Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?

Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.

There was no crime...sorry.

Your side kept telling us that to justify this bullshit.

Trump only exists becasue the fucking establishment has been pulling this shit for years.

He is protest vote. Pure and simple.

The world didn't fall apart when he was elected and your wet dream about a defeat is just that.

And Al Capone was considered an improvement over Diamond Jim and others. How'd that work out? It didn't last very long until the Public said enough.

What kind of fucking stupid false analogy is this ?

Even you aren't that stupid (or so I thought).

Trump has done nothing "bad".

He's actually done a pretty good job.

Not all on his own. The economy runs itself.

But other things seem to be working out for him.

With the huge exception of the massive deficits we are running (and I don't see Pelousy saying much about it....and doing less).

So spare me the horseshit tactics.

Trump won.

The world didn't implode.

Life does not suck (except for yours).
In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

And since it turned RED for Rump (notice, I didn't say Republican) it's went from a very well off state to a welfare recipient state.

You keep blathering about this kind of bullshit without any links.

Sam Brownbeck was a miserable fuck of a governor. Had nothing to do with Trump.

Okay, you brought it up. never ask a question unless you already know the answer and aren't afraid for others to hear it.

Here are the worst states to retire in (the worst 29, that is)

Arizona. No wonder it's change to purple.
Georgia (tied for the worst with Arizona) Also listed as one of the worst economic states (Deep Red)
Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina (deep red and on the worse economic list for states)

Let's jump to #17 on the worst list which is Kansas.
2019’s 29 Worst States for Retirement • Page 8 of 30
Kansas ranked among Kiplinger’s least-tax-friendly states for retirees, after the state raised rates in a bid to recover from its budget woes. Because of the deficit, the state’s fiscal health is ranked 32nd among all the states, making the possibility of government services suffering from it, real. Something that can’t be good for retirees.
The state also taxes Social Security benefits and retirement income (above $75,000), another thing that can be off-putting for retirees.
In Bankrates ranking of the best and worst states for retirees, Kansas gets 39th place because of its relatively high crime rate, and 37th place for its luke-warm cultural offerings.

Let's see, if I want to have the one of the highest murder and crime rates and the highest taxes with the least amount of culture, Kansas is the place to move to. If there was a state that needed to be fenced off from Colorado (which is the #1 economic leader in the US) and is square and can easily be walled off, Kansas gets the nod. It's already a haven for the Party of the Rump and you people really can't do any more damage there than has already been done. It's what happens when you let the stupid run a state. Maybe us Coloradans need to get busy building that wall to keep your #1 export to Colorado (illegal firearms) from crossing the state line. Maybe you Kansainians could help to stop the flow of the illegal grass coming the other direction. With your crime rate, I would think that a happy stoner would be preferable to an angry gunnutter. We certainly think so what's why we are doing so well and you are don't so poorly. BUILD THAT WALL, BUILD THAT WALL
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

And since it turned RED for Rump (notice, I didn't say Republican) it's went from a very well off state to a welfare recipient state.

You keep blathering about this kind of bullshit without any links.

Sam Brownbeck was a miserable fuck of a governor. Had nothing to do with Trump.

Okay, you brought it up. never ask a question unless you already know the answer and aren't afraid for others to hear it.

Here are the worst states to retire in (the worst 29, that is)

Arizona. No wonder it's change to purple.
Georgia (tied for the worst with Arizona) Also listed as one of the worst economic states (Deep Red)
Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina (deep red and on the worse economic list for states)

Let's jump to #17 on the worst list which is Kansas.
2019’s 29 Worst States for Retirement • Page 8 of 30
Kansas ranked among Kiplinger’s least-tax-friendly states for retirees, after the state raised rates in a bid to recover from its budget woes. Because of the deficit, the state’s fiscal health is ranked 32nd among all the states, making the possibility of government services suffering from it, real. Something that can’t be good for retirees.
The state also taxes Social Security benefits and retirement income (above $75,000), another thing that can be off-putting for retirees.
In Bankrates ranking of the best and worst states for retirees, Kansas gets 39th place because of its relatively high crime rate, and 37th place for its luke-warm cultural offerings.

Let's see, if I want to have the one of the highest murder and crime rates and the highest taxes with the least amount of culture, Kansas is the place to move to. If there was a state that needed to be fenced off from Colorado (which is the #1 economic leader in the US) and is square and can easily be walled off, Kansas gets the nod. It's already a haven for the Party of the Rump and you people really can't do any more damage there than has already been done. It's what happens when you let the stupid run a state. Maybe us Coloradans need to get busy building that wall to keep your #1 export to Colorado (illegal firearms) from crossing the state line. Maybe you Kansainians could help to stop the flow of the illegal grass coming the other direction. With your crime rate, I would think that a happy stoner would be preferable to an angry gunnutter. We certainly think so what's why we are doing so well and you are don't so poorly. BUILD THAT WALL, BUILD THAT WALL
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.

