Does Trump have any chance now?

The only reason you've given is .... people sometimes change their minds.

No... people OFTEN change their minds when the circumstances of reality change.
I never even intimated people don't change their minds. I challenged you to produce a reason that would. You failed miserably by failing to cite a reason.

Well I think I gave you a sufficient reason... because the reality of Trump vs. Clinton doesn't yet exist.... because people change their minds often when circumstances of reality change.

If you need something more than that... Look up the polling data 15-months before ANY ELECTION IN US HISTORY... and see how fucking accurate they were as to how the American people actually voted. I don't know what else to do for ya, bud... if you're too stupid to grasp basic American politics, you need to find another hobby.
You are too fucking stupid. Where did I say poll results now are set in stone? Here's a clue for you... I didn't. Of course they can change. After all, a poll is nothing more than a snapshot in time. I am challenging you to cite a reason for why they might flip..... your answer -- people change their minds.


It would have been easier on you to just start off by admitting you don't have a fucking clue.
Donald Trump insulted someone. Clearly, he's not qualified to be president.

No he's qualified that is if you want a democrat to be President. ;)

Yea, Trump's unelectable, too. Clearly, these extreme right wingers don't know that.

Hey, its way too early to give a crap about who is being supported right now. These morons that are naive enough to support him are insecure enough to leave him. They will change their votes like the wind. The smart people like us wont choose someone till next year. ;)
A few things - He was without question dissing McCains war hero status.

No he wasn't.... it wasn't without question at all. I'm questioning it right NOW! Outright challenging YOU to provide any kind of proof that Trump said anything disparaging McCain's service record or hero status. ALL you can provide is statements that have to be manipulated and "interpreted" by you... to IMPLY he was saying something he did not say!

Do me a favor and post the entire quote from the frank luntz forum. I'll show you.

You can post whatever you like... I am commenting on his answer to a reporter who asked him about McCain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's very simple. Post his ENTIRE response to Frank and I will show you. If not I'll accept your full of shit. ;)
Boss is too big of a pussy to post it, so I'll post it for him...

Trump: "(McCain) insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, in my opinion, not so hot. And I supported him for president. I raised $1 million for him. That’s a lot of money. I supported him, he lost, he let us down. But he lost and I never liked him much after that 'cause I don’t like losers. But, but — Frank, Frank, let me get to it.

Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"

Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."

Luntz: "He’s war hero."

Trump: "He is a war hero ..."

Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"

Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"

Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"

Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy."

As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status. He says three times that McCain is a hero. Yet, the claims continue to be made that he dissed McCain's war hero status... he certainly did not do this according to the quote you're posting. He gave his personal opinion of McCain's "hero" status... it didn't impress him, he likes people who weren't captured. Plenty of great war heroes who weren't captured and didn't ever get to be United States Senators and treated like their political opinion counted for something.
The only reason you've given is .... people sometimes change their minds.

No... people OFTEN change their minds when the circumstances of reality change.
I never even intimated people don't change their minds. I challenged you to produce a reason that would. You failed miserably by failing to cite a reason.

Well I think I gave you a sufficient reason... because the reality of Trump vs. Clinton doesn't yet exist.... because people change their minds often when circumstances of reality change.

If you need something more than that... Look up the polling data 15-months before ANY ELECTION IN US HISTORY... and see how fucking accurate they were as to how the American people actually voted. I don't know what else to do for ya, bud... if you're too stupid to grasp basic American politics, you need to find another hobby.
You are too fucking stupid. Where did I say poll results now are set in stone? Here's a clue for you... I didn't. Of course they can change. After all, a poll is nothing more than a snapshot in time. I am challenging you to cite a reason for why they might flip..... your answer -- people change their minds.


It would have been easier on you to just start off by admitting you don't have a fucking clue.

No, my answer was much more nuanced... I said that people always tend to change their minds when there are changes in circumstances of reality. A poll showing that Hillary beats Trump by 10% today, means not a goddamn thing regarding an election to happen in November 2016.

Like some kind of silly little girl, you keep asking me why these people might flip... as if that doesn't happen in every single election that we've ever had. Then you try and claim that you're not saying that polls can't change... well WTF? You're abandoning your own stupid argument? :dunno: :cuckoo:
No he wasn't.... it wasn't without question at all. I'm questioning it right NOW! Outright challenging YOU to provide any kind of proof that Trump said anything disparaging McCain's service record or hero status. ALL you can provide is statements that have to be manipulated and "interpreted" by you... to IMPLY he was saying something he did not say!

Do me a favor and post the entire quote from the frank luntz forum. I'll show you.

