Does the Trump tax [scam] plan reward US companies for relocating?

This allegation has surfaced several times on various news sources.....that is, that the tax plan that was sold to the American workers as a boost to their bottom line, is actually REWARDING companies to relocate outside the U.S. by lowering these companies' tax rate. Of course, GM's latest decision to relocate several of their plants to Mexico is ample proof of the "royal screwing" of American auto workers.

The corporate tax rate was lowered from 35% to 21% and such a reduction has been made PERMANENT while the middle class cut is both meager and only TEMPORARY.

What the hell is going on with Trump backers in willingly bending over to this sham? We should ALL remember that after the tax scam was passed, Trump met with his fellow millionaires in Mar-a-Lago and told them openly, "I just made you guys a lot richer:.......WAKE UP !!!

So you buy into all the anti-Trump leftist garbage I suppose.

The two reasons businesses move out of the US are taxes and labor costs. What Trump did is reduce taxes to compete better with foreign entities because their wages will always be lower than ours.

One of the reasons multinational companies keep money out of the US made overseas is because of taxation. For instance GM could have bailed themselves out of trouble, but they couldn't bring their overseas money back to the US in order to do it. Therefore we taxpayers had to do it.

Since the tax cuts, more jobs have been created, we are now at a half-decade low in unemployment, and household income is increasing. Consumer and corporate confidence is at an18 year high, and a new record set for small business confidence.

Obviously the trash you read is to mislead you with some bogus theory. Tax cuts bring in business. Otherwise cities and states would not offer tax abatements in order to bring more industry to their area.
Since the tax cuts, more jobs have been created, we are now at a half-decade low in unemployment,

Moron.......Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.4% WITHOUT this massive tax cut financed by almost a $2 TRILLION debt.........Trump wasted that money to bring the rate further down to 3.7%......

Worth it, nitwit???
Since the tax cuts, more jobs have been created, we are now at a half-decade low in unemployment,

Moron.......Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.4% WITHOUT this massive tax cut financed by almost a $2 TRILLION debt.........Trump wasted that money to bring the rate further down to 3.7%......

Worth it, nitwit???
Once again the racist Gnat loves keeping minorities in restaurants where they serve Gnat.
Since the tax cuts, more jobs have been created, we are now at a half-decade low in unemployment,

Moron.......Obama took the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.4% WITHOUT this massive tax cut financed by almost a $2 TRILLION debt.........Trump wasted that money to bring the rate further down to 3.7%......

Worth it, nitwit???

Yes it is because that money should have never been taken from people in the first place. Less spending is what's required not taking more money.

Hussein didn't do crap for the economy, name one verifiable thing that he did! And no, the Pork Bill didn't do squat. What your trying to tell us is the most anti-business President in our lifetime is responsible for job creation and the salvation of industry. How did he do that? Higher taxes? Commie Care regulations? More intrusive and expensive government regulations?

You people on the left are so brainwashed. Let me tell you the only thing that saved our economy was the federal reserve pumping trillions into the stock market. While it made rich people even richer, it did give them some wiggle room to produce and create jobs.

But now that Trump has done wonders, Ears wants to take all the credit. He went from "What is Trump going to do to make a great economy--wave a magic wand or something?" to "Im responsible for the great economy we have today."

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