Does Trump actually have a plan to reverse the election? Not really, but he reportedly wants the fight.

There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of
Just a reminder -

The vote for the President will be on December 14th 2020
Hopefully all the cases will be adjudicated by then.
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of
In yer wet wild dreams you think people never have to work, you dufass..
You can parrot other people's conspiracy theories and lies
Which “other people?”

just because you let the lying lib media do your thinking for you does not mean that others suffer from the same addiction
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of

Where is the proof? They're not even presenting proof nor trying to, lol
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of

Where is the proof? They're not even presenting proof nor trying to, lol
All the proof they have is the rubes that fight for no real reason.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol
You and your satanic minions had a plan to steal the election and it fell apart

Can you tell me what substance or truth or me facts exist in this Troll Drivel of yours that is even remotely related to politics?

Its just another Ad Hominem Attack of which hundreds more from you are your frightened friends are to follow.
You can parrot other people's conspiracy theories and lies
Which “other people?”

just because you let the lying lib media do your thinking for you does not mean that others suffer from the same addiction

Now its the media's fault, and btw, I'm no damn liberal, I'm a center-right leaning moderate that just doesn't follow the herd like a lemming moron like your ilk.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol

A far as I know Trump tries to paralyze the USA with complaints and to overtake the power conspiratorial - what would be the end of the USA, which is known since the bill of rights was written, I guess.
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Yeah...that is why they lost seats in the House.
When the GOP wins the 2 senate seats...miraculously...the Democrats would have forgotten how to rig elections in a matter of weeks!

You Communists are already trying to rig that election. Soros - a conduit for Communist China, is already pumping hundreds of millions in - plus the Communist party is moving tens of thousands of homeless from California to exploit a weakness in Georgia law that allows new residents to vote.

I don't know that you Maoists will succeed, but the attempt to defraud the Senate runoff races is well underway.
In yer wet wild dreams you think people never have to work, you dufass..
I think democrats wish they didnt have to work and dream of the day that an all-powerful socialist government will rob the rich and give the money to you as your just reward for being born
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of

Where is the proof? They're not even presenting proof nor trying to, lol

There are 11,000 sworn affidavits.

You should be banned for trashing Politics.
You can parrot other people's conspiracy theories and lies
Which “other people?”

just because you let the lying lib media do your thinking for you does not mean that others suffer from the same addiction

You have no evidence of fraud yourself, so the fact that you state there is fraud is proof that you're a damn parrot
Now its the media's fault, and btw, I'm no damn liberal, I'm a center-right leaning moderate that just doesn't follow the herd like a lemming moron like your ilk.
You cant be center-right and vote for marxists like biden, AOC and the whole democrat agenda

you may be fooling yourself but not the rest of us
... Trump is trying to pull a dictator coup, but its not going to work.

Stupid question: What, if it works? The ability to think on their own seems not to exist in Trumpists any longer.

“Der Klang der Harfe lockt die Vögel an,
heilt den verwundeten Krieger,
verzaubert das Herz der Dame.
Süß ist ihr Ton wie der Ruf des Kuckucks,
sanft wie das Rauschen der Wellen am Strand,
sehnsuchtsvoll wie der Gesang des Schwanes auf dem Fluss…”

Gofraidh Fionn O’Dalaigh (+ 1387)
Last edited:

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol


More and more it's just to create the narrative that he didn't lose--it was taken from him. Everyone with two working brain cells knows he got his head handed to him; Joe kicked him in the nuts and then Kamala laughed at him. But his cult will fully believe that they were robbed.

There's supposed to be a MAGA Million Man March the day after tomorrow. It will be a good gauge of who is still on board. The tooth-to-tattoo ratio will probably be 3/28.

All Kamala does is laugh.... until she gets held accountable and acts like a victim. Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Pence dominated her in debates simply by asking her about her own verifiable record and then she turned into the angry victim.
Yeah...that is why they lost seats in the House.
Cheating awarded them a bigger prize than a few measly seats in the house.

If they get away with this theft of a presidential election democrats will have far more power in the future to turn America into a California/Beijing style one-party dictatorship
100% Right. It is Extensive and Organized cheating by the Democrats.

They sneak in hundreds of thousands of votes to polling places in the dead of the night and then count them with no Republican or Independent Poll Watchers present.

There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

Why do you Stalinists think Baghdad Bob is meaningful? WaPo are demagogues and propagandists, the stenographers for the Marxist democrat party. They will say or print anything to promote the party and will lie, suppress, and outright censor anything which harms the party - as they did with the Hunter Biden laptop.

Nothing these vermin vomit out has meaning. WaPo is just the Biden campaign. They are no different than Nancy Pelosi.
In yer wet wild dreams you think people never have to work, you dufass..
I think democrats wish they didnt have to work and dream of the day that an all-powerful socialist government will rob the rich and give the money to you as your just reward for being born
Who in the hell does not wish for an existence without having to work, yet it has never happened and it never will, I doubt that ever happens just like I doubt it happens in Heaven, I doubt everything you say because that is how you have created your persona..

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol


More and more it's just to create the narrative that he didn't lose--it was taken from him. Everyone with two working brain cells knows he got his head handed to him; Joe kicked him in the nuts and then Kamala laughed at him. But his cult will fully believe that they were robbed.

There's supposed to be a MAGA Million Man March the day after tomorrow. It will be a good gauge of who is still on board. The tooth-to-tattoo ratio will probably be 3/28.

All Kamala does is laugh.... until she gets held accountable and acts like a victim. Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Pence dominated her in debates simply by asking her about her own verifiable record and then she turned into the angry victim.
Harris does have a nervous cackle that is very annoying

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