Does Trump have any chance now?

Trump is the most popular candidate of either party right now. Everyone had better watch out.

I think you are misreading the Democratic party..........the reason we like Trump is because he will be a piece of cake to beat.....almost as bad as Sarah Palin. I'm glad you all think the way you do....keep supporting Trump....we want Trump to be your nominee.....GO TRUMP!
after trying to read that crap from the upside clown shoving their head into the ground . I'm off to bed.
night all
Trump is the most popular candidate of either party right now. Everyone had better watch out.

I think you are misreading the Democratic party..........the reason we like Trump is because he will be a piece of cake to beat.....almost as bad as Sarah Palin. I'm glad you all think the way you do....keep supporting Trump....we want Trump to be your nominee.....GO TRUMP!
That is the interesting part of this scenario...I'm not thoroughly convinced I'll be a supporter of Trumps..but I am a supporter of the PEOPLE making the decisions about the candidates, not the networks or party bosses.

I really like Kasich, Walker and coming in Ben Carson. But I am just one vote. But I don't like my vote taken away from me either.

I wanted to hear more from the candidates, but it was not to be because if they weren't giving "gotcha"questions to Trump, they asked other candidates what they thought about Trump!
Trump is the most popular candidate of either party right now. Everyone had better watch out.

I think you are misreading the Democratic party..........the reason we like Trump is because he will be a piece of cake to beat.....almost as bad as Sarah Palin. I'm glad you all think the way you do....keep supporting Trump....we want Trump to be your nominee.....GO TRUMP!
That is the interesting part of this scenario...I'm not thoroughly convinced I'll be a supporter of Trumps..but I am a supporter of the PEOPLE making the decisions about the candidates, not the networks or party bosses.

I really like Kasich, Walker and coming in Ben Carson. But I am just one vote. But I don't like my vote taken away from me either.

I wanted to hear more from the candidates, but it was not to be because if they weren't giving "gotcha"questions to Trump, they asked other candidates what they thought about Trump!

Trump supporters are whining about the questions that Trump was asked and keep saying the others didn't get the same questions....the others haven't been negative toward women (and others) like Trump has, so what questions should they have been asked? If Trump supporters think that being crass and vocal as Trump seems to be, would be the kind of President they want leading our country, they must be very naive. It takes more than "bravado" to lead a country....and just because Trump happens to be rich doesn't mean he is equipped to lead a country. Frankly, Trump has said he would do this and he would do that.....I would have liked for him to be asked just exactly how he planned to do it.

I thought Kasich was the one I found most favorable and sensible of all the candidates that were on the stage. It's unfortunate that he's not crass and prone to say whatever he wants whether it insults women, hispanics, immigrants etc., because he probably won't appeal to the majority of conservatives who think that being mean spirited and crass is the way to be.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

He has the angry, old, white people vote. There are a lot of them in the GOP.

He isn't going away anytime soon.
Trump has never had "a chance" to win the Presidency.

But as we can see, his comments aren't going to change the minds of any of the Trump clown army. Cheaply insulting women is just an example of how un-politically correct Donald is, and for his legions, more of reason to think he's awesome.
Trump NEVER had a chance to begin with. The policies he supports are opposed by about 90% of the GOP, including people on this board that are rusjing to defend him.
He is a blithering self important jackass and the sooner he leaves the stage the better.
Nathan, You mean to say you totally disagree with your die hard fan Stephanie? I'm impressed.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.
Nobody over here is worried. We have 16 other people who would do better than Hillary...hands down.
None of whom were at the 'debate' last Thursday.
25 million were at that debate...let's see what PIAPS gets...

Er, that was 25 million viewers, dummy.....I don't think you could have gotten 25 million people into that little building. And, we know you cons won't be watching Hillary....but wait till she debates whatever clown emerges from your clown-train.....I'm sure it will be impressive.
Trump is the most popular candidate of either party right now. Everyone had better watch out.

I think you are misreading the Democratic party..........the reason we like Trump is because he will be a piece of cake to beat.....almost as bad as Sarah Palin. I'm glad you all think the way you do....keep supporting Trump....we want Trump to be your nominee.....GO TRUMP!
Are you sure? I don't think there are many people who like Hillary and they will probably choose Trump over her. It's still unclear who is going to win. It's clear that Trump will be the GOP nominee.
Trump is the most popular candidate of either party right now. Everyone had better watch out.

I think you are misreading the Democratic party..........the reason we like Trump is because he will be a piece of cake to beat.....almost as bad as Sarah Palin. I'm glad you all think the way you do....keep supporting Trump....we want Trump to be your nominee.....GO TRUMP!
Are you sure? I don't think there are many people who like Hillary and they will probably choose Trump over her. It's still unclear who is going to win. It's clear that Trump will be the GOP nominee.


It is in no way "clear" that Trump will be the GOP nominee.
When a candidate rises above the drones and challenges the media types you can count on the sissies and useful idiots mostly on the left to use the phrase "way too far" even if they don't have freaking clue what far enough is. The media doesn't represent the people, the media is in it for the money.

Agreed. Our PC culture is not only boring, but it feels petty. Rather than playing gotcha with every slip of the tongue, we should be judging our candidates on the substance of their ideas. I remember growing up and having conservatives attack Hollywood for being too vulgar. You are encouraged to read "The Decency Wars" about the rightwing war against liberal permissiveness. It is insanely well researched and thoroughly sourced, and it shows the mission of conservatives to cleanse art and school books and entertainment and public spaces of indecency. They are the original language police. I thought it was stupid when they did it, and I think it's stupid when the Liberals do it. Who cares if Trump said something stupid about women. That's what he does. People should just to ignore him without wasting so much time being offended. He's a fucking idiot. He's not worth the time.
Trouble with Kelly's assumption about the "knees comment." The recipient of the comment said it never happened. Don't know...just read it on the internet. It should be on tape, though

I don't have a problem with the "knees" comment as shown in this Video. In order to be offended, the person offended has to have his/her own mind in the gutter given the situation.
Good piece from conservative "economist" Steven Hayes:

The Trump Goes On The Weekly Standard

The true Trump apologists are way too far in now. They've invested too much to bail on him. So his defenders will become increasingly desperate to convince people that this is all part of the establishment's failure to understand their anger and the media's failure to appreciate Trump’s appeal.

That’s backwards. It's not that the media haven’t failed to give Trump enough credit; we’ve given his supporters too much. We assumed that at some point they'd embarrassed to be associated with him: If not his slander of Mexican immigrants, then perhaps his mockery of POWs; if not his kindergarten Twitter insults, then perhaps his sad and compulsive boasting; if not his incomprehensible answers to substantive questions at the debate, then maybe, finally, his juvenile and misogynistic put-down of the female moderator

Those who still remain Trump supporters seem to be beyond shame. It doesn’t matter that they’re angry about the incompetence in Washington. Turning to Trump to solve the problems in Washington is like turning to an ape to fix a broken refrigerator. It’s embarrassing, but rather than embarrassment, the Trump followers will feel more anger and their pose will shift from self-righteousness to victimhood. And many of them will dig in further.

The RWnuts who insanely flocked to Trump are now in the delightful position of having to go down with the ship,

or admit they were wrong.

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