Does Trump have any chance now?

Hillary leads Trump by double digits in the polls. What do you think is going to happen over the next 15 months to change that?

Hil leads Trump by 10 in the latest polls. Not too bad, considering the old hag has been running for president since she dumped her lesbo girlfriend for Bill in college.

What's going to happen in 15 months? Well... first, there are going to be 16-less Republicans in the race to split the votes... I would say a majority of them will support the GOP nominee. Then there will be the debates between the two candidates... Then there is the ongoing investigations of Hillary and the emails, which by all accounts, she ought to go to prison over.

Just a couple of months ago, Jeb Bush also led Trump by double-digits... now Trump leads Jeb by double-digits... and is beating Jeb ...IN FLORIDA!
You realize the poll question pits Hillary against Trump regardless if there are any other Republican candidates or 16 others, right? So even if Trump is the last Republican candidate standing, it is not reflected in a poll which asks, who would you vote for between Donld Trump or Hillary Clinton? Seems you have no idea what might flip that poll. That's ok, neither do I.
You realize the poll question pits Hillary against Trump regardless if there are any other Republican candidates or 16 others, right? So even if Trump is the last Republican candidate standing, it is not reflected in a poll which asks, who would you vote for between Donld Trump or Hillary Clinton? Semms you have no idea what might flip that poll.

I realize that people's opinions change with the circumstances of reality they face. That is human nature, after all. Therefore, a poll taken NOW about what someone would do LATER is pointless. We have to experience those circumstances and that to become a reality... THEN we can take the poll and get... perhaps... an accurate measure. Polls are not always reliable either... At this point in the 1980 election cycle, we'd be certain that Carter would easily win a second term.... Reagan wasn't even on the radar.
At this point in the 1980 election cycle, we'd be certain that Carter would easily win a second term.... Reagan wasn't even on the radar.

Oh.... and by the way... Polls also indicated Howard Baker would be the only candidate who could potentially defeat Carter. He was 7 points behind Carter in head-to-head polling. Data on Reagan this far out is sketchy because he hadn't even announced yet. Polling from Dec. 79 showed him trailing Carter by 23... and still a "long-shot" to win the GOP nomination.
At this point in the 1980 election cycle, we'd be certain that Carter would easily win a second term.... Reagan wasn't even on the radar.

Oh.... and by the way... Polls also indicated Howard Baker would be the only candidate who could potentially defeat Carter. He was 7 points behind Carter in head-to-head polling. Data on Reagan this far out is sketchy because he hadn't even announced yet. Polling from Dec. 79 showed him trailing Carter by 23... and still a "long-shot" to win the GOP nomination.
Now had I asked, do peoples' opinions change over time, thar would have been an appropriate answer. But I didn't. I asked what do you think will change their opinion. So far, all I'm hearing is nonsensical squawking.
At this point in the 1980 election cycle, we'd be certain that Carter would easily win a second term.... Reagan wasn't even on the radar.

Oh.... and by the way... Polls also indicated Howard Baker would be the only candidate who could potentially defeat Carter. He was 7 points behind Carter in head-to-head polling. Data on Reagan this far out is sketchy because he hadn't even announced yet. Polling from Dec. 79 showed him trailing Carter by 23... and still a "long-shot" to win the GOP nomination.
Now had I asked, do peoples' opinions change over time, thar would have been an appropriate answer. But I didn't. I asked what do you think will change their opinion. So far, all I'm hearing is nonsensical squawking.

Well, one thing that could change their opinions is their guy isn't in the race anymore, nor their back-up guy, or the one after that... and the reality is, it's either "get behind Trump" or have Hillary Clinton be the president. Asking someone a hypothetical question NOW, while so many candidates are still in contention... is pointless.
According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.
It's amazing that in a few months time, Trump has caused:

Liberals to expose their ignorance about immigration vs. illegal immigration....
Liberals to accidentally make racist comments about "who will clean the toilets?"...
Liberals to actually embrace Veteran War Heroes!
Liberals to come to the defense of Megyn Kelly...
Liberals to cheer and praise "Faux News"...
Liberals to quote Carly Fiorina...

And we won't even discuss what he has caused Establishment Republicans to do!
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

I know Conservative WOMEN who muttered under their breath, "she must be on her period!" when she lobbed a question at Trump that sounded like something a radical feminist from NOW wrote. There was nothing "sexist" about his comment even IF he said what the left (and establishment GOP) is trying to claim. Fact is, he didn't say anything about Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle.

