Does the Media Lie About Donald Trump?

The media does not lie on trump.
There is no need to. His own words damn him.

What the media does do is highlight his crazy assed statements. Its a rather target rich environment.

I found this one the other day.

And this was years ago. He’s much more demented now.
Obviously. This is par for the course as it pertains to GOP, a special place for Trump since he is an outsider, not part of the political ballroom parties that ensure the rubbing of shoulders of old, dumb money.

The good news for those who believe in justice is that media executives and their reporters can't dodge nukes any more than the rest of us.
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Leftists are such chickenshits.
They cant watch the video, because if they do, they will find out that their whole lives have been a lie, and then they must go out and kill themselves. At least that would be the honorable thing for being such retarded folks to believe what the Lame Stream Media tells them to.
Obviously. This is par for the course as it pertains to GOP, a special place for Trump since he is an outsider, not part of the political ballroom parties that ensure the running of shoulders of old, dumb money.

The good news for those who believe in justice is that media executives and their reporters can't dodge nukes any more than the rest of us.
Because now adays with internet and independent journalists that actually tell the truth, the Lame Stream Media and Democrats cannot control the narrative anymore which is why Hitlery Clinton is ranting and raving again. She lost control when she became an election denier of the 2016 election.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday warned social media platforms must take responsibility for moderating their content or risk losing “total control.”
Trump is a racist imbecile with a 5th grade education who rarely makes any sense when he speaks.

The fact is that the mainstream media has carried water for Trump for years, propping up this mental midget and treating him like a "normal" politician....when almost everything that comes out of his mouth is insane, offensive, and/or total gibberish.

Without the mainstream media propping up Trump, there is no way in hell that he would have won the 2016 election. The media should have been saying from Day 1 in 2015 that there is no way in hell this racist, traitorous, dirt stupid fuck should ever be president.

Any decent, rational American is embarrassed by Trump. I'm still traumatized that this hopeless dumb fuck was once president, when he isn't even qualified to manage a fucking Arby's.
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How can the media lie about Trump when Trump is the one constantly saying stupid shit?

Maybe Trump shouldn't say racist, stupid shit....ever thought of that???

Instead, your imbecile MAGA ass wants to blame the messenger, which is the media.
Obviously. This is par for the course as it pertains to GOP, a special place for Trump since he is an outsider, not part of the political ballroom parties that ensure the running of shoulders of old, dumb money.

The good news for those who believe in justice is that media executives and their reporters can't dodge nukes any more than the rest of us.
Yeah, that’ll show them. As you’re being can take solace that you’re not alone.

What a small person you are.

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