Does the Left understand why Hillary lost?

Does the left understand, not a chance. The left have to delude themselves because they cannot accept the truth, that a majority of the country do not believe in their policies, hence it must be some other reason no matter how far fetched.

You want to know what REALLY pisses off the left, having to pretend to be conservative and pretend to run on conservative policies to win an election. That's how they won in 2008.

Then in 2010 Dem's ran on liberal policies and got wiped out. In 2012 with some Dem's already screaming at their leadership to tone down the liber policies they barely made any gains at all even with Obama on the ballot. They won only 6 of the 56 House seats they lost in 2010. Then in 2014 Obama and the Dem leadership again doubled down on liberal policies, they had a near riot in the Democratic party, forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for Obamacare, it mattered not the Dem's got obliterated at the local, state, and national level and lost the senate.

Liberal policies do not win elections.
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions

Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?
Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?[/QUOTE]


Obama was correct in that the Wall St Bailout didn't actually increase the debt. It was just balance sheet numbers, no actual cash changed hands. The banks "payed back" the treasury by transferring paper profits.

Obama and the dems failure was not addressing the fact that people paying back mortgages do so with real dollars. Even if your house did not lose value in the meltdown, you lost income, and thereby couldn't make early principle payments. Only the bankers were made whole.

I said Obama should have had Holder prosecute some bankers (instead of cops). That would have been symbolic. But he and Hillary could have pressed for actual concessions to underwater homeowners. What Wall St didn't appreciate was being made the scapegoat for the whole implosion. The gummit had some blame. Greed among homebuyers had some blame. But most of all, only a few in the banking industry were bad actors.

That book and the movie the Big Short were more or less factual.
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures

Hillary Clinton has expanded her popular vote lead to 714,000 votes. The reason Hillary Clinton lost is because Democrats were voting for Trump. Especially in the Rust Belt of this country, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. They believed that Trump was going to be able to re-open those rusted out factories. Even in Pueblo County, Colorado, predominately Democrat, (never votes for Republicans) Trump won that vote down there, because he campaigned on reopening the steel factories that have been closed for 3 decades now.

As far as a Trump Presidency--he is never going to get his proposals to redo existing Trade agreements to pass through a Republican congress. They have always been pro-free trade. So those rusted out factories will never reopen, and they would never agree to tariffs on foreign goods, which only drive up the price of the product to the consumer and have never created a single job. Nor would they agree to taxing American auto makers 35% on parts that are made in foreign countries. Frankly, there's just too many stupid people that vote in this country, that don't understand a lot. So they become very easy prey for candidates like Donald Trump, and frankly Bernie Sanders who also campaigned on trade issues.

And yes Decades of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, and conspiracy theories regarding Hillary Clinton also did it's damage.

But the worst of the worst, and whom I think will be prosecuted will be the FBI director James Comey, who was warned by the Justice Department to not release a letter to congress, but did it anyway. Over 100 former DOJ justices (both Republican & Democrat) sent Comey a condemnation letter for his action. Comey interjected himself right into a National election 11 days prior to a National election, and it is long time standing DOJ protocol that they never release this kind of information within 60 days of an election. Comey then gave birth to a nothing burger 7 days later, but it was too late for Hillary Clinton. Millions of people voted within those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. While I don't expect that there will be an investigation into his actions with a Republican congress, be assured that will be the 1st order of business when Democrats take over the house and Senate in 2018. If not for FBI director James Comey--Donald Trump would NOT be the President Elect today.

So now for the first time in the history of this nation we have a President Elect that had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his only communication with the outside world are his tweety fingers. I suspect this will be his Presidency.

I believe with his recent flip-flops on Obamacare, the wall, immigration, not locking Hillary Clinton up-(less than one week after winning the election)- the love affair with Donald Trump may be over already.

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Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
They tell themselves she was not leftist enough in her campaign.
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
They tell themselves she was not leftist enough in her campaign.
Hillary lost by 56 Million Votes, why cant she just go back to her old job! Dr.Hillary the evil proctologist from hell !!!!!!!
There are a lot of things the left will never understand. It's why I just sit back and laugh at them.
Clinton lost because Trump wanted the job more than she did. It's as simple as that.

He worked ten times harder for it than she did. He earned it.

But seeing as how Clinton won the popular vote, here's some prescient irony to lighten your day:

No doubt the meme of the Left going forward will be to SCREAM Hillary won the popular Trump has no mandate. This will easily dupe many average intelligence leftists.

The thing is many D voters did not turn out for Cankles...some did come out to vote, but refused to vote for POTUS...essentially voting for Trump...then subtract the millions of illegals who voted or Cankles because Obama told them to, and you have a blowout for Trump.

But...the truth and the Left do not know it each other.
I think it is the epitome of irony for you to say the truth and the Left do not know each other right after making the bogus claim that millions of illegals voted for Clinton.

As for the rest, it is true that quite a few Democrats voted down ballot but not for the top of the ballot. If they had, Clinton would have won.

I hope they choke on that.
How can it be bogus, when Obama told them to vote?


