Does Trump actually have a plan to reverse the election? Not really, but he reportedly wants the fight.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol
Have a look? Audit?

You and the Dems are crapping in your britches at the prospect of an audit. I wonder why.
Go peddle your crap at another place. Since you are incapable of discussing the real issue and not your rhetorical propaganda.
The only issue libs like you have been discussing is trumps personality

which is really just a petty complaint rather than a real policy issue
Go peddle your crap at another place. Since you are incapable of discussing the real issue and not your rhetorical propaganda.
The only issue libs like you have been discussing is trumps personality

which is really just a petty complaint rather than a real policy issue

It's not petty at all. Trump's "personality" includes his stupidity, his dishonesty, his vanity, and his willingness to say anything to get his way. These all directly impact real policy.
Pennsylvania is infested with zombies. A lawsuit has been filed because apparently, they’re also allowed to vote. More than 21,000 corpses were eligible to cast a ballot for Joe Biden in the hotly contested state. For some strange reason, it seems that dead people always vote Democrat.
There are quite a few signed affidavits out there. Michigan has 253 of them and is already doing its own recount. Should be interesting.
In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Trump lawsuit affidavits allege Michigan election misconduct, don't show widespread fraud

I think it is clear that when poll watchers are not allowed to participate in ballot counting, from either secrecy or force, they will not be able to see any shenanigans (FRAUD).

If Biden had the Michigan race won, there would have been no reason not to have an honest vote.
Like Illinois, Biden won reason to cheat
Nobody knows if he won or not, there is a recount but your position of claiming victory is no better than my claim that he didn't. You can claim cheating but you have zero proof there was cheating.
A recount could turn-up fraud such as ballots marked for Biden only, ballots run thru machine more then once, or a computer syphoning of votes. I would also say that prohibiting the opposite political party from joining in the vote count is FRAUD.
Go peddle your crap at another place. Since you are incapable of discussing the real issue and not your rhetorical propaganda.
The only issue libs like you have been discussing is trumps personality

which is really just a petty complaint rather than a real policy issue

It's not petty at all. Trump's "personality" includes his stupidity, his dishonesty, his vanity, and his willingness to say anything to get his way. These all directly impact real policy.

And yet he has been spectacular
These all directly impact real policy.
Trumps policy has been good for America

thats why libs only want to talk about personality

and even then its personality, aka alpha maleness, that rubs lib pajama boys and insecure Karens the wrong way
Go peddle your crap at another place. Since you are incapable of discussing the real issue and not your rhetorical propaganda.
The only issue libs like you have been discussing is trumps personality

which is really just a petty complaint rather than a real policy issue

It's not petty at all. Trump's "personality" includes his stupidity, his dishonesty, his vanity, and his willingness to say anything to get his way. These all directly impact real policy.
They do directly impact real policy, but not necessarily in a bad way.

Trump pissed me of signing that huge fucking spending bill. He pissed me off fucking over the Kurds. He pissed me off when he banned bumpstocks, not because I like or use them (they suck) but because that is a step in the wrong direction. Machine guns or Valhalla.

Other than those, and his very poorly executed post-election speech where he appeared to be making shit up on the fly, Trump has not been bad at all. Better than any other president in my lifetime.

Could he be more libertarian and less authoritarian? ABSOLUTELY. Still, better than all others in my lifetime.
These all directly impact real policy.
Trumps policy has been good for America

thats why libs only want to talk about personality

and even then its personality, aka alpha maleness, that rubs lib pajama boys and insecure Karens the wrong way

His alpha male maleness endeared him to a large number of AA Males.

I didn't realize that you were so out of touch
You are dismissed.
His alpha male maleness endeared him to a large number of AA Males.
It great to have a real human being in the white house rather than the plastic, blow-dried, focus-group tested career politicians that we have endured for the past 50 years
Don't you get how much that looks like bullshit to people outside of his cheerleading squad?

I think part of what we have here is the classic boy who cried wolf scenario. Trump has spent so much energy over the last four years spouting ridiculous nonsense and promoting laffable conspiracy theories, that most sane people can no longer take him seriously. All they see is him throwing another fit. Even if his claims are 100% true, he's pissed away all his credibility.
Speaking of pissing away credibility, you socialist insurrectionists "won" the election so why the crying and
moaning about having a fair recount?
What do you have to worry about? Or don't you want Corrupt Cognitively Handicapped Joe and Willie
Brown's fuck buddy to go through life with lies hanging over their heads like Trump has had to endure from
leftists like Adam Schiff or Eric Swalwell.

You want to remain "credible" don't you? What have you got to lose?
You mean Trump has a plan to reverse the election fraud that enabled Biden to appear to win. When are you guys going to address the indisputable evidence of election fraud, i.e., the Dominion Systems software's miscounting of Trump votes as Biden votes (about 3,000 in one small Michigan county alone), the barring of GOP observers from numerous vote-counting stations, the covering of windows at numerous vote-counting stations (gee, why'd they do that?), the illegal extension of deadlines for the counting of mail-in ballots, etc., etc.?

