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Does the money you earn belong to you or the state?

Clintoon makes me laugh for many reasons... One of them being how some Clintonistas have built up strong forearms holding up his picture...

Still, I do yearn for the gridlock that comes when one-party-rule fails... Thankfully, we're about to get that in a couple of weeks... Friggin' Sweet, huh?
this is just a demo that behind your rhetoric, you are a partisan hack without real interest in balanced budgets. i agree we could do with plenty more balance in government, but the complexion of politics at the moment is the result of a backlash against disingenuous 'conservatives' like yourself looking to spend future money rather than continue budget responsibility.
I will quote my good friend The T...

And under what auspices of the US Constitution allowed for 'Socialist' programs.

Government is tasked with Roads, bridges, public safety (Which includes Police/Fire Rescue and safeguarding liberty).

Not much else.

The Money earned by a person's sweat equity belongs to them...period.

You idiots are bound and determined to let the gov't make all your decisions for you.... You are not true Americans IMO.... you're drones waiting to be told what to do.

I'll tell ya what to do..... go jump in a lake.

Sorry Charlie, But I am no librul, no Obamabot and no democrap.

But the fact of the matter is that you own no money and you never will.

This is an extremely important central concept in understanding the way our legal system really works and you are absolutely resistant to groking it because you live in a partisan maze.

Gold is the currency of Kings. Silver is the currency of gentlemen. Barter is the currency of peasants. Debt backed paper is the currency of slaves.

Your sacred debt backed paper money is the currency of slaves and you fight an impossibly uphill battle claiming to own it. Nothing could be more ironic or humiliating.

"How eager they are to be slaves"~ Tiberius/ Roman Emporer

Are you an idiot? You do not have to use US currency as a means of exchange. It is there for convenience period. If I want to barter for food or other things I want, I can. It is what the two parties in the tranaction will accept as payment. You are using Eighteenth century conventional wisdom 300 years later.
Sorry, chump, but I am amazed at how impossibly ill informed people are about the basic civics of their own nation.

The feds own my money too. Duh!

But if you get off your partisan horse you might learn some profound lessons about how the world really works.

Chump?...are you sure you want to start a war of insults?...Should you think of going in that direction, I will warn you I am cruel crude and nothing is out of bounds.
There are no rules in a street fight. And you are about to start one.
Keep it civil.....You've been warned.. 'Nuff said.

Back to subject matter. You are acting like a know-it-all. In fact you are psoting as though you have access to an inner sanctum. I think you are embelishing. I also think you are taking facts and using your own interpretations.
You have posted things such as what appears on the top of a car title. I just looked at one of mine and it says no such thing about the state owning my vehicle. If what you claim is true then any official representing the state could in theory( yours) come to my home and without warning confiscate my vehicle at any time.
Or are you now going to back off and make statements that indicate I am now taking YOU out of context?
Which is it?

you are tarded.
THAT is your response? After all of your blather about who owns what ,how the government is basically the "company store" you come up with "you are tarded"?..
Most of us know that bringing a gun to a gunfight in lieu of a lesser weapon increases one's chances of success, tenfold..Guess you missed that meeting.
Now you can go pick on someone your own size and scream at them how you "schooled" them.
This is the major leagues ,pal. You're outclassed at this level.
(I happen to live in the desert, so water is the most obvious example to my mind). Yet I cannot ask a man to starve. Indeed, that flies in the face of the very reason we seek to build this infrastructure in the first place, let alone all moral decency.

You might answer this in a PM. What would unlimited fresh water do for your region?

Unlimited? As in, infinite? I imagine it would drown us all.
I understand this topic well, thank you.

All evidence to the contrary.
flat-taxes are less evil than progressive-taxation because they do not force the taxman to judge citizen's behavior.

Nor does progressive taxation. Taxing a man less so he does not go hungry does nothing to judge his behavior.

We're not discussing the recent HCR act. We're discussing progressive versus flat taxation. Try to stay on topic.
I say the government does not have the morale authority to determine who "deserves" their income.

We're not discussing whether income taxes should exist. we're discussing the merits of progressive taxation a society where taxation is already a given. Stop being an idiot and stay on topic.
You think the government must redistribute income according to need

We're not discussing the recent HCR act. We're discussing progressive versus flat taxation.
Are they not linked?

We're not discussing whether income taxes should exist. we're discussing the merits of progressive taxation a society where taxation is already a given. Stop being an idiot and stay on topic.
Perhaps you need new glasses?

flat-taxes are less evil than progressive-taxation because they do not force the taxman to judge citizen's behavior.

End of discussion.
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Clintoon makes me laugh for many reasons... One of them being how some Clintonistas have built up strong forearms holding up his picture...

Still, I do yearn for the gridlock that comes when one-party-rule fails... Thankfully, we're about to get that in a couple of weeks... Friggin' Sweet, huh?
this is just a demo that behind your rhetoric, you are a partisan hack without real interest in balanced budgets. i agree we could do with plenty more balance in government, but the complexion of politics at the moment is the result of a backlash against disingenuous 'conservatives' like yourself looking to spend future money rather than continue budget responsibility.

