Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Then you should admit that had Obama done half the things Rump has done, he would have been standing tall in front of Congress while packing his bags as well. Yah, I know, Obama did some of what Rump has done but Obama did it for the good of Nation while Rump has done it for the good of Rump.

1. I don't know that to be the case. There were some on the right who blathered about impeachment....but it never seemed to get legs. I certainly saw nothing to impeach him over.

2. Doing something wrong for the good of the nation does not excuse wrong doing. But I don't know what Obama did that was impeachabel (nothing...evern Fast and Furious wasn't to that level).

3. Trump did what he did. You have to ascribe selfish motives to it in order to sustain your fairy tale. I wasn't there. I don't know. And neither do you are Adam Schitt.

I think you summed it up well. Rump did what Rump is going to do. No matter how wrong, insane or selfish that might be, Rump is going to do what Rump is going to do and we expect no less. Until next time when he does another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?
You "Righties" helped impeach Bill Clinton. So what are you talking about? We are impeaching a person who is involved or committed impeachable crimes. If Donald Trump and his band of crooks in the White House were not involved in any wrong doing he wouldn't be tried before the Senate. Give us Democrats a break with the Conservative lies and spin!
You leftists control the media and the spin
You "Righties" helped impeach Bill Clinton. So what are you talking about? We are impeaching a person who is involved or committed impeachable crimes. If Donald Trump and his band of crooks in the White House were not involved in any wrong doing he wouldn't be tried before the Senate. Give us Democrats a break with the Conservative lies and spin!
You leftists control the media and the spin

Notice the "But Clinton...." tripe.

No answer to the original question.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?
Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.
Both parties are corrupt; you have sold your soul to the Left.
The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.

1. I have not noticed.
2. People in charge are self-serving pricks almost always. Tell me that Biden, Clinton, or Warren are not self serving pricks. Please. I'd love to see someone say it.
3. 2016 wasn't supposed to be so great. But guess what....IT ROCKED !!!! And I am very hopeful of good things for the GOP in 2020.
4. I won't be burning anything. I woke up in November of 2016 fully expecting HIllary to walk away with it. Trump winning was a gift (in the form of Gorsuch and Kavennaugh).
5. It is you FUCKERS who have tried to burn it to the ground and need a 0.38 between the eyes.
The left is the left.

In this case, they have really lost their marbles.

That is reality.

Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.
Both parties are corrupt; you have sold your soul to the Left.

Are you saying that the party of the rump is NOT corrupt? Before, at least the Republicans would clean house (see Agnew). before. That was back in the days we still had a Republican Party.

Speaking of Agnew, let's see what charges led to his resignation and conviction after the fact.
Agnew resigned on October 10, 1973, after the U.S. Justice Department uncovered widespread evidence of his political corruption, including allegations that his practice of accepting bribes had continued into his tenure as U.S. vice president.

Forget about the Democrats. The old Republicans used to clean it's own house. And Rump is even more corrupt than Agnew ever got the chance to be.
Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
The Left and Reality in one sentence?!

Sort of like saying the Party of the Rump is Corrupt. It sounds more like a stutter.
Both parties are corrupt; you have sold your soul to the Left.

Are you saying that the party of the rump is NOT corrupt? Before, at least the Republicans would clean house (see Agnew). before. That was back in the days we still had a Republican Party.

Speaking of Agnew, let's see what charges led to his resignation and conviction after the fact.
Agnew resigned on October 10, 1973, after the U.S. Justice Department uncovered widespread evidence of his political corruption, including allegations that his practice of accepting bribes had continued into his tenure as U.S. vice president.

Forget about the Democrats. The old Republicans used to clean it's own house. And Rump is even more corrupt than Agnew ever got the chance to be.

These are all claims based on some standard you seem to think we agree to.

Which we don't.

Agnew would have never stepped down if they didn't have him dead to rights.

You pricks have been digging and scratching for years to get at Trump. Then you come up with this bullshit which totally relies on interpretation for analysis.

Even if he meant it the way you say he never happened.

So go cry to someone who cares.
Is used to be that the Republican party, at times, could be dumber than a box of rocks. Today, the Republican Party is in name only and has been replaced by the Party of the Rump who can only be explained as being dumber than a box of rock. Not Rocks, just one rock.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

And since it turned RED for Rump (notice, I didn't say Republican) it's went from a very well off state to a welfare recipient state.
Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.

There was no crime...sorry.

Your side kept telling us that to justify this bullshit.

Trump only exists becasue the fucking establishment has been pulling this shit for years.

He is protest vote. Pure and simple.

The world didn't fall apart when he was elected and your wet dream about a defeat is just that.
Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

And since it turned RED for Rump (notice, I didn't say Republican) it's went from a very well off state to a welfare recipient state.

You keep blathering about this kind of bullshit without any links.

Sam Brownbeck was a miserable fuck of a governor. Had nothing to do with Trump.
In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.

There was no crime...sorry.

Your side kept telling us that to justify this bullshit.

Trump only exists becasue the fucking establishment has been pulling this shit for years.

He is protest vote. Pure and simple.

The world didn't fall apart when he was elected and your wet dream about a defeat is just that.

And Al Capone was considered an improvement over Diamond Jim and others. How'd that work out? It didn't last very long until the Public said enough.

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