Zone1 Does the speaker impasse strengthen or weaken America ?

I am all for politicians being preented from legislating but there has to be a limit to that.
This impasse,I dont see it as a crisis, has thrown up a potential flaw in a system that seems designed for a different type of people to the current incumbents.

The largest party should choose the speaker but with that privilege comes the responsibility of actually choosing one.

I would hve thought that McCarthy woud have stated his objectives clearly at the start of this process so that GOP reps could discuss this prior to a vote. The party could have held Some sort of primary to reach an agreement.

They have had 2 months to do this and should have hit the ground running.
Then there is the question of a small faction of the party holding the larger group to ransom. Gaetz and his group comprise less than 10 % of the elected mmbers.
Obviously McCarthy is offering them concessions to buy their support. However if he goes too far he risks losing the support of the majority of the party. If being a holdout gets you a better job then why toe the line ?

Should the GOP have a process whereby they agree to back the majority choicev before any vote ? Its not as if they have put forward an alternative to KEv. I suspect that person is already chosen and is sitting quietly watching events.

So coming back to the initiaal question, does this strengthen America or weaken it ?
On the whole I think that it is not a bad thing. The GOP doesnt seem to have a vision for America that cant wait a week or two. It gives voters a greater insight into the workings of govt and it highlights deficiencies that need to be addresed.
What say you ?
It isn't "the speaker impasse" that could/would "strengthen or weaken America." It's the 2022 election results itself. The election put these people in the majority, slim as it may be.

McCarthy and his leadership team are terrible, in that they never whipped up the votes. McCarthy went to make so many concessions to get votes, it's a new ballgame going forward. Now it looks like the 118th Congress, has a broken rudder, torn sails, and is taking on water.

Does the speaker impasse strengthen or weaken America ?​

Worry about it, taint. Spend sleepless nights tossing and turning over it. Even if you fall asleep, have disturbed dreams about it.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Which of their demands did you object to?.....please be specific...
I didn't even know what the demands were or what deals he cut to get it. We won't know it all, even when the rules are voted on. I never cared either way about whom the Republicans got to lead in the 5 person majority House. I just was thoroughly entertained by the antics, desperation, ongoing (seemingly forever) political theater. Close to the last, we almost got to see two Republicans, duke it out on the floor of the house, the undisciplined fools. I loved the way C-SPAN got to move and point their cameras anywhere they wanted for a change, to catch a lot of the drama, only wish they could get even tighter shots and the media had trained lip readers to bring their words to the country that elected them. Anybody that was not thoroughly entertained by the antics and dysfunction of the party that controls the House is brain-dead or has no interest in the ongoing political spectacle they made of themselves.
It doesn't look good. Anybody that has high hope for how these clowns will function is probably a fool. It may be a two-year cliffhanger, until we see a stable house again.
In this case, it is 20 trumpian, election denier holdouts, saying it is their turn to run the House of Representatives or at least the Republican caucus, though they represent a very small minority. Problem being, just because you lose a presidential election, and the Senate in a mid-term while the rest of the normal party gains a very narrow margin in the House of Representatives, does not mean you get "a turn" at leadership or get to control. America and the Republican Party is not ready for minority rule, especially when even Republicans won't accept it.
Yes letting your extremes run the party will not turn out well for any of us.
Perhaps a better way would be lrtting just the winning party vote on this. It would cut out any control the exytemists have and ensure that no backroom deals were cut.

In this instance it would reduce the role of the putin sponsored members.Unless the wider party was behind it. We know that the majority of GOP voters support Ukraine and their veiws should be respected.

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