Does Trump Now Knows How It Feels To Be Black or Poor??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe is "deeply troubling," says Democratic rep. Ted Lieu

So the good news is that the Justice Dept in the form of John H. Durham, has opened a criminal investigation, in which finally he will be able to subpoena witness (Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Comey) testimonies and documents, as well as convene a grand jury and file criminal charges -- which means Hillary and Obama could possibly be sitting in jail by the end of the year, unless Trump is just not strong enough to make this happen.

"Special counselor Mueller indicted 34 individuals and companies, at least eight have been convicted or pled guilty. He found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections. What Bill Barr is now trying to do is essentially tell the American people none of that should have happened," Lieu said. "It is deeply troubling what Bill Barr is doing.....However, it is not clear what potential criminal charges Durham is looking into, nor when the investigation was launched."

Even if this investigation turns up no major arrests or criminal findings, the bright side to all of this is now Trump knows how it feels to be oppressed by law enforcement. For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified -- now he himself is being railroaded by a corrupt prosecution, just like a black man.

For a guy who reflexively sides with law enforcement every time an innocent black man is gunned down, uses the power of the courts to intimidate, sue or stiff his contractors so he can get out of paying them, hoping these small contractors don't have the money to fight against this corrupt system -- for a guy who has done all of that, now he himself is feeling like those same black and poor people he so gleefully watched being fucked over by that same system. Life's a bitch, ain't it Trump.....
Criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe is "deeply troubling," says Democratic rep. Ted Lieu

So the good news is that the Justice Dept in the form of John H. Durham, has opened a criminal investigation, in which finally he will be able to subpoena witness (Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Comey) testimonies and documents, as well as convene a grand jury and file criminal charges -- which means Hillary and Obama could possibly be sitting in jail by the end of the year, unless Trump is just not strong enough to make this happen.

"Special counselor Mueller indicted 34 individuals and companies, at least eight have been convicted or pled guilty. He found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections. What Bill Barr is now trying to do is essentially tell the American people none of that should have happened," Lieu said. "It is deeply troubling what Bill Barr is doing.....However, it is not clear what potential criminal charges Durham is looking into, nor when the investigation was launched."

Even if this investigation turns up no major arrests or criminal findings, the bright side to all of this is now Trump knows how it feels to be oppressed by law enforcement. For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified -- now he himself is being railroaded by a corrupt prosecution, just like a black man.

For a guy who reflexively sides with law enforcement every time an innocent black man is gunned down, uses the power of the courts to intimidate, sue or stiff his contractors so he can get out of paying them, hoping these small contractors don't have the money to fight against this corrupt system -- for a guy who has done all of that, now he himself is feeling like those same black and poor people he so gleefully watched being fucked over by that same system. Life's a bitch, ain't it Trump.....
Well billy it’s 2019! We kinda treat everyone equally now! Lol not sure if you got the memo but, no matter if your poor white, black, middle or rich, we should all treat each other equally.. you dumb racist bastard
Do the black and poor know how it is to be Trump?

Probably not. But we all have our own crosses to bear, and Trump has dealt successfully with his own. If the media started hopping on some poor black guy in the ghetto calling them "hitler" and worse for years on end, wishing them nothing by ill will for years, could he take it? Maybe, maybe not. But Trump did it.
Criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe is "deeply troubling," says Democratic rep. Ted Lieu

So the good news is that the Justice Dept in the form of John H. Durham, has opened a criminal investigation, in which finally he will be able to subpoena witness (Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Comey) testimonies and documents, as well as convene a grand jury and file criminal charges -- which means Hillary and Obama could possibly be sitting in jail by the end of the year, unless Trump is just not strong enough to make this happen.

"Special counselor Mueller indicted 34 individuals and companies, at least eight have been convicted or pled guilty. He found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections. What Bill Barr is now trying to do is essentially tell the American people none of that should have happened," Lieu said. "It is deeply troubling what Bill Barr is doing.....However, it is not clear what potential criminal charges Durham is looking into, nor when the investigation was launched."

Even if this investigation turns up no major arrests or criminal findings, the bright side to all of this is now Trump knows how it feels to be oppressed by law enforcement. For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified -- now he himself is being railroaded by a corrupt prosecution, just like a black man.

