade revolts going on in her caucus.

The Ds from Red and swing districts can cross the aisle if the pressure from constituents becomes too great. The lack of income during the shut down means that houses do not sell in the northeast Washington-Boston corridor right now. This is mainly due to many buyers having no or low income during the shutdown. The left wing of the party wants Pelosi to do something about it.

If Pelosi continues one or the other wing of the D caucus will set up a separate caucus or cross the aisle in either case she is effectively toast. Since Trump cannot get reelected if he caves on the wall Pelosi can't win so why has she painted herself into a corner like this?

Exit strategy? For what?
Trying to reopen the govt?
A very hard line will play well with Trump's base.
Just no one else.

The democrats have a Constitutional position. There is no express wall building clause and Government should Not be shut down for any Implied power.
I disagree with your legal analysis of the constitution. There is an express "Take Care" clause in Article 2, Section 3.

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States."

That would include taking care that our immigration laws are faithfully executed by BUILDING A FUCKING WALL!

Regardless, the Democrats have a constitutional remedy to the shutdown. They may not have the votes to do it their way. Thus, they are stuck.

What laws? There is no express wall building clause or immigration clause and Government should Not be shut down for any Implied power.

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