Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton committed felony perjury. I doubt it would have gone to impeachment had Clinton NOT gone on TV, looking America straight in the eye and telling them that "I did not have sex with THAT woman, Monica Lewinski. Not once, not ever, while wagging his finger at us like we were misbehaving six-year-old kids.

Yes he did.

They should have taken him behind the WH and beat the hell out of him.

Then gotten on with business.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The left can deny anything with a straight face

The issue is never the issue comrades

By any means necessary
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.
Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton committed felony perjury. I doubt it would have gone to impeachment had Clinton NOT gone on TV, looking America straight in the eye and telling them that "I did not have sex with THAT woman, Monica Lewinski. Not once, not ever, while wagging his finger at us like we were misbehaving six-year-old kids.
He lied about an affair. trumps ass won't even take the stand, that's how guilty he is.
Trump impeached himself. He made the phone call and the call was considered an urgent concern. Had he not done that he would not have been impeached. You conservatives need to stop asking dumb ass questions then thinking you're right because nobody wants to answer them.
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.
Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton committed felony perjury. I doubt it would have gone to impeachment had Clinton NOT gone on TV, looking America straight in the eye and telling them that "I did not have sex with THAT woman, Monica Lewinski. Not once, not ever, while wagging his finger at us like we were misbehaving six-year-old kids.
He lied about an affair. trumps ass won't even take the stand, that's how guilty he is.

Off topic.

You answered you don't deny it.

Nothing else matters.
Trump impeached himself. He made the phone call and the call was considered an urgent concern. Had he not done that he would not have been impeached. You conservatives need to stop asking dumb ass questions then thinking you're right because nobody wants to answer them.

Get off the thread.

You are an ADD racists who can't help but make a fool of yourself.

What is dumb about asking the questions (rhetorical). Becasue we all know the answer.

The OP has quotes from Max Ugly Waters calling for his impeachment 2 months after inauguration.
Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton committed felony perjury. I doubt it would have gone to impeachment had Clinton NOT gone on TV, looking America straight in the eye and telling them that "I did not have sex with THAT woman, Monica Lewinski. Not once, not ever, while wagging his finger at us like we were misbehaving six-year-old kids.
He lied about an affair. trumps ass won't even take the stand, that's how guilty he is.

He released the transcript. Should he re-read his parts in public? LOL
You "Righties" helped impeach Bill Clinton. So what are you talking about? We are impeaching a person who is involved or committed impeachable crimes. If Donald Trump and his band of crooks in the White House were not involved in any wrong doing he wouldn't be tried before the Senate. Give us Democrats a break with the Conservative lies and spin!

I asked the question.

Answer it.

Do you deny you've been looking for an excuse for the past three years ?
Nobody from the left has come out to say it was otherwise.

Just looking at the horseshit that was thrown around right after he was elected, it's pretty clear they've been in the hunt ever since.

Sad sad people those left-wingers
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

Thank you for admitting that the left has been trying, for three years, to overturn the outcome of a fairly contested election.

Just because they don't like the guy.

Not because he had done anything (up to the point you thought he had....but really didn't).
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Then you should admit that had Obama done half the things Rump has done, he would have been standing tall in front of Congress while packing his bags as well. Yah, I know, Obama did some of what Rump has done but Obama did it for the good of Nation while Rump has done it for the good of Rump.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Then you should admit that had Obama done half the things Rump has done, he would have been standing tall in front of Congress while packing his bags as well. Yah, I know, Obama did some of what Rump has done but Obama did it for the good of Nation while Rump has done it for the good of Rump.

1. I don't know that to be the case. There were some on the right who blathered about impeachment....but it never seemed to get legs. I certainly saw nothing to impeach him over.

2. Doing something wrong for the good of the nation does not excuse wrong doing. But I don't know what Obama did that was impeachabel (nothing...evern Fast and Furious wasn't to that level).

3. Trump did what he did. You have to ascribe selfish motives to it in order to sustain your fairy tale. I wasn't there. I don't know. And neither do you are Adam Schitt.

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