Does The Right Care About The Middle Class?

just another left/lib sheep parroting what they heard

Yeah, but sadly there are too many lib parrots parroting it and I'm beginning to think the populace has been dumb downed so bad they can't see the forest for the trees

well yes the citizens in this day and age has been dumbed down. They put in some nobody community agitating thug in a President over us all. what does they say about them? They hardly ever get the truth from the lamestream medias and they damn sure don't from the Leftwing Hates sites.

Your statement goes back to how the middle class is being destroyed....authoritarianism, classic Alinsky
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.
If the OP wants to recognize how Obama is destroying the middle class he/she should study Alinsky, it's textbook as to what Obama is doing and has done
What did Obama initiate that GW didn't start?

What did GW start?
Derivatives, Housing Bubble based in those Derivative and did NOTHING to reverse H1-Bs and off-shoring.

Housing bubble was due to Clinton
In the poll, the yes side is 44.7%. Ok, you now lets hear it...what have they done to help the middle class? All I see from BOTH side's is traitorous.

1. H.R. 622, The State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act, which makes the state and local sales tax deduction permanent, will bring much-needed tax fairness and certainty for hardworking taxpayers in states without a state income tax.

2. For the first time in ten years the House will vote to repeal the estate tax through, H.R. 1105, The Death Tax Repeal Act, in an effort to bury the Estate Tax once and for all.
Anybody in a position to inherit a nice sized estate that doesn't get a Trust deserves to pay the tax.

wait a minuet. hasn't that already been taxed once or twice? what more do you want, the persons first born, their blood. you people are blood suckers. you think everything needs a tax on it. how about taxing you all every time you talk?
Yeah, but sadly there are too many lib parrots parroting it and I'm beginning to think the populace has been dumb downed so bad they can't see the forest for the trees

well yes the citizens in this day and age has been dumbed down. They put in some nobody community agitating thug in a President over us all. what does they say about them? They hardly ever get the truth from the lamestream medias and they damn sure don't from the Leftwing Hates sites.

Your statement goes back to how the middle class is being destroyed....authoritarianism, classic Alinsky
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
If the OP wants to recognize how Obama is destroying the middle class he/she should study Alinsky, it's textbook as to what Obama is doing and has done
What did Obama initiate that GW didn't start?

What did GW start?
Derivatives, Housing Bubble based in those Derivative and did NOTHING to reverse H1-Bs and off-shoring.

Housing bubble was due to Clinton
That's a good one!
I guess Clinton was President 2005-2008?
well yes the citizens in this day and age has been dumbed down. They put in some nobody community agitating thug in a President over us all. what does they say about them? They hardly ever get the truth from the lamestream medias and they damn sure don't from the Leftwing Hates sites.

Your statement goes back to how the middle class is being destroyed....authoritarianism, classic Alinsky
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?
If the OP wants to recognize how Obama is destroying the middle class he/she should study Alinsky, it's textbook as to what Obama is doing and has done
What did Obama initiate that GW didn't start?

What did GW start?
Derivatives, Housing Bubble based in those Derivative and did NOTHING to reverse H1-Bs and off-shoring.

Housing bubble was due to Clinton
That's a good one!
I guess Clinton was President 2005-2008?

You have no idea what caused the housing bubble and you accuse me of sound bytes? Take a nap
I'm so sick and tired of this question. they act like people on the right AREN'T in the middle class I guess. it's a dumb question that's been asked a million stupid times.
Your statement goes back to how the middle class is being destroyed....authoritarianism, classic Alinsky
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?

His work influences Obama. You're spinning your wheels trying to look clever
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?

His work influences Obama. You're spinning your wheels trying to look clever

Not one Jumbo Mortgage (>=200K) was approved for a bus driver until way after Clinton.
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?

His work influences Obama. You're spinning your wheels trying to look clever
that's probably too deep for them and over their heads. they don't want to believe their Saintly party can be anything but the good caring one. they are blind fools and that Democrat party knows it, plays them like a fined tuned fiddle. you see it on here all the time. no thinking required
Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?

His work influences Obama. You're spinning your wheels trying to look clever

Not one Jumbo Mortgage (>=200K) was approved for a bus driver until way after Clinton.

Clinton's policies created the problem. Study up and then comment
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?

His work influences Obama. You're spinning your wheels trying to look clever

Not one Jumbo Mortgage (>=200K) was approved for a bus driver until way after Clinton.

Clinton's policies created the problem. Study up and then comment

You know full well Clinton's issue was eliminating Blue Lining for poor neighborhoods.
It had ZERO to do with lending 600K to janitors so they could buy a house anywhere.
Most members of the political right are in the middle class, and in 2012 Romney won the middle-class vote (but the bottom two income levels voted overwhelmingly for Obama).

The left's idea of helping the middle class is to suck trillions of dollar out of the economy, hand it over to the government, and let the government dole the money out as it sees fit (after, of course, the government eats up at least 30 cents out of every dollar on overhead).

The more money the government drains out of the economy, the less money businesses have for expansion, raises, bonuses, R&D, and promotions. That's why nearly all European economies are stagnant, and the few exceptions are nations that have tempered their socialism by adopting key conservative policies that have helped offset the socialism.

Exactly. but they just eat up what their leftwing and Democrat master feeds them. it's sad
Your statement goes back to how the middle class is being destroyed....authoritarianism, classic Alinsky
Answer the question.

Slow your stupid ass down and cease thinking I take direction from you. Learn that and you will be much better off, don't and suffer
You are posting sound-bites.
You're better than that.

Don't you worry about how better I am, you're pretty good at the sound bytes also, not smart and not clever
I never use sound bites like, "ALINSKY!".
What point are you trying to make? Alinksky passes legislation?
stop trolling and move on
what the hell has the left done for the middle class? NOTHING we now have MILLIONS of people not in the work force (94million). taxes and regulations out the ass keeping jobs from starting, Obamascam keeping full time hiring because a business can't abide by the stupid rules and regulations in it. You people need to look at the left and stop falling their talking points.

a party isn't here to wipe your butts. go and help your OWN LIVES. that right there is what's getting us a Tyrant Federal Government people EXPECTING them to make their lives better, easer, hell not even have to work I guess.
Not to mention that the increase of jobs went to illegals.
One thing we all know is the left doesn't care about anyone. they are the party that champions abortion. the killing of your offspring, your unborn child who will be an adult some day. so they are the party of death
In the poll, the yes side is 44.7%. Ok, you now lets hear it...what have they done to help the middle class? All I see from BOTH side's is traitorous.
The operative word is, of course, "care".

For some, "caring" means lowering standards & expectations and making excuses, which often just enables reinforces poor behaviors; for others, "caring" means assuming that every able-bodied person has the capacity to completely fend for themselves, which is naive and simply not the case.

As with most things, the answers are somewhere in the middle, although neither "end" wants to admit it. Maybe they just don't see it.
One thing we all know is the left doesn't care about anyone. they are the party that champions abortion. the killing of your offspring, your unborn child who will be an adult some day. so they are the party of death
And they encourage the poor NOT to work and live off the government so they can keep their thumb on them.

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