Or do you just not care because the fraud helped your candidate "win"?
Don't you get how much that looks like bullshit to people outside of his cheerleading squad?

I think part of what we have here is the classic boy who cried wolf scenario. Trump has spent so much energy over the last four years spouting ridiculous nonsense and promoting laffable conspiracy theories, that most sane people can no longer take him seriously. All they see is him throwing another fit. Even if his claims are 100% true, he's pissed away all his credibility.
Speaking of pissing away credibility, you socialist insurrectionists "won" the election ...
I'm not a socialist, and I didn't vote for Biden. I just want sane government. For me, the election results are a best case scenario in a worst case election. We get rid of the assclown, and Republicans keep the Senate. The voting public clearly doesn't support the Democrats' agenda. We might find our way out of this clusterfuck after all.
You mean Trump has a plan to reverse the election fraud that enabled Biden to appear to win. When are you guys going to address the indisputable evidence of election fraud, i.e., the Dominion Systems software's miscounting of Trump votes as Biden votes (over 3,000 in one small Michigan county alone), the barring of GOP observers from numerous vote-counting stations, the covering of windows at numerous vote-counting stations (gee, why'd they do that?), the illegal extension of deadlines for the counting of mail-in ballots, etc., etc.?

Or do you just not care because the fraud helped your candidate "win"?

They do not care.
They have been trying to cancel his last win for 4 years.
Simply stealing a national election is small shit to them.

A senior Trump campaign official told The Washington Post that their strategy revolves around recounts and messaging about illegal votes, but most Trump aides, advisers, and allies "say there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results," the Post reports.

So he's just being petty, lol


More and more it's just to create the narrative that he didn't lose--it was taken from him. Everyone with two working brain cells knows he got his head handed to him; Joe kicked him in the nuts and then Kamala laughed at him. But his cult will fully believe that they were robbed.

There's supposed to be a MAGA Million Man March the day after tomorrow. It will be a good gauge of who is still on board. The tooth-to-tattoo ratio will probably be 3/28.

All Kamala does is laugh.... until she gets held accountable and acts like a victim. Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Pence dominated her in debates simply by asking her about her own verifiable record and then she turned into the angry victim.
Yet she’s VP and soon neither of them will be
I'm not a socialist, and I didn't vote for Biden. I just want sane government. For me, the election results are a best case scenario in a worst case election. We get rid of the assclown, and Republicans keep the Senate. The voting public clearly doesn't support the Democrats' agenda. We might find our way out of this clusterfuck after all.
So you claim to want a sane government, as everyone should, but because you have a bug up your ass over Trump you would rather see Biden, a sock puppet for AOC and her radical friends, in office than Trump?
I just can't possibly understand that attitude.

And I just can't possibly imagine how putting up with Trump's personality is worse than losing the nation
to the scum on the far left. Yeah, hopefully the Senate can block most of Biden's insanity but he still has a
"pen and a phone" to implement his harmful agenda.

He'll say anything because he pays no price for lying and he's as corrupt as hell!
I'm not a socialist, and I didn't vote for Biden. I just want sane government. For me, the election results are a best case scenario in a worst case election. We get rid of the assclown, and Republicans keep the Senate. The voting public clearly doesn't support the Democrats' agenda. We might find our way out of this clusterfuck after all.
So you claim to want a sane government, as everyone should, but because you have a bug up your ass over Trump you would rather see Biden, a sock puppet for AOC and her radical friends, in office than Trump?
Yep. Trump is that bad.

I just can't possibly understand that attitude.

Don't know what to tell you. Maybe you've watched too much pro-wrestling? Come back to the light.

And I just can't possibly imagine how putting up with Trump's personality ...
The "personality" thing is weak ass excuse. His personality is that of dipshit, a liar and an egomaniac. Those "personality traits" have a profound impact on his ability to lead.
Yep. Trump is that bad.
Then you aren't worth the spit someone scraped off the sidewalks.
Don't know what to tell you. Maybe you've watched too much pro-wrestling? Come back to the light.
Or maybe I'm not so idiotically blase about what corrupt radical socialists heading up our government means.
Put your comic books down.
The "personality" thing is weak ass excuse. His personality is that of dipshit, a liar and an egomaniac. Those "personality traits" have a profound impact on his ability to lead.
You will see when the fraud is weeded out of the election returns what sort of leader Trump is.
And how much people loved the direction the country was headed in before quislings like you
intervened. But this is not fait accompli and there is still a good chance this illegal act of insurrection
will be stopped.
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Dejected isn't the word, depressed is the word

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