Does anyone with a functioning brain think illegals did not vote? of course they it is just a matter of knowing how many.

You claimed millions did. Ipse dixit. A lie.
How do you know it's a lie?
Because you rubes parrot lies without providing any evidence on a daily basis.

Prove millions of illegals voted, dipshit.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions

Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?
NEWSFLASH you Dem water carrier!!! Trump is not a Republican

Why you always looking for a way to take shots at anti- crony govt- types like me? Remember, I was in the "Anybody but hiLIARy" camp even before the DNC sabotaged Bernie.
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Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures

Hillary Clinton has expanded her popular vote lead to 714,000 votes. The reason Hillary Clinton lost is because Democrats were voting for Trump. Especially in the Rust Belt of this country, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. They believed that Trump was going to be able to re-open those rusted out factories. Even in Pueblo County, Colorado, predominately Democrat, (never votes for Republicans) Trump won that vote down there, because he campaigned on reopening the steel factories that have been closed for 3 decades now.

As far as a Trump Presidency--he is never going to get his proposals to redo existing Trade agreements to pass through a Republican congress. They have always been pro-free trade. So those rusted out factories will never reopen, and they would never agree to tariffs on foreign goods, which only drive up the price of the product to the consumer and have never created a single job. Nor would they agree to taxing American auto makers 35% on parts that are made in foreign countries. Frankly, there's just too many stupid people that vote in this country, that don't understand a lot. So they become very easy prey for candidates like Donald Trump, and frankly Bernie Sanders who also campaigned on trade issues.

And yes Decades of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, and conspiracy theories regarding Hillary Clinton also did it's damage.

But the worst of the worst, and whom I think will be prosecuted will be the FBI director James Comey, who was warned by the Justice Department to not release a letter to congress, but did it anyway. Over 100 former DOJ justices (both Republican & Democrat) sent Comey a condemnation letter for his action. Comey interjected himself right into a National election 11 days prior to a National election, and it is long time standing DOJ protocol that they never release this kind of information within 60 days of an election. Comey then gave birth to a nothing burger 7 days later, but it was too late for Hillary Clinton. Millions of people voted within those 7 days believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. While I don't expect that there will be an investigation into his actions with a Republican congress, be assured that will be the 1st order of business when Democrats take over the house and Senate in 2018. If not for FBI director James Comey--Donald Trump would NOT be the President Elect today.

So now for the first time in the history of this nation we have a President Elect that had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his only communication with the outside world are his tweety fingers. I suspect this will be his Presidency.

I believe with his recent flip-flops on Obamacare, the wall, immigration, not locking Hillary Clinton up-(less than one week after winning the election)- the love affair with Donald Trump may be over already.


What's wrong w/you and your walls of text?
I already apologized for thinking Trump would personally punk Bernie. They should have gone with him, and he should have run with a latino. The blacks decided to stay home. I really didn't see that after 8 years of the birther bullshit.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions

Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?
NEWSFLASH you Dem water carrier!!! Trump is not a Republican

Why you always looking for a way to take shots at anti- crony govt- types like me. Remember, I was in the "Anybody but hiLIARy camp after the DNC sabotaged Bernie.

Sent from my azpen using Tapatalk

Trump is not a Republican? You'll convince me of that when you can show me a big list of Democrats in his administration.
No doubt the meme of the Left going forward will be to SCREAM Hillary won the popular Trump has no mandate. This will easily dupe many average intelligence leftists.

The thing is many D voters did not turn out for Cankles...some did come out to vote, but refused to vote for POTUS...essentially voting for Trump...then subtract the millions of illegals who voted or Cankles because Obama told them to, and you have a blowout for Trump.

But...the truth and the Left do not know it each other.
I think it is the epitome of irony for you to say the truth and the Left do not know each other right after making the bogus claim that millions of illegals voted for Clinton.

As for the rest, it is true that quite a few Democrats voted down ballot but not for the top of the ballot. If they had, Clinton would have won.

I hope they choke on that.
How can it be bogus, when Obama told them to vote?


Does anyone with a functioning brain think illegals did not vote? of course they it is just a matter of knowing how many.

You claimed millions did. Ipse dixit. A lie.
How do you know it's a lie?
Because you rubes parrot lies without providing any evidence on a daily basis.

Prove millions of illegals voted, dipshit.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Okay...listen closely. Go to and type in "illegals voted" Do not use Google as it is run by idiot leftists like yourself. Click on 'news' then you will find multiple links to articles citing illegals voting....over 3 million hits...

Now try to think logically please. The MSM you adore was proven to be an extension of the Clinton campaign. Do you really think they are going to tell you about illegals voting?

Everything you wrong. Accept it.
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions

Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?
NEWSFLASH you Dem water carrier!!! Trump is not a Republican

Why you always looking for a way to take shots at anti- crony govt- types like me. Remember, I was in the "Anybody but hiLIARy camp after the DNC sabotaged Bernie.

Sent from my azpen using Tapatalk

Trump is not a Republican? You'll convince me of that when you can show me a big list of Democrats in his administration.
Sooo...... you have nothing? That's all you had to say kid :thup:

Trump called- out the Repubs in the Primary debates but you must've slept through that eh? The power players in the RNC were also actively against him. They weren't trying to hide it either.