You can post whatever you like... I am commenting on his answer to a reporter who asked him about McCain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's very simple. Post his ENTIRE response to Frank and I will show you. If not I'll accept your full of shit. ;)
Boss is too big of a pussy to post it, so I'll post it for him...

Trump: "(McCain) insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, in my opinion, not so hot. And I supported him for president. I raised $1 million for him. That’s a lot of money. I supported him, he lost, he let us down. But he lost and I never liked him much after that 'cause I don’t like losers. But, but — Frank, Frank, let me get to it.

Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"

Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."

Luntz: "He’s war hero."

Trump: "He is a war hero ..."

Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"

Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"

Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"

Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy."

As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status. He says three times that McCain is a hero. Yet, the claims continue to be made that he dissed McCain's war hero status... he certainly did not do this according to the quote you're posting. He gave his personal opinion of McCain's "hero" status... it didn't impress him, he likes people who weren't captured. Plenty of great war heroes who weren't captured and didn't ever get to be United States Senators and treated like their political opinion counted for something.
What's heroic about being captured??
The only reason you've given is .... people sometimes change their minds.

No... people OFTEN change their minds when the circumstances of reality change.
I never even intimated people don't change their minds. I challenged you to produce a reason that would. You failed miserably by failing to cite a reason.

Well I think I gave you a sufficient reason... because the reality of Trump vs. Clinton doesn't yet exist.... because people change their minds often when circumstances of reality change.

If you need something more than that... Look up the polling data 15-months before ANY ELECTION IN US HISTORY... and see how fucking accurate they were as to how the American people actually voted. I don't know what else to do for ya, bud... if you're too stupid to grasp basic American politics, you need to find another hobby.
You are too fucking stupid. Where did I say poll results now are set in stone? Here's a clue for you... I didn't. Of course they can change. After all, a poll is nothing more than a snapshot in time. I am challenging you to cite a reason for why they might flip..... your answer -- people change their minds.


It would have been easier on you to just start off by admitting you don't have a fucking clue.

No, my answer was much more nuanced... I said that people always tend to change their minds when there are changes in circumstances of reality. A poll showing that Hillary beats Trump by 10% today, means not a goddamn thing regarding an election to happen in November 2016.

Like some kind of silly little girl, you keep asking me why these people might flip... as if that doesn't happen in every single election that we've ever had. Then you try and claim that you're not saying that polls can't change... well WTF? You're abandoning your own stupid argument? :dunno: :cuckoo:
Moron... and I use that term conservatively ... I never said a poll today has any meaning about an election 15 months away. You are too thick to comprehend that. Nothin' I can do to help you there. I am trying to determine if you can think of a reason why those numbers will flip. You've proven conclusively you can't think of a single reason other than people sometimes change their minds. Thanks for playing anyway.
No he wasn't.... it wasn't without question at all. I'm questioning it right NOW! Outright challenging YOU to provide any kind of proof that Trump said anything disparaging McCain's service record or hero status. ALL you can provide is statements that have to be manipulated and "interpreted" by you... to IMPLY he was saying something he did not say!

Do me a favor and post the entire quote from the frank luntz forum. I'll show you.

You can post whatever you like... I am commenting on his answer to a reporter who asked him about McCain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's very simple. Post his ENTIRE response to Frank and I will show you. If not I'll accept your full of shit. ;)
Boss is too big of a pussy to post it, so I'll post it for him...

Trump: "(McCain) insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, in my opinion, not so hot. And I supported him for president. I raised $1 million for him. That’s a lot of money. I supported him, he lost, he let us down. But he lost and I never liked him much after that 'cause I don’t like losers. But, but — Frank, Frank, let me get to it.

Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"

Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."

Luntz: "He’s war hero."

Trump: "He is a war hero ..."

Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"

Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"

Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"

Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy."

As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status. He says three times that McCain is a hero. Yet, the claims continue to be made that he dissed McCain's war hero status... he certainly did not do this according to the quote you're posting. He gave his personal opinion of McCain's "hero" status... it didn't impress him, he likes people who weren't captured. Plenty of great war heroes who weren't captured and didn't ever get to be United States Senators and treated like their political opinion counted for something.

Nope. Based on that one must assume he doesn't believe mccain is a war hero. you either believe he is or not.
What's heroic about being captured?

Well that's a really good question.... I don't know that there is anything especially "heroic" about being captured by the enemy... as a soldier, that's pretty much a 'failure' in my opinion. However, McCain's record includes much more than his capture and imprisonment as a P.O.W. and I would never question his status as a war hero on the basis of that, in of itself. In fact, any person who dons a US Military uniform and sees combat, is a hero in my eyes... whether captured or not.