Kansas has had more democratic govenors than republicans in the last 30 years.

Fuck off.

And since it turned RED for Rump (notice, I didn't say Republican) it's went from a very well off state to a welfare recipient state.

You keep blathering about this kind of bullshit without any links.

Sam Brownbeck was a miserable fuck of a governor. Had nothing to do with Trump.

Okay, you brought it up. never ask a question unless you already know the answer and aren't afraid for others to hear it.

Here are the worst states to retire in (the worst 29, that is)

Arizona. No wonder it's change to purple.
Georgia (tied for the worst with Arizona) Also listed as one of the worst economic states (Deep Red)
Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina (deep red and on the worse economic list for states)

Let's jump to #17 on the worst list which is Kansas.
2019’s 29 Worst States for Retirement • Page 8 of 30
Kansas ranked among Kiplinger’s least-tax-friendly states for retirees, after the state raised rates in a bid to recover from its budget woes. Because of the deficit, the state’s fiscal health is ranked 32nd among all the states, making the possibility of government services suffering from it, real. Something that can’t be good for retirees.
The state also taxes Social Security benefits and retirement income (above $75,000), another thing that can be off-putting for retirees.
In Bankrates ranking of the best and worst states for retirees, Kansas gets 39th place because of its relatively high crime rate, and 37th place for its luke-warm cultural offerings.

Let's see, if I want to have the one of the highest murder and crime rates and the highest taxes with the least amount of culture, Kansas is the place to move to. If there was a state that needed to be fenced off from Colorado (which is the #1 economic leader in the US) and is square and can easily be walled off, Kansas gets the nod. It's already a haven for the Party of the Rump and you people really can't do any more damage there than has already been done. It's what happens when you let the stupid run a state. Maybe us Coloradans need to get busy building that wall to keep your #1 export to Colorado (illegal firearms) from crossing the state line. Maybe you Kansainians could help to stop the flow of the illegal grass coming the other direction. With your crime rate, I would think that a happy stoner would be preferable to an angry gunnutter. We certainly think so what's why we are doing so well and you are don't so poorly. BUILD THAT WALL, BUILD THAT WALL

1. I didn't ask a question.

2. I told you Kansas had more democratic governors than republican ones.

3. So your post is meaningless.

4. But I lived there for a while, so I'll share what I know about Kansas (and why you lefties are so stupid when you generalize).

5. Johnson County, Kansas is the largest population block in the state. It is comprised of a dozen or so small cities. The county was routinely in the list of top ten non-urban places to live. It had three great schoold districts (Olathe, Shawnee Mission, and Blue Valley). It has super low crime and the average household in the country (often two incomes) was above 90k a year. It was a great place to live.

6. To the north of Johnson County was Wyandotte County, truly the shithole of the state. Massive murder rate. Shit schools and huge birth rate to unwed mothers (mostly black). It's county and city (Kansas City, Kansas) governments were very corrupt.

So, while I didn't ask a question, I think your little tidbit means nothing to me. I still have relatives there. It is a great place to live in very many aspects.

7. I will say that Sam Brownback was one of the biggest assholes the right ever produced. He was brainless and inept. The far right in the state used him to fuck up a pretty good system and they are still recovering.

KANSAS has nothing to do with TRUMP.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

You should try to use sources other than NYT and WaPo who block readers who have ad block.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

You should try to use sources other than NYT and WaPo who block readers who have ad block.

You "Righties" helped impeach Bill Clinton.
Irrelevant and no sequitur. No one helped Bill more than himself.

So what are you talking about? We are impeaching a person who is involved or committed impeachable crimes.
Everything presented proves the exact opposite. The Framers wanted severe limits on impeachable crimes EXACTLY to prevent this sort of nonsense from an emotional, partisan and intemperate body.

If Donald Trump and his band of crooks in the White House
Name me one crook in the White House.

were not involved in any wrong doing he wouldn't be tried before the Senate.
So, no one goes to court, gets accused or convicted unless they've done something wrong? Then that would make Hillary the most guilty and corrupt person on the planet!

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

Don't blame the left (something used as a pejorative and never defined by those who use this term) or the real Democrats, Republicans or Conservatives, trump has brought all of this and more shit on himself.

Which won the W.H. in 2016. Against the odds-on Yuge favorite.

Kept the house in 2016.

Kept the senate in 2016 and 2018.

Nominated Gorsuch and Kavennaugh to the SCOTUS.

Stands a good chance of keeping the W.H. in 2020.

Had a descent chance of holding the senate.

