Does the Word 'Racism' Really Mean Anything Any More?

What is racism (multiple answers allowed)

  • laws and policies that discriminate on the basis of race

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • laws and policies deliberately designed to favor some races and disfavor others

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • anything that supports white people keeping power in our country

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • being rude to minorities

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • anything that supports Western Civilization

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • disagreeing with a liberal

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • wearing the regalia or supporting a known racist group like the KKK or neoNazis

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • anything I say it is whenever I want to say it is

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • I dunno, whats the chanel the game i on?

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters
Tramp is a racist and a bigot. Now you can show me blacks that he lets in the oval office or even that he hires, it doesn't matter, he is a racist bigot.

In your opinion. In my opinion you're a racist bigot. So now what?

Only because I don't give a rip about Israel, you mean?

No, because you want all Jews exterminated.

It's disgusting and there's no reason for it. But just so you know, Penny Jackboots also wants homeschoolers to carry papers around proving they have their vaccines, and she wants them locked out of all public assistance programs like food and housing aide, and also all public colleges.

This is why I gave her the name "Jackboots". Penny is a little authoritarian see. In Penny's tiny mind, this is Penny's world and we're all just taking up space in it.
How can it not be racism if you consider a group of people to be a race?

Look at Hitler, he considered Slavs to be an inferior race. Thus if he discriminated against Slavs, he was racist. It wouldn't necessarily have to have skin color to back it up, although in the modern world it often does.
I grew up in the South during the Civil Rights revolution, and back then the term 'racist' meant that you favored laws and policies that discriminated against individuals because of their race. Therefore, segregation laws and Jim Crow was rightfully viewed as racism, which it was.

Then it began to morph into other things, like policies with disproportionate impact. I noted at the time that the advocates of regarding laws and policies with a disproportionate impact to be all about what favored whites and disadvantaged minorities exclusively. If something had a disproportionate impact against whites and in favor of minorities, well that was OK and everyday Middle Class people began to speak of 'reverse racism', etc which all the talking Heads and Social justice Warriors dismissed with as much condescending scorn as possible. But it still was not 'equal rights' which most felt was the ideal standard for a fair and jkust government.

Now everything is racist if it goes against what our Progressive minority wants done. You want our nations immigration laws enforced; that's racist. You want law and order? That too is racist. You want to verify that only eligible voters can vote, well that is racism, etc, etc.

So what do you think racism is really?
The media has made it any remark directed against a minority
Why is R Kelly
R. Kelly is reportedly being held without bail following his arrest on federal sex charges.

and why isn't Jeffrey Epstein behind bars without bail?

Perfect example.
How can it not be racism if you consider a group of people to be a race?

Look at Hitler, he considered Slavs to be an inferior race. Thus if he discriminated against Slavs, he was racist. It wouldn't necessarily have to have skin color to back it up, although in the modern world it often does.
So racism is entirely subjective to the viewer?

I don't think that is helping clarify what racism is, though.
the term RACE has not been defined-----there are NEW races----the most
important "race" now is "PERSON OF COLOR"----which means absolutely
Why is R Kelly
R. Kelly is reportedly being held without bail following his arrest on federal sex charges.

and why isn't Jeffrey Epstein behind bars without bail?

Perfect example.
Yes, but one of them also has considerably more money.

Michael Jackson was not in jail as far as I remember.

I'm not saying race is not a factor, I'm saying wealth is also.
How can it not be racism if you consider a group of people to be a race?

Look at Hitler, he considered Slavs to be an inferior race. Thus if he discriminated against Slavs, he was racist. It wouldn't necessarily have to have skin color to back it up, although in the modern world it often does.
So racism is entirely subjective to the viewer?

I don't think that is helping clarify what racism is, though.

not only subjective to the viewer------even RACE is subjective to both the
viewer and the proband
How can it not be racism if you consider a group of people to be a race?

Look at Hitler, he considered Slavs to be an inferior race. Thus if he discriminated against Slavs, he was racist. It wouldn't necessarily have to have skin color to back it up, although in the modern world it often does.
So racism is entirely subjective to the viewer?

I don't think that is helping clarify what racism is, though.
Yes, to the viewer's point of view.

If you have a simpler idea of what it is, post it for debate.
This poll is so wrong. Clearly, being born white makes you a racist. Therefore, you should bow down and suck on every black dick, kiss every Latin ass, and let every Middle-Eastern rape your daughters. Only then will we expel you from your own countries as a reward for your new "woke" philosophy! :thup:
How can it not be racism if you consider a group of people to be a race?