That said... Why is John McCain a United States Senator? If he hadn't been captured and held as a POW, we probably would have never known his name. Is McCain's "war hero" status any more superior than say... a sergeant who fell on a grenade to save his platoon? Trump is simply making the point that McCain's "war hero" status doesn't give him some exclusive right to call people "crazy" for their political views which differ from his. His "war hero" status doesn't make his political viewpoint relevant and it doesn't insulate him from criticism.

Most importantly of ALL... Trump is entitled to whatever opinion he wants to have regarding McCain or any damn body else for that matter... we don't live in George Orwell's 1984 where our thoughts are policed by the state... YET! We ALL have the right to our viewpoints and opinions, and I am getting damn tired of having to defend my 1st Amendment rights every time I turn around with you people! Have you all lost your goddamn minds or something?
Do me a favor and post the entire quote from the frank luntz forum. I'll show you.

You can post whatever you like... I am commenting on his answer to a reporter who asked him about McCain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's very simple. Post his ENTIRE response to Frank and I will show you. If not I'll accept your full of shit. ;)
Boss is too big of a pussy to post it, so I'll post it for him...

Trump: "(McCain) insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, in my opinion, not so hot. And I supported him for president. I raised $1 million for him. That’s a lot of money. I supported him, he lost, he let us down. But he lost and I never liked him much after that 'cause I don’t like losers. But, but — Frank, Frank, let me get to it.

Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"

Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."

Luntz: "He’s war hero."

Trump: "He is a war hero ..."

Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"

Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"

Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"

Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy."

As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status. He says three times that McCain is a hero. Yet, the claims continue to be made that he dissed McCain's war hero status... he certainly did not do this according to the quote you're posting. He gave his personal opinion of McCain's "hero" status... it didn't impress him, he likes people who weren't captured. Plenty of great war heroes who weren't captured and didn't ever get to be United States Senators and treated like their political opinion counted for something.

Nope. Based on that one must assume he doesn't believe mccain is a war hero. you either believe he is or not.

Nope. Based on that he didn't say he doesn't believe McCain is a war hero. To the contrary, he says 3-4 times that he is a war hero. You admit that you have to "assume" what he meant... that means he didn't fucking say it... idiot.
provide any kind of proof that Trump said anything disparaging McCain's service record or hero status. ALL you can provide is statements that have to be manipulated and "interpreted" by you... to IMPLY he was saying something he did not say!
There was no "implication" about it. Drumpf Truck undeniably divided vets into 2 (TWO) groups, those that were captured and those that weren't captured with those that weren't captured as the preferred group over the second rate captured vets.

LUNTZ: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's not a war hero.

LUNTZ: Five and a half.

TRUMP: He's a war hero -- he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, I hate to tell you.
Is Frank Luntz the reporter who asked him about McCain's comments? I thought he was the Fox News guy who did the polls after the debates?

I'm not interested in you parsing out Trump's words and interpreting meaning for him into what he said.... You can try that if you like, it has already FAILED with the American people. He did not say anything disparaging about McCain's service record or hero status. YOU go find the quote... YOU post the part that proves me wrong! That is YOUR argument, not MINE!
LUNTZ: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's not a war hero.
As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status.
You can say it all you want, but it is still a lie. Drumpf Truck undeniably lowered ALL captured vets, including McCain, to SECOND RATE STATUS.

LUNTZ: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's not a war hero.

LUNTZ: Five and a half.

TRUMP: He's a war hero -- he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, I hate to tell you.
Nope. Based on that he didn't say he doesn't believe McCain is a war hero. To the contrary, he says 3-4 times that he is a war hero. You admit that you have to "assume" what he meant... that means he didn't fucking say it... idiot.

He said it outright first and then tried to qualify it with a disclaimer, but he said it FIRST!

LUNTZ: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's not a war hero.
Don't call me bud. You are not my bud. Didn't you call me BULLSHIT? You threw the first stone. So I do not need to be nice to you. And I could careless if you are nice to me or not.
Trump on McCain. So why in the the world this high ego asshole need to bring that up against McCain? Is it necessary and people like you supported it. You brought up immigration when GOP has the full authority to reform the immigration.
I finance homeless centers here in California and Florida for decadeS (with s). I helped injured veterans and with PTSD from Iraq and Afghanistan that includes housings in last eight years. Any bad comments about veterans like Trumpet did makes my blood boil and so the rest of the veterans that I know. I have the opportunity to meet many retired and active military people. I can guarantee you that they will not vote this jerk.

It's a public forum, I'll call you any damn thing I please, fucktard.

So why in the the world this high ego asshole need to bring that up against McCain?

Because he was responding directly to a reporter who asked for a comment about McCain saying "he's got the crazies in the party stirred up." He simply gave his opinion about McCain and it wasn't very nice.... all through this campaign you will find this common theme... you treat Trump rudely and attack him personally, he is going to return the same and do it better.