I thought his answer to Kelly was spot on... He is attacked by so many people, he doesn't have time to worry about political correctness. Our country doesn't have time for this. We have real issues and real problems which need to be addressed. The left is going to play this game... and it appears the establishment (Jeb Bush) republicans are going to join the fray along side their liberal buddies.

If you want to elect ANOTHER idiot who sits there paralyzed by left-wing political correctness gone wild... so be it! That's NOT the leader I want! I prefer someone like Trump who simply doesn't give a solitary shit about being PC or conforming to the liberal left's insane ranting and faux outrage.

I know lots of conservative women and they love Trump just because he is Trump. They don't even know, hear or understand his hot beans ideas. They planned to vote for Trump.
After his "blood coming out wherever" comments. You know what, they no longer support Trump. I asked several of them during a wedding receptions last night and couple of them say out loud. Trump can go to hell. Think how many of the left and right women against Trump right now.
I know you like what Trump is telling to American people. Illegal immigration, trade with foreign countries, ISIS. So far he has not vomit what kind of plan how to solve these problems. All of it are gas from rotten beans that people are inhaling.


I do not need to bullshit. I tell you as it is. You didn't like it because I'm telling the truth? Get real.
I do not need to bullshit. I tell you as it is. You didn't like it because I'm telling the truth? Get real.

I hardly doubt you have your finger on the pulse of all American Conservative women.

We will wait until the next round of polling to see how much damage Trump did... I predict he doesn't fall that much... may even get a slight bump due to the excess publicity.
It's amazing that in a few months time, Trump has caused:

Liberals to expose their ignorance about immigration vs. illegal immigration....
Liberals to accidentally make racist comments about "who will clean the toilets?"...
Liberals to actually embrace Veteran War Heroes!
Liberals to come to the defense of Megyn Kelly...
Liberals to cheer and praise "Faux News"...
Liberals to quote Carly Fiorina...

And we won't even discuss what he has caused Establishment Republicans to do!

It really amazes me how much Trump impresses you.
GOP control both congress and senate which are in the best position to reform the immigration. And yet they refused to face the immigration issues. Obama is pushing to get this done.
People that were polled are republicans voters. They are sick with republicans like me. That is why Trump is soaring on GOP polls. Rightwingers like you are to ignorant to blame any of these problems. The whole GOP lawmakers cannot even solve their own differences.
I know you watched the debate. Ted Cruz mentioned a bill against sanctuary cities. But his OWN party blocked it. Sanctuary are for illegals. So tell me who are ignorant.
People like Trump because his charisma. People like what he is saying because rightwingers are tired of their lawmakers. That doesn't do anything but blame and complain like you.
Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.
My opinion about Trump is the same before he entered the race, same today and tomorrow. He is not electable. He is just blowing hot air that people like hear but in reality just hot air. Trump will not last end of 2015 or sooner. Remember that.
I do not need to bullshit. I tell you as it is. You didn't like it because I'm telling the truth? Get real.

I hardly doubt you have your finger on the pulse of all American Conservative women.

We will wait until the next round of polling to see how much damage Trump did... I predict he doesn't fall that much... may even get a slight bump due to the excess publicity.

I never said that.
Trump has been Tromped. He's done as dried toast. The debates showed his true character--bloated--red faced--angry. He didn't have any type of command of the questions, and what he didn't know he just made up. Then going after Kelly made him look like the size of a peanut in the political world. Right now, I doubt he could even muster up enough support for a 3rd party run.

The other candidates--got roped a doped into talking about abortion again. Scott Walker looked like a deer in the headlights when Kelly mentioned he gave no exception to the life of the mother. He's done. Huckabee stated earlier that he would drop out if Jeb Bush entered, he hasn't. Huckabee keeps bringing up abortion. So the war on women has been ignited for this campaign season already.

Really, the only one at this time, that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton is Carly Fiorina. She'll get a boost from her earlier performance, but running against 15 Republican males is going to be very difficult.

In my opinion, If Carly Fiorina is not the Republican Nominee--I will predict now, that Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Two old white guys standing on a platform telling women what to do with their bodies won't cut it anymore.

I am very impressed with Fiorina--look how she takes on this reporter.

It's amazing that in a few months time, Trump has caused:

Liberals to expose their ignorance about immigration vs. illegal immigration....
Liberals to accidentally make racist comments about "who will clean the toilets?"...
Liberals to actually embrace Veteran War Heroes!
Liberals to come to the defense of Megyn Kelly...
Liberals to cheer and praise "Faux News"...
Liberals to quote Carly Fiorina...

