Does Trump actually have a plan to reverse the election? Not really, but he reportedly wants the fight.

Participation trophies are exactly why all you lefties are entitled assholes.

They are perfectly described as 'Moral narcissists"
Mix that in with a degree of mental illness and you have todays' left.
It's why so many of them are pedophiles and why they need participation trophies.
Their narcissistic egos can't handle it.
If you never learn to lose...and accept it as a part of the learning process (think participation trophies here)...then when it hits you in adulthood, it's much much harder to handle. Trump lacks the tools to handle it well, and the insight to gain them.
Participation trophies are exactly why all you lefties are entitled assholes.
What is your excuse?

(my generation had no ridiculous participation trophies)

Neither did mine. And when I coached my sons' sports teams I refused to have them. And I was roundly supported by parents (2005-2015 - so recent). We had player of the year, most improved player, and player's choice awards. That was it. If you weren't in one of those categories you missed out. Not one kid every complained. Ever.
They are perfectly described as 'Moral narcissists"
Mix that in with a degree of mental illness and you have todays' left.
It's why so many of them are pedophiles and why they need participation trophies.
Their narcissistic egos can't handle it.

You're one of the biggest narcissist twats, along with the Cesspit, on this board. You're nothing but a Deplorable, white trash crybaby. Go home to mama, boy, so she can wipe your snotty nose.
So conservatives, how do we essentially ignore the Senile China owned pedo Blob for 4 years and keep Trump in our hearts and minds as the TRUE President?
What can we do to shove it to the Left and keep our nation on track?

Will we quietly slink into a corner and let the left self destruct (along with the nation), or will we get involved and push back?

I think for the next 4 years we continue to proclaim Trump President and ignore the Left as much as possible, defeat their plans best we can and just
ignore their unConstitutional edicts from Beto etc?

Surely you're not in the mood for unity?
This is one treasonous MFer.
We still have about a month to clean this up and put Trump back in Power.

Let's DO THIS !!!

So conservatives, how do we essentially ignore the Senile China owned pedo Blob for 4 years and keep Trump in our hearts and minds as the TRUE President?
What can we do to shove it to the Left and keep our nation on track?

Will we quietly slink into a corner and let the left self destruct (along with the nation), or will we get involved and push back?

I think for the next 4 years we continue to proclaim Trump President and ignore the Left as much as possible, defeat their plans best we can and just
ignore their unConstitutional edicts from Beto etc?

Surely you're not in the mood for unity?
This is one treasonous MFer. what would that make you for the last 4 years?

"Super treasonous" ?

last 4 years you cried an ocean......bitching 24/7.
It's expected to now hear you complaining that others complain.

Just know this.....75% of America doesn't give a shit what Biden or Harris do.....

Not our President.

in fact, if they go too far, they might learn what happens to tyrants. :itsok:
So conservatives, how do we essentially ignore the Senile China owned pedo Blob for 4 years and keep Trump in our hearts and minds as the TRUE President?
What can we do to shove it to the Left and keep our nation on track?

Will we quietly slink into a corner and let the left self destruct (along with the nation), or will we get involved and push back?

I think for the next 4 years we continue to proclaim Trump President and ignore the Left as much as possible, defeat their plans best we can and just
ignore their unConstitutional edicts from Beto etc?

Surely you're not in the mood for unity?
This is one treasonous MFer.

The irony of neocon whackadoodle white trash Deplorables amazes me.
They are massive on 'freedom' and 'having my peashooter', yet they are happy to try and deny their fellow citizens the same right when they don't get their own way.
Trump's biggest legacy, and one that has poisoned your society, has been his ability to entrap gullible - and vulnerable - people in his web of Fake News lies. I am 100 per cent convinced the nimrods on this board believe there has been voter fraud. 1) Because they are not the brightest bunch of people; 2) they can't fathom that so many people hate the Fat Fuck's guts; and 3) he is their messiah/king
The irony? I'm pretty convinced that those around Trump (and maybe even Trump himself, although I think he is dumbarse sack of shit) know there has been no voter fraud. They are playing to the peanut gallery. But they are not the ones who have to pay the price at the end.
Just know this.....75% of America doesn't give a shit what Biden or Harris do.....

Not our President.

in fact, if they go too far, they might learn what happens to tyrants. :itsok:

I would LOVE you do go to the inauguration with a loaded peashooter. In fact, I dare you. Just make sure your life insurance is in order.
Just know this.....75% of America doesn't give a shit what Biden or Harris do.....

Not our President.

in fact, if they go too far, they might learn what happens to tyrants. :itsok:
And I'm ECSTATIC to see your loser ass flat on your back.

]And I'm ECSTATIC to see your loser ass flat on your back.

Of course you are.
I would never say that.

The reason being you have nasty and evil built in.

It must really suck to be you

For all the world to see....the left rejects a United States....if you disagree, they wish you flat on your ass
And this is why no one will cooperate with harris Biden
They will be the most ignored little tyrants to ever think they're powerful.
75% of America rejects Socialism and Fascism......which means most Americans will not pay attention to a Harris Biden adminstration.

Trump should not concede until the day Biden takes the oath. After the way Democrats treated him for 4 years, they earned it.

They treated him no badly than you did Obama, get over it.


So sorry. No one likes it when their cult leader is humiliated...even when it is well deserved.
Biden is a liar. He told the American people he would wait until the vote counts were completed and the election certified before declaring victory. He's a liar.
Biden is a liar. He told the American people he would wait until the vote counts were completed and the election certified before declaring victory. He's a liar.

Fuck me! A politician who lies??? I...just...can' This is terrible....What should we do?
Maybe get some advice from the Liar in Chief, The Orange Buffoon? Whadday reckon?
They are perfectly described as 'Moral narcissists"
Mix that in with a degree of mental illness and you have todays' left.
It's why so many of them are pedophiles and why they need participation trophies.
Their narcissistic egos can't handle it.

You're one of the biggest narcissist twats, along with the Cesspit, on this board. You're nothing but a Deplorable, white trash crybaby. Go home to mama, boy, so she can wipe your snotty nose.
I think you are projecting Jillian.
Biden is a liar. He told the American people he would wait until the vote counts were completed and the election certified before declaring victory. He's a liar.

Fuck me! A politician who lies??? I...just...can' This is terrible....What should we do?
Maybe get some advice from the Liar in Chief, The Orange Buffoon? Whadday reckon?
Exactly. Fucking hypocritical moonbats.
75% of America rejects Socialism and Fascism......which means most Americans will not pay attention to a Harris Biden adminstration.

painting an obvious centrist as a radical socialist is abusing the Overton Window to a degree I didn't even think was possible.

Since we've had massive increase in fascism the past 4 years, yes americans have rejected it


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