Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

Since Indiana Republicans passed their anti-union “right-to-work” bill and Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) signed it into law, this should make the Indianapolis Super Bowl a little more interesting this weekend.

Yep, the mind numbed union thugs will probably be out in force ruining what could be a good time for the rest of the country.

A bunch of whiney little girls.
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

It leads to a balanced wage and benefits.

unions; everyone gets the same, no matter if they are hard or efficient workers.

right to work; The best workers get the best, the crappy ones get laid off or fired. The company can then thrive, expand and hire more people.

MY Union: Everyone gets the same wages and benefits through collective bargaining. DEFINITELY higher than non-union. Nobody gets raises or fired based on who he or she knows or who they're related to. Everyone pulls their share. If someone is a slacker we (union members) get rid of him or the company does since contract does not allow for slackers.

RW: Wages come through begging, who he or she is related to or whose ass they kiss. Can be fired at will and for no reason, even to make room for boss's nephew (I've seen it). Wages dependent on what the company wishes to pay at the time.

As opposed to a union environment that just bleeds the company until there's nothing left to bleed, then watches it go under.

I said it was from the Census Bureau. You've heard of them, right?

Ranked from Highest to Lowest Using 3-Year-Average Medians

If the average annual wage is high, but the number of jobs is decreasing, then the median wage means little.

Is there a study that shows the number of jobs over time in the heavily unionized states vs. the more right to work states?

That is the argument. Unionization may increase individuals' income, but the thinking is that the increase of the individual income results in a higher cost to the employer and lesser value of the finished product eroding competitiveness and ultimately eliminating the jobs.

Those who support unionism are usually the same folks who rant about the race to the bottom.

Having no jobs is the quickest route to that destination.
Funny, how you guys claim to be pro choice until it comes to unions. And then you should be compelled to be part of the union.

I am personally all for increasing incentives to produce, to increase the rights of workers to choose for themselves whether they want to be in the Union or not. I like businesses being able to lay off employees who can't carry their weight.

The fact is we need to do all we can to get the corruption out of our lives. Unfortunately, many unions have corrupted American society, much as some corporations have corrupted it.

does that include older workers who no longer can keep the pace they did when they were 20 years old?.....

It's usually not even a matter of whether or not they can keep pace. Much cheaper for a company to lay off an older worker before they can collect a pension and then hire some kid they can lay off when he gets closer to retirement age.

Pension? Does any private company still do pensions?
Funny, how you guys claim to be pro choice until it comes to unions. And then you should be compelled to be part of the union.

I am personally all for increasing incentives to produce, to increase the rights of workers to choose for themselves whether they want to be in the Union or not. I like businesses being able to lay off employees who can't carry their weight.

The fact is we need to do all we can to get the corruption out of our lives. Unfortunately, many unions have corrupted American society, much as some corporations have corrupted it.

Louisiana is a RTW state... and while we have unions here, there really is no advantage to joining a union vs. not joining one.. the wages have stabilized pretty much. Most people here would rather NOT join a union.

So it has produced just the effect envisioned. Low cost, no benefit wages have driven down the union wages.......just like the conservatives intended

Rather than being able to bargain as a group, you are offered a take it or leave it proposition and the workforce as a whole suffers

It's really too bad that they weren't saved by the same unions that have saved Detroit.
Since Indiana Republicans passed their anti-union “right-to-work” bill and Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) signed it into law, this should make the Indianapolis Super Bowl a little more interesting this weekend.

I hope the unions decide to ruin the Super Bowl. nothing I could say will have half the impact that unions trashing the single most watched TV event. That would cause such an uproar that every state will go right to work within a month.
Funny, how you guys claim to be pro choice until it comes to unions. And then you should be compelled to be part of the union.

I am personally all for increasing incentives to produce, to increase the rights of workers to choose for themselves whether they want to be in the Union or not. I like businesses being able to lay off employees who can't carry their weight.

The fact is we need to do all we can to get the corruption out of our lives. Unfortunately, many unions have corrupted American society, much as some corporations have corrupted it.

does that include older workers who no longer can keep the pace they did when they were 20 years old?.....

Of course it does. Older workers that refuse to keep their value by progressing through the company and using their experience and knowledge should be fired. They are not worth the pay. The older workers I work with are in their 50s and 60s and can work circles around the younger workers without even breaking a sweat. Their experience makes them FAR faster than the younger ones.
It's usually not even a matter of whether or not they can keep pace. Much cheaper for a company to lay off an older worker before they can collect a pension and then hire some kid they can lay off when he gets closer to retirement age.
and companies like that should go out of business tomorrow...
Indeed. Get rid of your most experienced workers in lieu of a younger one that still wipes his snot on his sleeve by comparison?