And we won't even discuss what he has caused Establishment Republicans to do!

It really amazes me how much Trump impresses you.
GOP control both congress and senate which are in the best position to reform the immigration. And yet they refused to face the immigration issues. Obama is pushing to get this done.
People that were polled are republicans voters. They are sick with republicans like me. That is why Trump is soaring on GOP polls. Rightwingers like you are to ignorant to blame any of these problems. The whole GOP lawmakers cannot even solve their own differences.
I know you watched the debate. Ted Cruz mentioned a bill against sanctuary cities. But his OWN party blocked it. Sanctuary are for illegals. So tell me who are ignorant.
People like Trump because his charisma. People like what he is saying because rightwingers are tired of their lawmakers. That doesn't do anything but blame and complain like you.
Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.
My opinion about Trump is the same before he entered the race, same today and tomorrow. He is not electable. He is just blowing hot air that people like hear but in reality just hot air. Trump will not last end of 2015 or sooner. Remember that.

Let me set you straight on a few things, bud... I am going to TRY and be nice, but you have my blood boiling with something you said....

Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.

I have NEVER questioned ANY veteran's 'war hero' status... Even John McCain. Trump's comments were perverted and taken out of context as usual... the attempt FAILED... people rejected your silly claim that he had "besmirched" the good name of Senator McCain. That was when he soared past Bubba Bush in the polls and has never looked back.
At this point in the 1980 election cycle, we'd be certain that Carter would easily win a second term.... Reagan wasn't even on the radar.

Oh.... and by the way... Polls also indicated Howard Baker would be the only candidate who could potentially defeat Carter. He was 7 points behind Carter in head-to-head polling. Data on Reagan this far out is sketchy because he hadn't even announced yet. Polling from Dec. 79 showed him trailing Carter by 23... and still a "long-shot" to win the GOP nomination.
Now had I asked, do peoples' opinions change over time, thar would have been an appropriate answer. But I didn't. I asked what do you think will change their opinion. So far, all I'm hearing is nonsensical squawking.

Well, one thing that could change their opinions is their guy isn't in the race anymore, nor their back-up guy, or the one after that... and the reality is, it's either "get behind Trump" or have Hillary Clinton be the president. Asking someone a hypothetical question NOW, while so many candidates are still in contention... is pointless.
You really suck at this. People aren't asked which one of the two they prefer based on wanting someone else. They are asked to pick between two candidates regardless of all other candidates. Which is why respondents are asked about many key match ups.

You still have nothing which may indicate what will flip that poll.
You really suck at this. People aren't asked which one of the two they prefer based on wanting someone else. They are asked to pick between two candidates regardless of all other candidates. Which is why respondents are asked about many key match ups.

You still have nothing which may indicate what will flip that poll.

Again... Unless you have a time machine, they are not being asked in the future when such a pairing is an actual reality. People can say all kinds of things NOW... Trump says he won't commit to not run 3rd party... doesn't mean he's going to run 3rd party and it doesn't mean he won't.

I understand that a lot of people want the GOP nominee to be someone other than Donald Trump... I am in that category myself! I've not "endorsed" Trump... I will continue to defend him against smears from libtards and the establishment republi-crats. I will have NO problem pulling that lever for Trump over Hillary if that time comes... but I don't know that I would tell a pollster that right now... I may not want to present that impression for strategic reasons.

So again... I've given you the MAIN thing that will change that poll... the elimination and impossibility of any other Republican defeating Hillary Clinton. Faced with that STARK reality, a LOT of people may change their minds on Trump.
It's amazing that in a few months time, Trump has caused:

Liberals to expose their ignorance about immigration vs. illegal immigration....
Liberals to accidentally make racist comments about "who will clean the toilets?"...
Liberals to actually embrace Veteran War Heroes!
Liberals to come to the defense of Megyn Kelly...
Liberals to cheer and praise "Faux News"...
Liberals to quote Carly Fiorina...

And we won't even discuss what he has caused Establishment Republicans to do!

