Does Tlaib's embarrass the Democrats?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

as an unaffiliated sane and rational American I don't approve of either party.

And I find many democrats to be almost as embarrassing as trump....

but even trump isn't as much of an embarrassment as trump voters are.....

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself
Does Tlaib's embarrass the Democrats?
No, and here is why.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
At one time, people like this were put away so they could not reproduce. Today as you see many of their offspring in Congress and the streets of LA, San Fransicko, and other tent cities, they have become a problem that the left cannot control.

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

as an unaffiliated sane and rational American I don't approve of either party.

And I find many democrats to be almost as embarrassing as trump....

but even trump isn't as much of an embarrassment as trump voters are.....
What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open.
These type of tweets do nothing but add to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Rep Tlaib is more interested in castigating Israel than offering solutions.

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

as an unaffiliated sane and rational American I don't approve of either party.

And I find many democrats to be almost as embarrassing as trump....

but even trump isn't as much of an embarrassment as trump voters are.....
What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open.

"What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open."

I don't approve of either party.

I think the democrats are moving too far to the left while it is obvious that republicans are deranged fascists.

at this point I consider democrats the slightly BETTER of two unappealing parties.

Yes...I bash conservatives.

Absolutely. They are the scum of America and they voted for a turd for president.

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

as an unaffiliated sane and rational American I don't approve of either party.

And I find many democrats to be almost as embarrassing as trump....

but even trump isn't as much of an embarrassment as trump voters are.....
What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open.

"What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open."

I don't approve of either party.

I think the democrats are moving too far to the left while it is obvious that republicans are deranged fascists.

at this point I consider democrats the slightly BETTER of two unappealing parties.

Yes...I bash conservatives.

Absolutely. They are the scum of America and they voted for a turd for president.
We did not vote for Obama. The brown turd of a president. That would be liberals. Like you.
She inadvertantly exposed her former arguments as bogus as well as this recent rant.
She needs to make up her mind, as she ranted and raved : "don't tell me to go home" out of full context and intent, then contradicts this by falsely staged crying "you won't let me go home".
Seriously let me get this straight using what was actually tweeted in full context and meaning.
Trump said they should
go home AND COME BACK to tell us how well things are going there (with the ideas they intend to impliment here.) So she goes balistic and manipulates the words for propaganda then ends up wanting to go home and tell us how bad things are there.....checkmate Trump was right, she admits it, and he wins again. He's right, it's getting exhausting all this winning.
We might have to give these sore losers a participation award to appease their being raised in this coddling mind set, that there is no winners or losers. Well we see how well that idea worked with people not used to handling losing going full sore loser mode, needing safe spaces with playdoh and puppy dogs to ease their new found emotions. *rolling my eyes*
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Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself

as an unaffiliated sane and rational American I don't approve of either party.

And I find many democrats to be almost as embarrassing as trump....

but even trump isn't as much of an embarrassment as trump voters are.....
What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open.

"What a lying sack of excrement. Has no affiliation with any party yet bashes the people who have brought more jobs back to the US, higher wages, lower taxes, lower gas prices. You know a liberal is lying when their pie hole is open."

I don't approve of either party.

I think the democrats are moving too far to the left while it is obvious that republicans are deranged fascists.

at this point I consider democrats the slightly BETTER of two unappealing parties.

Yes...I bash conservatives.

Absolutely. They are the scum of America and they voted for a turd for president.

The Democrats are all of the things that they profess to abhor.
They are racist bigots and they are religious bigots.
About half of the Dem Voters hate white people
And about 75% either hate Christians or they hate their fellow Christians.
The Democrats are greedy.
They can never have enough taxes, or enough of other people's paychecks.
The dumb Democrat Voters hate rich people instead of emulating them.
Whenever the Dem politicians achieve permanent political power in a city or state their corruption goes out of control.
Whenever the Republicans get their way they create good safe neighborhoods and good schools and attract good employers and build the middle class.
Liberals are bigots who hate mainstream middle class people(Republicans).
Left wing economic policies destroy the middle class and spreads poverty.
Liberals want an amoral culture, which is cultural suicide.
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Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself
She doesn't embarrass me because she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems. Every party has their fringe element and because they are controversial they get lots of coverage in the media.

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself
She doesn't embarrass me because she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems. Every party has their fringe element and because they are controversial they get lots of coverage in the media.
In other words you cant say shit about them because they represent the Democrat party but you dont want to be called a racist. Got it.
She doesn't embarrass me because she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems. Every party has their fringe element and because they are controversial they get lots of coverage in the media.
In other words you cant say shit about them because they represent the Democrat party but you dont want to be called a racist. Got it.
Which part of "she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems" confused you into thinking "they represent the Democrat party"?
She doesn't embarrass me because she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems. Every party has their fringe element and because they are controversial they get lots of coverage in the media.
In other words you cant say shit about them because they represent the Democrat party but you dont want to be called a racist. Got it.
Which part of "she doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Dems" confused you into thinking "they represent the Democrat party"?
I guess you haven't seen the shift of the 2020 Dems moving farther to the left to pander to people like the squad? Yeah, there is still the groper Joe Biden, but he is done after this next debate. Then it will be who can out retard the other retards of the left.

Rep. Tlaib of Michigan wiped away tears as she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to bar her and Rep. Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories after pressure from President Trump.

Both Talaib and Omar hate Jews but the they are getting a major pass by the Press/Hollywood because they are Democrats. They only wanted to go to Israel to bash them. Why aren't the Democrat Voters ashamed of them?

Rashida Tlaib justifies latest Hamas terror attack, condemns Israel for defending itself
I don't think "embarrass" is the right word. Perhaps the Democrats are upset that these idiots have removed the veil of deception the Democrats constantly engage in not only with Jews, but Blacks and Latinos, exposing them for what they truly are.
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