You brought up immigration when GOP has the full authority to reform the immigration.

They couldn't get a bill past the 'Gang of 8' in the Senate. The GOP is full of nitwits like John McCain and Lindsay Graham. Yes... since Jan 3, 2015 there has been a GOP Senate and House... the Senate leader announced on Jan 3, that he would surrender the purse strings to the executive branch and let them have anything they wanted because he was not going to shut down the government. So far, he has kept that pledge... passing most of Obama's agenda.

Why don't you pull your head out Trump butt hole maybe you can make sense of your anecdotal stupendous opinion.
YOUR FIRED shit head.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

I don't even care about his sexist comments.

What bothered me during the GOP Debate was that he accepted money from Hillary and Nancy - then, he said he took $ from Hillary for favors, and, the favor he mentioned was her coming to his wedding?

He's taking $ for favors, and everyone thinks he's "different"?

Isn't this what politicians DO!? Not good.
provide any kind of proof that Trump said anything disparaging McCain's service record or hero status. ALL you can provide is statements that have to be manipulated and "interpreted" by you... to IMPLY he was saying something he did not say!
There was no "implication" about it. Drumpf Truck undeniably divided vets into 2 (TWO) groups, those that were captured and those that weren't captured with those that weren't captured as the preferred group over the second rate captured vets.

LUNTZ: He's a war hero.

TRUMP: He's not a war hero.

LUNTZ: Five and a half.

TRUMP: He's a war hero -- he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, I hate to tell you.

Ignorance is temporary but stupidity is forever. Solely dedicated to Boss.
What's heroic about being captured?

Well that's a really good question.... I don't know that there is anything especially "heroic" about being captured by the enemy... as a soldier, that's pretty much a 'failure' in my opinion. However, McCain's record includes much more than his capture and imprisonment as a P.O.W. and I would never question his status as a war hero on the basis of that, in of itself. In fact, any person who dons a US Military uniform and sees combat, is a hero in my eyes... whether captured or not.

That said... Why is John McCain a United States Senator? If he hadn't been captured and held as a POW, we probably would have never known his name. Is McCain's "war hero" status any more superior than say... a sergeant who fell on a grenade to save his platoon? Trump is simply making the point that McCain's "war hero" status doesn't give him some exclusive right to call people "crazy" for their political views which differ from his. His "war hero" status doesn't make his political viewpoint relevant and it doesn't insulate him from criticism.

Most importantly of ALL... Trump is entitled to whatever opinion he wants to have regarding McCain or any damn body else for that matter... we don't live in George Orwell's 1984 where our thoughts are policed by the state... YET! We ALL have the right to our viewpoints and opinions, and I am getting damn tired of having to defend my 1st Amendment rights every time I turn around with you people! Have you all lost your goddamn minds or something?
Since there is nothing heroic about being captured, when Trump says McCain is "perhaps" a war hero for getting captured, then that is saying he really isn't a war hero -- which matches Trump's initial statement, "he's [McCain] not a war hero."
You can post whatever you like... I am commenting on his answer to a reporter who asked him about McCain. I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's very simple. Post his ENTIRE response to Frank and I will show you. If not I'll accept your full of shit. ;)
Boss is too big of a pussy to post it, so I'll post it for him...

Trump: "(McCain) insulted me and he insulted everybody in that room. And I said somebody should run against John McCain, who has been, in my opinion, not so hot. And I supported him for president. I raised $1 million for him. That’s a lot of money. I supported him, he lost, he let us down. But he lost and I never liked him much after that 'cause I don’t like losers. But, but — Frank, Frank, let me get to it.

Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"

Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."

Luntz: "He’s war hero."

Trump: "He is a war hero ..."

Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"

Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"

Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"

Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy."

As I said... Trump made NO DISPARAGING REMARKS about McCain's service record or hero status. He says three times that McCain is a hero. Yet, the claims continue to be made that he dissed McCain's war hero status... he certainly did not do this according to the quote you're posting. He gave his personal opinion of McCain's "hero" status... it didn't impress him, he likes people who weren't captured. Plenty of great war heroes who weren't captured and didn't ever get to be United States Senators and treated like their political opinion counted for something.

Nope. Based on that one must assume he doesn't believe mccain is a war hero. you either believe he is or not.

Nope. Based on that he didn't say he doesn't believe McCain is a war hero. To the contrary, he says 3-4 times that he is a war hero. You admit that you have to "assume" what he meant... that means he didn't fucking say it... idiot.
WTF?? Why do you lie? Of course Trump said McCain's not a war hero. I highlighted him saying that in the transcript above. ^^^

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