It really amazes me how much Trump impresses you.
GOP control both congress and senate which are in the best position to reform the immigration. And yet they refused to face the immigration issues. Obama is pushing to get this done.
People that were polled are republicans voters. They are sick with republicans like me. That is why Trump is soaring on GOP polls. Rightwingers like you are to ignorant to blame any of these problems. The whole GOP lawmakers cannot even solve their own differences.
I know you watched the debate. Ted Cruz mentioned a bill against sanctuary cities. But his OWN party blocked it. Sanctuary are for illegals. So tell me who are ignorant.
People like Trump because his charisma. People like what he is saying because rightwingers are tired of their lawmakers. That doesn't do anything but blame and complain like you.
Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.
My opinion about Trump is the same before he entered the race, same today and tomorrow. He is not electable. He is just blowing hot air that people like hear but in reality just hot air. Trump will not last end of 2015 or sooner. Remember that.

Let me set you straight on a few things, bud... I am going to TRY and be nice, but you have my blood boiling with something you said....

Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.

I have NEVER questioned ANY veteran's 'war hero' status... Even John McCain. Trump's comments were perverted and taken out of context as usual... the attempt FAILED... people rejected your silly claim that he had "besmirched" the good name of Senator McCain. That was when he soared past Bubba Bush in the polls and has never looked back.

Regardless of the after effects of his comment when he said he prefers people that weren't captured and how quickly he turned to that after Frank Luntz pushed him, he was without question dissing McCains war hero status.

Also, the 2 things that are the beginning of Trumps monumental collapse is when he was presumptuous and rude to Megan Kelly who is a woman. You can't win if you piss of the womens vote. In fact, you are better off quitting right now and going home. Any candidate needs the woman's vote. Period. Trump just lost it.

The other thing is that Trumps supporters didn't think he's run as a 3rd party, but right away the first question that was asked in the debate was raise your hand if you are still considering running as a 3rd party candidate.He raised his hand and he totally justified it. Now his supporters a big portion of them instantaneously just left him from that moment on.

His poll numbers from this moment on will start to drop. His supporters will start to realize that he can't control himself and is an asshole, and is a prick, and he will piss off all the people he needs to even think about continuing this race.

Bottom line - Rudy Juliani was leading at this point in 2012 and we know what happened instead.
It's amazing that in a few months time, Trump has caused:

Liberals to expose their ignorance about immigration vs. illegal immigration....
Liberals to accidentally make racist comments about "who will clean the toilets?"...
Liberals to actually embrace Veteran War Heroes!
Liberals to come to the defense of Megyn Kelly...
Liberals to cheer and praise "Faux News"...
Liberals to quote Carly Fiorina...

And we won't even discuss what he has caused Establishment Republicans to do!

It really amazes me how much Trump impresses you.
GOP control both congress and senate which are in the best position to reform the immigration. And yet they refused to face the immigration issues. Obama is pushing to get this done.
People that were polled are republicans voters. They are sick with republicans like me. That is why Trump is soaring on GOP polls. Rightwingers like you are to ignorant to blame any of these problems. The whole GOP lawmakers cannot even solve their own differences.
I know you watched the debate. Ted Cruz mentioned a bill against sanctuary cities. But his OWN party blocked it. Sanctuary are for illegals. So tell me who are ignorant.
People like Trump because his charisma. People like what he is saying because rightwingers are tired of their lawmakers. That doesn't do anything but blame and complain like you.
Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.
My opinion about Trump is the same before he entered the race, same today and tomorrow. He is not electable. He is just blowing hot air that people like hear but in reality just hot air. Trump will not last end of 2015 or sooner. Remember that.

Let me set you straight on a few things, bud... I am going to TRY and be nice, but you have my blood boiling with something you said....

Leftist and rightist considered veterans war heroes. Only people like you and Trump ignorance refused to acknowledge that.

I have NEVER questioned ANY veteran's 'war hero' status... Even John McCain. Trump's comments were perverted and taken out of context as usual... the attempt FAILED... people rejected your silly claim that he had "besmirched" the good name of Senator McCain. That was when he soared past Bubba Bush in the polls and has never looked back.

Don't call me bud. You are not my bud. Didn't you call me BULLSHIT? You threw the first stone. So I do not need to be nice to you. And I could careless if you are nice to me or not.
Trump on McCain. So why in the the world this high ego asshole need to bring that up against McCain? Is it necessary and people like you supported it. You brought up immigration when GOP has the full authority to reform the immigration.
I finance homeless centers here in California and Florida for decadeS (with s). I helped injured veterans and with PTSD from Iraq and Afghanistan that includes housings in last eight years. Any bad comments about veterans like Trumpet did makes my blood boil and so the rest of the veterans that I know. I have the opportunity to meet many retired and active military people. I can guarantee you that they will not vote this jerk.

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