Does Trump actually have a plan to reverse the election? Not really, but he reportedly wants the fight.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol
The election system in the US is clearly fixed in favor of democrats

they have been cheating for decades and if allowed to continue will soon be no better than Stalin or Xi in communist china

You weren't claiming that four years ago when the numbers went in your favor and Trump backed into the Presidency.
What you did was the happy dance and then four years of memes, gifs, fake news, conspiracy theories, and being aggrieved.
This really is unsightly...and un-American.
Yeah...that is why they lost seats in the House.
Cheating awarded them a bigger prize than a few measly seats in the house.

If they get away with this theft of a presidential election democrats will have far more power in the future to turn America into a California/Beijing style one-party dictatorship
100% Right. It is Extensive and Organized cheating by the Democrats.

They sneak in hundreds of thousands of votes to polling places in the dead of the night and then count them with no Republican or Independent Poll Watchers present.

There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

Why do you Stalinists think Baghdad Bob is meaningful? WaPo are demagogues and propagandists, the stenographers for the Marxist democrat party. They will say or print anything to promote the party and will lie, suppress, and outright censor anything which harms the party - as they did with the Hunter Biden laptop.

Nothing these vermin vomit out has meaning. WaPo is just the Biden campaign. They are no different than Nancy Pelosi.
Stalinist? You are full of shit....
Trump lost and you will need a better mechanism to deal with it, try a vacation.
You can parrot other people's conspiracy theories and lies but without any evidence nor proof to back it you're just another useless lemming and germ.

And you can parrot Communist party talking points, which is the ONLY thing WaPo does. Pelosi, Schumer, The squad, and Bai-Deng decide what WaPo and the other party media publish.
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud
I suspect the fraud took place the minute 300 million ballots were printed and mailed out willy-nilly

so the theft is probably not going to be proven.

which puts libs like you one step closer to the No-Work socialist paradise that libs dream of

Where is the proof? They're not even presenting proof nor trying to, lol

Presenting to who?
Who in the hell does not wish for an existence without having to work, yet it has never happened and it never will,
You wont know till you try

and electing democrats has a better chance of getting you to that socialist nirvana than republicans do
In 2018, in Florida, there was a Senate race between Gov. Rick Scott(R) and incumbent Senator Bill Nelson(D) and at the end of the night Scott led by 60,000 votes. Hooray.

But wait a minute! In Democratic strongholds they found ballots that had not been counted and the lead started to shrink, More ballots...more shrinkage, Well, they ran out of time and the Democrats only got to within around 10,000 votes. Gov Scott was declared the winner.

A curious thing though about those late ballots. Nelson got almost all the new ballots and his was the ONLY contest on those ballots that was marked. No down ballot votes for the House of Representatives, the Florida Legislature, Commissioners, Amendments, etc.

Fast forward to today and we have this:

Who in the hell does not wish for an existence without having to work, yet it has never happened and it never will,
You wont know till you try

and electing democrats has a better chance of getting you to that socialist nirvana than republicans do
Actually social security does it yet you still have to work like, turning on a light, eating, crapping, changing clothes. You are just being futile in yer extremities, don't worry someday it will be alright and you can have that nurse wait on you while you don't work because of retirement homes.
Stalinist? You are full of shit....
Trump lost and you will need a better mechanism to deal with it, try a vacation.

Is comparing you vermin to Stalin unfair? To Stalin?

But the democrat party IS a Stalinist party - VERY much like the Khmer Rouge. Note how information harmful to the party is openly censored and suppressed, like the Biden laptop proving the deep corruption of Quid Pro and his ties to Russia, Iran, and China?

Just like the first Uncle Joe did.
In 2018, in Florida, there was a Senate race between Gov. Rick Scott(R) and incumbent Senator Bill Nelson(D) and at the end of the night Scott led by 60,000 votes. Hooray.

But wait a minute! In Democratic strongholds they found ballots that had not been counted and the lead started to shrink, More ballots...more shrinkage, Well, they ran out of time and the Democrats only got to within around 10,000 votes. Gov Scott was declared the winner.

A curious thing though about those late ballots. Nelson got almost all the new ballots and his was the ONLY contest on those ballots that was marked. No down ballot votes for the House of Representatives, the Florida Legislature, Commissioners, Amendments, etc.

Fast forward to today and we have this:

spam... These eggheads are so smert they overpredicted deaths from COVID using-math...
Stalinist? You are full of shit....
Trump lost and you will need a better mechanism to deal with it, try a vacation.