Look at Hitler, he considered Slavs to be an inferior race. Thus if he discriminated against Slavs, he was racist. It wouldn't necessarily have to have skin color to back it up, although in the modern world it often does.
So racism is entirely subjective to the viewer?

I don't think that is helping clarify what racism is, though.
Yes, to the viewer's point of view.

If you have a simpler idea of what it is, post it for debate.
Actually I wouldn't say the viewer's point of view, depending on what you mean by viewer. But if someone dislikes a certain group of people he/she considers a race, that would imply racism.
I grew up in the South during the Civil Rights revolution, and back then the term 'racist' meant that you favored laws and policies that discriminated against individuals because of their race. Therefore, segregation laws and Jim Crow was rightfully viewed as racism, which it was.

Then it began to morph into other things, like policies with disproportionate impact. I noted at the time that the advocates of regarding laws and policies with a disproportionate impact to be all about what favored whites and disadvantaged minorities exclusively. If something had a disproportionate impact against whites and in favor of minorities, well that was OK and everyday Middle Class people began to speak of 'reverse racism', etc which all the talking Heads and Social justice Warriors dismissed with as much condescending scorn as possible. But it still was not 'equal rights' which most felt was the ideal standard for a fair and jkust government.

Now everything is racist if it goes against what our Progressive minority wants done. You want our nations immigration laws enforced; that's racist. You want law and order? That too is racist. You want to verify that only eligible voters can vote, well that is racism, etc, etc.

So what do you think racism is really?

What laws and polices disadvantaged whites over minorities as you claim?

Uhhhhh......affirmative action ring a bell dumbshit?
Jews I take individually, Israel I don't care about but I have yet to see why they are not independent and still receive aid of US 3.8 billion bucks a year.
Because they are a lone nation of reason in an unreasonable part of the world...
We also give Egypt a similar amount of cash, but no one complains about that.
Yep. We actually PAY Egypt and the "Palestinians" to behave themselves. We basically loan Israel money which they use for the most part to buy defensive weapons from us because they are surrounded by rabid sharks.
I grew up in the South during the Civil Rights revolution, and back then the term 'racist' meant that you favored laws and policies that discriminated against individuals because of their race. Therefore, segregation laws and Jim Crow was rightfully viewed as racism, which it was.

Then it began to morph into other things, like policies with disproportionate impact. I noted at the time that the advocates of regarding laws and policies with a disproportionate impact to be all about what favored whites and disadvantaged minorities exclusively. If something had a disproportionate impact against whites and in favor of minorities, well that was OK and everyday Middle Class people began to speak of 'reverse racism', etc which all the talking Heads and Social justice Warriors dismissed with as much condescending scorn as possible. But it still was not 'equal rights' which most felt was the ideal standard for a fair and jkust government.

Now everything is racist if it goes against what our Progressive minority wants done. You want our nations immigration laws enforced; that's racist. You want law and order? That too is racist. You want to verify that only eligible voters can vote, well that is racism, etc, etc.

So what do you think racism is really?

What laws and polices disadvantaged whites over minorities as you claim?

Uhhhhh......affirmative action ring a bell dumbshit?

So having 2 positions out of 100 filled by minorities hurts white people?

And I really don't think Jim Crow states had any policies or laws of affirmative action.
I grew up in the South during the Civil Rights revolution, and back then the term 'racist' meant that you favored laws and policies that discriminated against individuals because of their race. Therefore, segregation laws and Jim Crow was rightfully viewed as racism, which it was.

Then it began to morph into other things, like policies with disproportionate impact. I noted at the time that the advocates of regarding laws and policies with a disproportionate impact to be all about what favored whites and disadvantaged minorities exclusively. If something had a disproportionate impact against whites and in favor of minorities, well that was OK and everyday Middle Class people began to speak of 'reverse racism', etc which all the talking Heads and Social justice Warriors dismissed with as much condescending scorn as possible. But it still was not 'equal rights' which most felt was the ideal standard for a fair and jkust government.

Now everything is racist if it goes against what our Progressive minority wants done. You want our nations immigration laws enforced; that's racist. You want law and order? That too is racist. You want to verify that only eligible voters can vote, well that is racism, etc, etc.

So what do you think racism is really?

What laws and polices disadvantaged whites over minorities as you claim?

Uhhhhh......affirmative action ring a bell dumbshit?

So having 2 positions out of 100 filled by minorities hurts white people?

And I really don't think Jim Crow states had any policies or laws of affirmative action.

You'd have to ask the guy who was turned down at a college because a minority took his place due to affirmative action.
Pure racism.

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