does this annoy anyone else?

Jun 29, 2017
one thing that REALLY gets my goat is when I hear people(rappers are the WORST) refer to magazines as "clips" "i popped the clip in my glock"............NO YOU DIDNT, you inserted a magazine into your glock, you moron.
a clip is a feeding device that you load firarms with internal magazines into...for example I use stripper cvlips to load both my mosin and my SKS. however, you insert a MAGAZINE into an AK/AR/FN-FAL
I swear these people are so dumb.
one thing that REALLY gets my goat is when I hear people(rappers are the WORST) refer to magazines as "clips" "i popped the clip in my glock"............NO YOU DIDNT, you inserted a magazine into your glock, you moron.
a clip is a feeding device that you load firarms with internal magazines into...for example I use stripper cvlips to load both my mosin and my SKS. however, you insert a MAGAZINE into an AK/AR/FN-FAL
I swear these people are so dumb.
I used to be just as pedantic but now I really don't let it bother me any longer. Meanings are altered/amended all the time. Take the word 'decimate', up until WWI it only meant to reduce by ten percent in a purely military context now it means almost total destruction, a gun was an artillery piece and heavy naval guns and AR15s used to be called a sporting rifle now some call it an assault rife. Such is life.
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one thing that REALLY gets my goat is when I hear people(rappers are the WORST) refer to magazines as "clips" "i popped the clip in my glock"............NO YOU DIDNT, you inserted a magazine into your glock, you moron.
a clip is a feeding device that you load firarms with internal magazines into...for example I use stripper cvlips to load both my mosin and my SKS. however, you insert a MAGAZINE into an AK/AR/FN-FAL
I swear these people are so dumb.
I used to be just as pedantic but know I really don't let it bother me any longer. Meanings are altered/amended all the time. Take the word 'decimate', up until WWI it only meant to reduce by ten percent in a purely military context now it means almost total destruction, a gun was an artillery piece and heavy naval guns and AR15s used to be called a sporting rifle now some call it an assault rife. Such is life.
plus I guess "magazine" doesnt rhyme with as many words as "clip" LOL

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