Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

Well Maxine Waters Tweeted on March 21 2017 the below this TWO MONTHS after The Donald was Inaugurated, so yes they have for years wanted him Impeached - see below news articles I have provided to illustrate this that they EVEN were TALKING about Impeaching The Donald BEFORE the November 2016 Election - because they have NEVER accepted that he won because they EXPECTED Hillary to win:


Then we have the below article from the Far Leftist Politico dated April 17 2016 they were TALKING about Impeaching The Donald even BEFORE he was the Republican NOMINEE, so BEFORE the Conventions and well BEFORE the Presidential Election they were TALKING about Impeaching him SEVEN MONTHS before Election Day and NINE MONTHS before Inauguration Day, so the plan well BEFORE even the election was to Impeach The Donald for ANY REASON they could find:



- Snip -


Here is the full article the link to:

Could Trump be impeached shortly after he takes office?

Another article from Vanity Fair talking about Impeaching The Donald, this below one just a few weeks AFTER the Presidential Election so AGAIN Impeachment talk BEFORE the Inauguration Day:


Will Trump Be Impeached?

Another article The New York Slimes Editorial talking about Impeachment of The Donald, this literally on the EVE of Election Day November 3 2016:


Opinion | Donald Trump’s Impeachment Threat

The below article from Pacific Standard magazine again talking of Impeaching The Donald and NOTE the ORIGINAL Impeachment article was written on October 4 2016 ONE MONTH BEFORE Election Day:

No. "Impeach that mother******" has been the MO for libs since day one.
Before day 1. April 17, 2016.
Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?

This just illustrates that The Swamp which includes those human slugs of the MSM KNEW The Donald was going to be a DIRECT threat to ALL The Swamp creatures that they OPENLY were talking of Impeaching him SEVEN MONTHS BEFORE the November 2016 Election.

It's incredible they have not already JFKd him although my feeling has always been that if the Impeachment thing fails and he's re-elected they are going to have him assassinated because that is going to be their last resort to removing him as a threat to them. I believe assassination has ALWAYS been on the table with them, but first they thought they'd see if Impeachment and Removal From Office would work, failing that they HOPE to remove him ANYWAY possible in November and failing THAT ie. he wins again, then they'll bring out the old Lone Gunman With Mental Health Issues thing who'll murder The Donald and then it'll be a cover-up ala JFK assassination because sorry no way did Lee Harvey Oswald murder JFK all by HIMSELF.

I have been psychologically prepared for more than two years to expect a Trump assassination, to one day turn the news on to find them all CHEERING that The Donald has been assassinated, so when it happens I'm not going to be shocked because it's what I've already prepared myself to expect.
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.
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Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.
Honey, they had this in the plans almost 9 months before he was elected, for the just in case. They are so fearful of the Durham report...
I bet there isn't a Democrat in congress who could pass a lie detector after answering they never had Trump's impeachment in mind. Democrats think people are stupid. That makes them stupid

With the help of the Mass Media, the Democrats got away with it for decades. That's a major reason they have been in such a mad panic since Hillary Clinton lost the election. They knew their secrets were no longer safe.

President Donald Trump, in true executive fashion, has accomplished more in three years than any other president with eight years. Aside from Trump proving that great improvements could be made, he proved they could be done in a fraction of the time used by the Washington elite.

It's a pretty grand gig! The House works about one day out of three. The salary is decent, not great but the PERKS! Royalty isn't treated as well or have more privileges!

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:
He also keeps the big salt shakers while everyone else gets smaller ones.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

No more than the right wanted to impeach Obama or were prepared to investigate a President Hillary Clinton for her entire time in office.

The bigger question is why was Trump stupid enough to give them a reason? It's like making an illegal U Turn when you know the cop is watching.
The bigger question is why was Trump stupid enough to give them a reason? It's like making an illegal U Turn when you know the cop is watching.

And after three years of searching, they had to make something up.

Except they didn't. They just had to wait until he did something so overtly corrupt they had no choice. Trump actually did what he has been impeached for. Everyone, including Republicans, know it...and over half the country want him removed from office for it.
Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?
An ethical, intelligent and righteous leader would not have stupidly given them the ammunition they needed.

Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

No more than the right wanted to impeach Obama or were prepared to investigate a President Hillary Clinton for her entire time in office.

The bigger question is why was Trump stupid enough to give them a reason? It's like making an illegal U Turn when you know the cop is watching.

So you won't answer the question.

BTW: Was Clinton ever impeached ? The GOP had the house for six years of his term. Were they pissed over Fast and Furious ? Yes. Impeachment ? No

Do you deny that the left has been looking for a reason to impeach Trump since early 2017.

Simple answer yes or no.
The bigger question is why was Trump stupid enough to give them a reason? It's like making an illegal U Turn when you know the cop is watching.

And after three years of searching, they had to make something up.

Except they didn't. They just had to wait until he did something so overtly corrupt they had no choice. Trump actually did what he has been impeached for. Everyone, including Republicans, know it...and over half the country want him removed from office for it.

Had to wait ? Did you pick those words on purpose ? There is nothing corrupt overtly, undervertly, or sidevertely.

Trump didn't do anything.

You guys are really risking some big consequences with your petty selfish garbage.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

Well Maxine Waters Tweeted on March 21 2017 the below this TWO MONTHS after The Donald was Inaugurated, so yes they have for years wanted him Impeached - see below news articles I have provided to illustrate this that they EVEN were TALKING about Impeaching The Donald BEFORE the November 2016 Election - because they have NEVER accepted that he won because they EXPECTED Hillary to win:


Then we have the below article from the Far Leftist Politico dated April 17 2016 they were TALKING about Impeaching The Donald even BEFORE he was the Republican NOMINEE, so BEFORE the Conventions and well BEFORE the Presidential Election they were TALKING about Impeaching him SEVEN MONTHS before Election Day and NINE MONTHS before Inauguration Day, so the plan well BEFORE even the election was to Impeach The Donald for ANY REASON they could find:

View attachment 303314
View attachment 303315

- Snip -

View attachment 303316

Here is the full article the link to:

Could Trump be impeached shortly after he takes office?

Another article from Vanity Fair talking about Impeaching The Donald, this below one just a few weeks AFTER the Presidential Election so AGAIN Impeachment talk BEFORE the Inauguration Day:

View attachment 303317

Will Trump Be Impeached?

Another article The New York Slimes Editorial talking about Impeachment of The Donald, this literally on the EVE of Election Day November 3 2016:

View attachment 303322

Opinion | Donald Trump’s Impeachment Threat

The below article from Pacific Standard magazine again talking of Impeaching The Donald and NOTE the ORIGINAL Impeachment article was written on October 4 2016 ONE MONTH BEFORE Election Day:

View attachment 303323

If someone put a load of rocksalt in Max Waters ass, I would not feel bad at all.
Nobody has denied that the left has been looking for an excuse for three years.

Not one.
Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton committed felony perjury. I doubt it would have gone to impeachment had Clinton NOT gone on TV, looking America straight in the eye and telling them that "I did not have sex with THAT woman, Monica Lewinski. Not once, not ever, while wagging his finger at us like we were misbehaving six-year-old kids.

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