Read a paper once in a while
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I think it is the epitome of irony for you to say the truth and the Left do not know each other right after making the bogus claim that millions of illegals voted for Clinton.

As for the rest, it is true that quite a few Democrats voted down ballot but not for the top of the ballot. If they had, Clinton would have won.

I hope they choke on that.
How can it be bogus, when Obama told them to vote?


Does anyone with a functioning brain think illegals did not vote? of course they it is just a matter of knowing how many.

You claimed millions did. Ipse dixit. A lie.
How do you know it's a lie?
Because you rubes parrot lies without providing any evidence on a daily basis.

Prove millions of illegals voted, dipshit.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Okay...listen closely. Go to and type in "illegals voted" Do not use Google as it is run by idiot leftists like yourself. Click on 'news' then you will find multiple links to articles citing illegals voting....over 3 million hits...

Now try to think logically please. The MSM you adore was proven to be an extension of the Clinton campaign. Do you really think they are going to tell you about illegals voting?

Everything you wrong. Accept it.
I see you can't provide any evidence millions of illegals voted. You have nothing. As I said. It is always that way with you creduloids.

All you have are bullshit claims. Nothing more.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Bernie had a good platform that concentrated on lifting- up the blue collar worker. Hillary's campaign? Not so much. There was also the secret PAID Goldman speeches thing :eusa_whistle:
She never recovered from the speeches. And didn't deserve to. The only thing I really had against Bernie was I didn't think he'd pull enough black and latino votes to win the general. I thought/think some of Bernies progressive econ ideas were .... overly simplistic. But campaign promises are meant to be ideals and compromises.

I was wrong in thinking Hillary could win enough suburban republican women to make up her lack of progressive stance on banking. In retrospect, I think the dems lost the former union folks and younger progressives because of the Wall St bailout. I can argue that anyone with a 401k or retirement plan had to have the banks bailed out, or they'd have taken a haircut they'd never have recovered from. We coundn't survive 20 Lehman Bros. However, Obama did not do anything for folks who took haircuts in home equity that they'll be paying for 20 years ... and never recover. Had he prosecuted some bankers and put them in jail, and had Hillary not made the speeches .... It would have looked better.

But Bernie was right. The dems had to put down the Wall St. crack pipe.

And, dems don't win elections by pandering to suburban white women who are generally republican while abandon workers.
I was disappointed in Obama when he didn't go after the Banksters as well. They privatize profits but socialize losses. This is what you get when pols are dependent upon campaign contributions

Then why would you want Republicans to run the government?
NEWSFLASH you Dem water carrier!!! Trump is not a Republican

Why you always looking for a way to take shots at anti- crony govt- types like me. Remember, I was in the "Anybody but hiLIARy camp after the DNC sabotaged Bernie.

Sent from my azpen using Tapatalk

Trump is not a Republican? You'll convince me of that when you can show me a big list of Democrats in his administration.

Trump was never a Republican, never has been, never will be:

Name another Republican you have heard praise Putin and other dictators. Name the Republican who has suggested that the expansion of nuclear weapons is a good idea.. Name the Republican you have seen suggest a 35% tax on American auto makers. Name the Republican that has introduced and endorsed a new entitlement program, child care and maternity leave. Name the Republican that has praised eminent domain. Name the Republican candidate who has banned several media outlets from covering his rallies because he didn't like what was said about him? Name the Republican who has suggested that the functions of government were healthcare, education and making nice neighborhoods for everyone. Name the Republican who has suggested that we default on our National debt, something that would send our markets into chaos and turmoil and the world into a depression, kill all our retirement funds and have us ALL standing in bread lines. Name the Republican who would trash NATO and snuggle up to Putin. Name the Republican that praised Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus package. Name the Republican who threatens tariffs when Republicans stand in total opposition to tariffs as they are passed back onto us, the consumer, in the price of the product which in turn kills jobs and creates none. Name a Republican that has attacked an entire gender with vulgar foul mouthed vile sexist attacks. Name the Republican that yelled obscenities in a crowd with young children present. Name the Republican that went out on total assault of 17% of the population, Hispanics. Name the Republican that has threatened individuals with law suits, for simply speaking out against him. Name another Republican that has threatened to jail his political opponent. Name the Republican that won an election, and then had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower. You can't, they don't exist.

AGREE totally with your assessment of his cabinet--it's laughable. Reince Priebus kiss ass former RNC chairman that was definitely going to lose his job. Then Steve Bannon--editor of the Reich wing Tabloid magazine, Brietbart News, that is certain to bring this country together--LOL This guy could distort mother Teresa into a prostitute and his readers would believe it. Rudy Guillani--(who knows) but he is certain to be investigated & possibly prosecuted in this fallout of FBI director James Comey releasing that letter 11 days prior to the election, as he had his hand into it. Chris Christie Mr. Bridgegate himself. What a fucking cabinet, and really it's because other more qualified Republicans are REFUSING to join his administration.

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