Will likely pick up seats in the house.

So if they are dumber than a box of rocks....

What does that make you ?

In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.
1. Yes, the voters will remember just how the democrats and the media acted the past three years.
2. The Republican-controlled senate protected the overreach and power grab of the democrat controlled house by acquitting a president who was unconstitutionally attacked
3. Keep believing the propaganda of the democrat mainstream media because you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

Don't blame the left (something used as a pejorative and never defined by those who use this term) or the real Democrats, Republicans or Conservatives, trump has brought all of this and more shit on himself.


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

Don't blame the left (something used as a pejorative and never defined by those who use this term) or the real Democrats, Republicans or Conservatives, trump has brought all of this and more shit on himself.

The OP ascribes no blame. And it offers no defense.

It is asking the question. Are you adult enough to answer it ?
In case you haven't noticed, the General Public has, once again, moved slightly left. I guess most have gotten tired of seeing a self serving bunch of pricks in charge. And don't think 2020 is going to be a picnic. 2018 wasn't so good either.

I suggest you start to learn how to win well because poor winners are even worse losers. So keep that torch and can of gas handy, you are going to need it to try and burn it all to the ground on your way out.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.
1. Yes, the voters will remember just how the democrats and the media acted the past three years.
2. The Republican-controlled senate protected the overreach and power grab of the democrat controlled house by acquitting a president who was unconstitutionally attacked
3. Keep believing the propaganda of the democrat mainstream media because you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

I think I will wait until later in the day. I think if I am going to read such Fiction I need a double shot of Tangira with at least 3 olives.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Yeah...forgot about that.

And he challenged China to do a fair trade deal.

Surprised there wasn't an article over that.

And if the Dow hit 30,000....well that would have really been the end.

Thanks to The Donald Hillary went from this:

View attachment 303306

To this:

View attachment 303307

Hey Hey Hey, wait a minute. That picture of Hilary has a tat with an American Flag. That is so clearly fake.
Who told you that? the leftist media controlled spin machine?

Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.
1. Yes, the voters will remember just how the democrats and the media acted the past three years.
2. The Republican-controlled senate protected the overreach and power grab of the democrat controlled house by acquitting a president who was unconstitutionally attacked
3. Keep believing the propaganda of the democrat mainstream media because you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

I think I will wait until later in the day. I think if I am going to read such Fiction I need a double shot of Tangira with at least 3 olives.
a drunk fantasy is still a drunk fantasy
Scary, ain't it. I like my idea of fencing off Kansas for all you "The Party of the Rumps" more and more each day.
You keep believing that leftist media spin bullshit it will introduce you to the real-world reality that you will not like.

The old Republican Party used to try and convict it's criminals. Today, the Party of the Rump worships the criminal. That's reality. And in November, the voters (and the EC) are going to remember that part of the reality and send a stern message. We got rid of Agnew for a lot less.
1. Yes, the voters will remember just how the democrats and the media acted the past three years.
2. The Republican-controlled senate protected the overreach and power grab of the democrat controlled house by acquitting a president who was unconstitutionally attacked
3. Keep believing the propaganda of the democrat mainstream media because you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

I think I will wait until later in the day. I think if I am going to read such Fiction I need a double shot of Tangira with at least 3 olives.
a drunk fantasy is still a drunk fantasy

I'll that to Drink.
Answer the question.

Pure and simple yes or no.

There were GOP hunting for Clinton. He screwed up. Impeachable....not by a long shot. I was never so embarrassed to be a republican.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
I do not recall Obumble conspiring to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.
The answer is no.

Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
I do not recall Obumble conspiring to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

You can't recall Trump doing it either.
Just to be admit the left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
I do not recall Obumble conspiring to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

You can't recall Trump doing it either.
Oh, he did it, alright... it's just that a variety of scumbags are shielding him even though he DID do it.
I'll take that as a yes.
Well OF COURSE the Left has been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for three years.

Who-the-hell wants an amoral, ignorant, arrogant, autocratic Creature like that guiding the United States?

Americans want to be PROUD of their President...

Not ashamed of him and stuck making excuses for him every ten minutes, like they have to do with this one.

So, the right should have impeached Obama.

We didn't want an:

1. Amoral
2. Ignorant
3. Extremely arrogant
4. Autocratic
5. Affirmative Action Failure

For a president.

I must have missed the trial.
I do not recall Obumble conspiring to coerce a foreign leader to dig-up dirt on a domestic opponent utilizing taxpayer money as grease.

You can't recall Trump doing it either.
Oh, he did it, alright... it's just that a variety of scumbags are shielding him even though he DID do it.

Rationalize your hatred however you wish.

But thanks for admitting that you guys have been looking for an excuse to impeach him for the last three years.

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