No brainer.

and it pisses me off when the company expects loyalty from you....but they dont have to be loyal to you for all the time you put in for them....
does that include older workers who no longer can keep the pace they did when they were 20 years old?.....

Of course it does. Older workers that refuse to keep their value by progressing through the company and using their experience and knowledge should be fired. They are not worth the pay. The older workers I work with are in their 50s and 60s and can work circles around the younger workers without even breaking a sweat. Their experience makes them FAR faster than the younger ones.

well were i work an older letter carrier can not do a route as fast as he did when he was 25 years old.....maybe where you work you sit behind a desk all day or the job aint to physical.....try some of the more physical jobs where your knees and back start going 20 years in.....
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

Only for those who can't get a job on their merits. When you apply for a job before you are hired you negotiate what your salary and benefits will be.
it is generally reported that average annual income in right to work states, the ones in which Republican business owners bribe Republican Politicians to fight unionization tooth and nail, are approximately $1,500 per year. That is to say that the average annual earrings per worker in states that Do Not Have "Right-to-work" laws is $1,500 per year greater than in states in which the elected officials do not fight the presence of Unions.

So there is your answer. Also, if you want to see how well it can work take a look at Germany, which I believe is not only the most heavily unionized country on earth, but also the most prosperous. They, the Germans, have better pay, better benefits, better leave policy, better training, and better job retention. Its their Unions that cause this to happen, and we could do the same here by elimination "Right to Work" laws that do nothing but encourage the race to the bottom among the employed.

The Union worker is always better off than her or his non union counterpart, just as a soldier is better off with his unit rather than alone and lost in enemy territory, just as a child is better off in the structured setting of the family or school rather than out on the streets alone, just as an elderly person is better off in the nest of the extended family than homeless and alone. Unions are the second level of human organization, right behind the family and right in front of community governance. We come together in the workforce for the reason that it is our last defense from those who would exploit our every twinge of muscle, who would divide and concur us on the workplace floor.

And those who would fight a union, what are they? They are the slave-traders of older times, they are the industrialists who move operations to China and India, they are the lobbyist in Washington, and they are the right wing Fascists who would trample on workers for the sake of money, money, and more money so long as it lands in their pockets.
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again, it is not the readers job to hunt down a link in order to verify something YOU post, it's your job to provide the link. It's standard board etiquette. You obviously had the link, as you posted the information. You were just being a bitch by making someone ask for it.

LOL...that's right...I was just making you beg. Thanks for caving to my bitchiness. :lol:

I thought women liked it when we begged? ;)

We do...which is why I made got my nipples hard and everything :D
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

Reducing wages makes no sense whatsoever nor does effectively support new economic growth. Instead it drives economic displacement.
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

Reducing wages makes no sense whatsoever nor does effectively support new economic growth. Instead it drives economic displacement.
Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

No it isn't there are minimum wage laws. Unions are outdated money sucking pigs.
Does "Right to Work" lead to lower wages and lack of benefits?

Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

Reducing wages makes no sense whatsoever nor does effectively support new economic growth. Instead it drives economic displacement.
Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

No it isn't there are minimum wage laws. Unions are outdated money sucking pigs.

Corporate america is the money sucking pig big time. No question about it.

Are you saying reducing wages to minimum wage is not a reduction in wages?

No family can sustain themselves on minimum wage. It would increase the social services budgets across the USA.
Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

Reducing wages makes no sense whatsoever nor does effectively support new economic growth. Instead it drives economic displacement.
Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

No it isn't there are minimum wage laws. Unions are outdated money sucking pigs.

Corporate america is the money sucking pig big time. No question about it.

Are you saying reducing wages to minimum wage is not a reduction in wages?

No family can sustain themselves on minimum wage. It would increase the social services budgets across the USA.
Are you saying reducing wages to minimum wage is not a reduction in wages?

Do you have a problem with comprehending what was said.
No it isn't there are minimum wage laws.
There are laws on the books that prevent minimum wages from going down which was your first fail assertion

Destruction of unions is the method to lower wages across the board. It's that simple. Across the board = all white and blue collars.

And no where in what I said equates to
reducing wages to minimum wage is not a reduction in wages?
Comprehension fail ^^^^^^^^^^^^

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