Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?

Not making a direct comparison here except to show how wicked people operate. Some passages in the scriptures talk about Judas looking for an “Opportunity To Betray Jesus” and this is despite seeing so many miracles and sitting at his feet and being taught the scriptures.

So there are always wicked people in the world ready to commit treason and sedition and betray even the best of man, even God, if they can at the first opportunity they got.
...Rationalize your hatred however you wish...
Love the Sinner... hate the Sin.

...But thanks for admitting that you guys have been looking for an excuse to impeach him for the last three years.
And your idiot Orange Baboon DemiGod stupidly gave 'em the ammunition they needed to do it.
I can't see that anyone on the left will dispute my claim.

Let me know if you see it differently.
I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
I do not recall Obumble conspiring to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

You can't recall Trump doing it either.
Oh, he did it, alright... it's just that a variety of scumbags are shielding him even though he DID do it.

Prove he did it.

Was something held up ?

Let me answer that for you....NO.
...Prove he did it...
The abuse of power focused upon CONSPIRACY to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic political opponent using taxpayer money as grease.

...Was something held up ?...
No. The Whistleblower Complaint to the NSA's IG office blew the lid off your Master's conspiracy before he could complete the shakedown, thank Christ.

...Let me answer that for you....
No. You aren't even honest enough to put forward the right questions (conspiracy vs. actual crime) never mind being seen as a reliable provider of answers.

Even members of his own Cabinet were ready to "out" him until you coxsukkers gave him the cover he needed to prevent them from testifying under oath.
...Prove he did it...
The abuse of power focused upon CONSPIRACY to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic political opponent using taxpayer money as grease.

...Was something held up ?...
No. The Whistleblower Complaint to the NSA's IG office blew the lid off your Master's conspiracy before he could complete the shakedown, thank Christ.

...Let me answer that for you....
No. You aren't even honest enough to put forward the right questions (conspiracy vs. actual crime) never mind being seen as a reliable provider of answers.

Even members of his own Cabinet were ready to "out" him until you coxsukkers gave him the cover he needed to prevent them from testifying under oath.

A few links to you claims would be fine.

But, let's get back to the question of the O.P.

Do you deny that the left has been looking for a reason to impeach him since he was inaugurated ?
Nobody from the left has been willing to openly deny that this has been the case.

We are over 100 posts into this one.....and you lamo's are still whining.

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