Zone1 Does the speaker impasse strengthen or weaken America ?

Any power congress has given up was done for the sake of the republican "unitary executive" philosophy that is still in force.


Both parties over time gave up control of various things to the bureaucracy, which during Trump was shown to be uncontrollable if the "wrong" person was President.

Dems see it as a feature, Republicans were dumb enough to let it happen.
Does a blip strengthen or weaken America

Does a continual flow of illegals and drugs over the southern border strengthen or weaken America.

Does a Military struck with the woke disease strengthen or weaken America.

Does a President that doesn't know where he is half the time strengthen or weaken America.

Does a thoroughly corrupt congress, FBI and DOJ strengthen or weaken America.

Does following the whims of WEF strengthen or weaken America.

This list could get pretty long. We have serious, systemic, issues here. This isn't one of them.
In this case, it is 20 trumpian, election denier holdouts, saying it is their turn to run the House of Representatives or at least the Republican caucus, though they represent a very small minority. Problem being, just because you lose a presidential election, and the Senate in a mid-term while the rest of the normal party gains a very narrow margin in the House of Representatives, does not mean you get "a turn" at leadership or get to control. America and the Republican Party is not ready for minority rule, especially when even Republicans won't accept it.
What they represent is a majority of GOP voters, who are sick of swampy asswagons like McCarthy, who think things should just be dropped in their laps because it's their turn....It has also, as I just mentioned, exposed what moral cowards nearly all of the rest of the delegation are.

You're actually dizzy enough to really believe that you can keep doing the same thing and get a different result.

Both parties over time gave up control of various things to the bureaucracy, which during Trump was shown to be uncontrollable if the "wrong" person was President.

Dems see it as a feature, Republicans were dumb enough to let it happen.
We all got a good look at how republicans feel about the long disused oversight powers of congress.
What they represent is a majority of GOP voters, who are sick of swampy asswagons like McCarthy, who think things should just be dropped in their laps because it's their turn....It has also, as I just mentioned, exposed what moral cowards nearly all of the rest of the delegation are.

You're actually dizzy enough to really believe that you can keep doing the same thing and get a different result.
If they represented a majority of GOP voters the trumpian slate put forward during the midterms would have swept and trump would be seen as a kingmaker. As it is, his positive comments aren't even being followed by his trumpian minions in the House, now a minority without a minority leader in their own little click, unable to put forth a candidate themselves but unwilling to go with majority rule.
I am all for politicians being preented from legislating but there has to be a limit to that.
This impasse,I dont see it as a crisis, has thrown up a potential flaw in a system that seems designed for a different type of people to the current incumbents.

The largest party should choose the speaker but with that privilege comes the responsibility of actually choosing one.

I would hve thought that McCarthy woud have stated his objectives clearly at the start of this process so that GOP reps could discuss this prior to a vote. The party could have held Some sort of primary to reach an agreement.

They have had 2 months to do this and should have hit the ground running.
Then there is the question of a small faction of the party holding the larger group to ransom. Gaetz and his group comprise less than 10 % of the elected mmbers.
Obviously McCarthy is offering them concessions to buy their support. However if he goes too far he risks losing the support of the majority of the party. If being a holdout gets you a better job then why toe the line ?

Should the GOP have a process whereby they agree to back the majority choicev before any vote ? Its not as if they have put forward an alternative to KEv. I suspect that person is already chosen and is sitting quietly watching events.

So coming back to the initiaal question, does this strengthen America or weaken it ?
On the whole I think that it is not a bad thing. The GOP doesnt seem to have a vision for America that cant wait a week or two. It gives voters a greater insight into the workings of govt and it highlights deficiencies that need to be addresed.
What say you ?
Say No to RINOs!
Weakens, unquestionably. More to the point, it is a symptom.

This seems to happen only in times of enormous political division, when the country is barreling toward catastrophe. The last time was in 1923 (9 ballots), and the stock market crashed six years later. The two times before that were in 1859 (44 ballots) and 1855 (133 ballots) and the country erupted into Civil War not long thereafter.

If we don't fix things and quickly, this is a sign of much, much worse to come.
It's called "debate" and "voting"..... 2 things the groomers consider outdated concepts with Dominion and homeless mules taking care of the voting and "debate" has become "hide in your basement and we'll tell you when you've won".
The vast majority of GOP representatives back McCarthy.They will represent the will of their elctrorate..

The Gaetz minority have yet to put up their man. So they are just saying no without offering an alternative.

The system empowers nihilists which is a good, or bad, thing dependent on which side you are on.
The Dems all voting lockstep over and over is far more Nazi Reichstag than the Republicans cycling to decide which direction the House will go in this session.
Lol, the Republican Party just fails, fails, fails! What a joke. You line up to wear that clowns paint right with them good stuff. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics. 1st in over a hundred years a speaker was not elected on first vote. Evidently they live be losers. What we on now? Gotta love it! Almost as much as knowing hundreds upon hundreds of little clowns sit in jail as we speak for Jan 6th. Winning big on my side!
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Lol, the Republican Party just fails, fails, fails! What a joke. You line up to wear that clowns paint right with them good stuff. You ducking retard. 1st in over a hundred years a speaker was not elected on first vote. Evidently they live be losers. What we on now? Gotta love it! Almost as much as knowing hundreds upon hundreds of little clowns sit in jail as we speak for Jan 6th. Winning big on my side!

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It's called politics, I have no issue with this. The cause is actually the thin nature of the Majority.

I have a feeling if the Dems has this slim of a Majority you would see a similar fight, except they would have more actual candidates for speaker as opposed to the Freedom Caucus just playing spoiler as we are seeing now.
I think that you may be right.Small majorities should encourage parties to collaborate but that isnt the case so far.
Is there a deal to be done with the Dems ?
I think that you may be right.Small majorities should encourage parties to collaborate but that isnt the case so far.
Is there a deal to be done with the Dems ?

Why would anyone cooperate in the current State of American Politics.

And I blame the Dems for this far more than the Republicans.
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Why would anyone cooperate in the current State of American Politics.

And I blame the Dems for this far more than the Republicans.
Give and take means you get some of your priorities enacted. That would not appeal to extremists on either side.
But if you cant win the argument you need to compromise.

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