Is comparing you vermin to Stalin unfair? To Stalin?

But the democrat party IS a Stalinist party - VERY much like the Khmer Rouge. Note how information harmful to the party is openly censored and suppressed, like the Biden laptop proving the deep corruption of Quid Pro and his ties to Russia, Iran, and China?

Just like the first Uncle Joe did.
Yes it is unfair considering none of us have done anything remotely close to what Stalin did...Your need to vilify your opponent over a case of general politics is only showing the deprived nature of yer character....

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol
The reversal is a legal matter, up to the lawyers. All they need is victory in one suit to become a precedent and the rest of the states cases will follow,
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

Why do you say that Trump has offered no evidence?
He has never talked to the lawyers or seen the documents they filed. He's just bullshitting.
Was if fixed like that in 2016 by your logic? A loss is a loss just deal with it.
I am not in a position to know everything about everything

that honor goes to the libs posting on this forum

my guess is that dems expected to win the 2016 election in a landslide because thats what the lying lib polls were telling them to expect

so that election got away from them but they made up for it on 2018

You can parrot other people's conspiracy theories and lies but without any evidence nor proof to back it you're just another useless lemming and germ.
You haven't talked to Trump's lawyers or seen the papers they filed. You have no idea what they have, jerk.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol
The reversal is a legal matter, up to the lawyers. All they need is victory in one suit to become a precedent and the rest of the states cases will follow,

There is no result to reverse yet.
Yeah...that is why they lost seats in the House.
Cheating awarded them a bigger prize than a few measly seats in the house.

If they get away with this theft of a presidential election democrats will have far more power in the future to turn America into a California/Beijing style one-party dictatorship

Trump is trying to pull a dictator coup, but its not going to work.
What are you, a court justice? Cut the crap.
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

Why do you say that Trump has offered no evidence?
He has never talked to the lawyers or seen the documents they filed. He's just bullshitting.

I'm just trying to find out if he wants the Lawyers to run them by him first or just take the evidence to that Maddow Guy.

Taking evidence through the evidentiary process does not seem to be to his liking.
Oh yeah. He's a fighter. It's one of the thing his supporters love about him. They don't seem to mind that he has no idea what he's fighting for.
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

Why do you say that Trump has offered no evidence?
He has never talked to the lawyers or seen the documents they filed. He's just bullshitting.

I'm just trying to find out if he wants the Lawyers to run them by him first or just take the evidence to that Maddow Guy.

Taking evidence through the evidentiary process does not seem to be to his liking.
Of course not. His entire world is television. That's where he wants to stage his "fight".
Stalinist? You are full of shit....
Trump lost and you will need a better mechanism to deal with it, try a vacation.

Is comparing you vermin to Stalin unfair? To Stalin?

But the democrat party IS a Stalinist party - VERY much like the Khmer Rouge. Note how information harmful to the party is openly censored and suppressed, like the Biden laptop proving the deep corruption of Quid Pro and his ties to Russia, Iran, and China?

Just like the first Uncle Joe did.
Yes it is unfair considering none of us have done anything remotely close to what Stalin did...Your need to vilify your opponent over a case of general politics is only showing the deprived nature of yer character....

democrats are all over the internet calling for death camps and the extermination of enemies of the party.

democrats ARE a Stalinist party and WILL engage in atrocities the first opportunity you have.
The second thing that the TRUMP team is looking at is computer programs that syphon off votes from TRUMP and give them to Biden.

Trump loses 19,958 votes and Biden gains 19,958 votes in just 40 seconds in PA, in a live election coverage on CNN

During a CNN live election coverage on November 3, someone noticed something unusual in the live tickers of the election result on CNN at about 10:22 PM Eastern Time. The video was recorded on election night.

At 4 seconds into the video, Trump has 1,690,589 in PA while Biden has 1,252,537 as CNN’s John King provided a breakdown of votes in PA. At 41 seconds into the video, Trump loses 19,958 votes giving him 1,670,631 while Biden votes go up by 19,958 Trump lost, giving Biden 1,272,495.

Below is the breakdown of what happened just within 40 seconds. At the start of the video, the PA total votes are:

Trump 1,690,589
Biden 1,252,537

At the end of the video the totals on the screen are for PA are:

Trump 1,670,631. -19,958 votes
Biden 1,272,495. +19,958

That is a vote swing of 39,916 in favor of Joe Biden


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