The more you post, the less sense you make... You sound like a child who thinks he has it all figure out, but the blinders he wears keep him from seeing the truth...

The upcoming backlash is against the failed policies of an entirely democrat controlled government... The backlash is against 0bamacare and bailouts and democratics who promised change, but only made things worse....

At some point you're going to have to wake up and face reality...

ETA: I want less spending, both now and in the future, dumbass....
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I pay no Federal taxes, save Medicare and Social Security.

And here you are crying about socialism and taxes
I am arguing against my immediate self-interest, yes.

If you haven't noticed, I'm fucking poor. I bet you're wondering why I don't STFU and take my handout nicely?

If you're 'fucking poor', then you shoulkd appreciate the point of progressive taxation and the reason why you're exempt from most taxation.

The only taxes you pay aside from SS/Medicare is regressive 'sales' taxes (a purchasing tax, in reality, as the buyer, not the seller, pays it) which I oppose.
If you're 'fucking poor', then you shoulkd appreciate the point of progressive taxation and the reason why you're exempt from most taxation.
I understand the mathematics and morality behind it...a practical application of the marginal value theorem.

I just disagree with applying the theorem to income taxation. Progressive taxation creates severe moral hazard.

The only taxes you pay aside from SS/Medicare is regressive 'sales' taxes (a purchasing tax, in reality, as the buyer, not the seller, pays it) which I oppose.

Would you then support a value-added tax, like they have in Europe, which is a sales tax on everything?

Also, would you agree that sales tax (paid by buyer) and excise tax (paid by seller) are identical, hurting the buyer and seller identically?

End of discussion.
Evade, post strawmen, and then run away.

I used to think you were above such things.
A proficient chess player knows when stalemate is inevitable.

I stated why I think progressive taxation is wrong. You disagree. We cannot change eachothers' minds, only fight with rhetorical flourishes. Anyone still following this thread is so entrenched in their philosophy, that further discussion is pointless.

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What if everybody in the private sector stopped working where does the government get it's money?
Sorry but my money is my money.

I tell you what you need to do if you think the government owns everybody's money pay my share to.

If it's all your money, why do you pay your taxes? Are you stupid, or just a pussy?
Since you think your money is not your's pay my share.

Stop being a retard. Stop! Now!

Do you pay your taxes?
If you're 'fucking poor', then you shoulkd appreciate the point of progressive taxation and the reason why you're exempt from most taxation.
I understand the mathematics and morality behind it...a practical application of the marginal value theorem.

I just disagree with applying the theorem to income taxation. Progressive taxation creates severe moral hazard.

The only taxes you pay aside from SS/Medicare is regressive 'sales' taxes (a purchasing tax, in reality, as the buyer, not the seller, pays it) which I oppose.

Would you then support a value-added tax, like they have in Europe, which is a sales tax on everything?

Also, would you agree that sales tax (paid by buyer) and excise tax (paid by seller) are identical, hurting the buyer and seller identically?

End of discussion.
Evade, post strawmen, and then run away.

I used to think you were above such things.
A proficient chess player knows when stalemate is inevitable.

I stated why I think progressive taxation is wrong. You disagree. We cannot change eachothers' minds, only fight with rhetorical flourishes. Anyone still following this thread is so entrenched in their philosophy, that further discussion is pointless.


Withdrawing from the field is a loss.
The only solution is to ask each man to give as he is able- to ask all members of society to contribute as they are able to ensure society as a whole can continue to thrive.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Great idea, uncle Karl. :rolleyes:

Political Jumbalaya...but FAR less tasty...
That's debatable.

US HB4646 - 111th Congress | eLobbyist

Received an email about this. If it passes it will be so-long to both financial and personal privacy. Proposed bill by Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and has the blessing of Nancy Pelosi with the idea of quietly passing it after Nov. elections. I could post the email if anyone is interested.

E-mail short: 1% tax on every transaction you can imagine. Every bank deposit (including automatic deposits), withdrawal, transfer from savings to checking and vice versa, every check written, every credit/debit card transaction.

That would put the banks out of business.
That is his intention, look who proposed it, just saying.
Progressive taxation creates severe moral hazard.

Yes, progressive taxes totally prevent Bill Gates from wanting to succeed :cuckoo:
Would you then support a value-added tax, like they have in Europe, which is a sales tax on everything?

I support a true sales tax, not a purchaser's tax. If it is a tax on sales, it should be payed by the seller. Then, too, would it take on a progressive nature. As is, the buying tax is a regressive tax that disproportionately effects those with the least income.
Also, would you agree that sales tax (paid by buyer) and excise tax (paid by seller) are identical, hurting the buyer and seller identically?

No. How does WalMart eating the tax a local city passes harm Wal-Mart or its employees the way the sales tax hurts those below the poverty level and already dependent on welfare or nearly at that point?
A proficient chess player knows when stalemate is inevitable.

It's not a stalemate. It's you throwing a tantrum and overturning the board.

I'm not sure philosophy has anything to do with your response, given your refusal to honestly defend you position.

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