For a guy who reflexively sides with law enforcement every time an innocent black man is gunned down, uses the power of the courts to intimidate, sue or stiff his contractors so he can get out of paying them, hoping these small contractors don't have the money to fight against this corrupt system -- for a guy who has done all of that, now he himself is feeling like those same black and poor people he so gleefully watched being fucked over by that same system. Life's a bitch, ain't it Trump.....
That's his problem-Karma and all. I would not mind having his money and power tho...
It's never going to end so why bother ? Leeches are still going to want those freebies and reparations and more if they can threaten for it .
Screw them and start worrying about ourselves and diseases will take care of the problems.
Criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe is "deeply troubling," says Democratic rep. Ted Lieu

So the good news is that the Justice Dept in the form of John H. Durham, has opened a criminal investigation, in which finally he will be able to subpoena witness (Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Comey) testimonies and documents, as well as convene a grand jury and file criminal charges -- which means Hillary and Obama could possibly be sitting in jail by the end of the year, unless Trump is just not strong enough to make this happen.

"Special counselor Mueller indicted 34 individuals and companies, at least eight have been convicted or pled guilty. He found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections. What Bill Barr is now trying to do is essentially tell the American people none of that should have happened," Lieu said. "It is deeply troubling what Bill Barr is doing.....However, it is not clear what potential criminal charges Durham is looking into, nor when the investigation was launched."

Even if this investigation turns up no major arrests or criminal findings, the bright side to all of this is now Trump knows how it feels to be oppressed by law enforcement. For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified -- now he himself is being railroaded by a corrupt prosecution, just like a black man.

For a guy who reflexively sides with law enforcement every time an innocent black man is gunned down, uses the power of the courts to intimidate, sue or stiff his contractors so he can get out of paying them, hoping these small contractors don't have the money to fight against this corrupt system -- for a guy who has done all of that, now he himself is feeling like those same black and poor people he so gleefully watched being fucked over by that same system. Life's a bitch, ain't it Trump.....

So, you're admitting that your witch hunt aimed at Trump is corrupt and unjust?

Well, thank you for your honesty.

That on some level you feel it is a form of "payback" for whatever, is kind of interesting. To someone I am sure.

So, you aren't denying what you are doing. That puts you way ahead of the curve of most liberals.

Have you thought it though to what this type of coup means for the future?

What will Middle Class Americans, have to do in the future, to have a chance of having their voices heard, since we now see that elections will not be respected by the power system?
Trump knows as much about being Black and poor as Democrats know about our constitution. Or how about this one. He knows as much as Hillary knows about honesty, sobriety and patriotism. Really, who the hell cares what Trump knows about being Black and poor, since he's neither? He obviously knows more about it than people like Soros since he has done more to improve their condition.
Did Obama know what is was like to be an American? I doubt it.

The good thing about Trump being rich is that unlike most other politicians he can't be bought. In his case it worked out very good for this country with him fighting the Swamp and Deep State.
Criminal inquiry into Mueller's Russia probe is "deeply troubling," says Democratic rep. Ted Lieu

So the good news is that the Justice Dept in the form of John H. Durham, has opened a criminal investigation, in which finally he will be able to subpoena witness (Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Comey) testimonies and documents, as well as convene a grand jury and file criminal charges -- which means Hillary and Obama could possibly be sitting in jail by the end of the year, unless Trump is just not strong enough to make this happen.

"Special counselor Mueller indicted 34 individuals and companies, at least eight have been convicted or pled guilty. He found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections. What Bill Barr is now trying to do is essentially tell the American people none of that should have happened," Lieu said. "It is deeply troubling what Bill Barr is doing.....However, it is not clear what potential criminal charges Durham is looking into, nor when the investigation was launched."

Even if this investigation turns up no major arrests or criminal findings, the bright side to all of this is now Trump knows how it feels to be oppressed by law enforcement. For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified -- now he himself is being railroaded by a corrupt prosecution, just like a black man.

For a guy who reflexively sides with law enforcement every time an innocent black man is gunned down, uses the power of the courts to intimidate, sue or stiff his contractors so he can get out of paying them, hoping these small contractors don't have the money to fight against this corrupt system -- for a guy who has done all of that, now he himself is feeling like those same black and poor people he so gleefully watched being fucked over by that same system. Life's a bitch, ain't it Trump.....
He doesn't know what it's like to be stupid and lazy either, so I don't get your point.
For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified --
That's a straight up lie. Those hood rats confessed, were identified by multiple witnesses and were found guilty in a fair trial.

They should have fried.
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Wth is the connection of being black and poor to some trumped up concocted Russian crap?

Good fcking grief.
The connection is that these dumb ass Trump voters thinks the so-called most powerful man in the world is being oppressed and subjugated by his OWN JUSTICE DEPT, FBI and everyone else he has personally morons will twist yourselves into pretzels to believe that..

but the minute someone tells you that the judicial system is biased against poor people or people of color -- you same morons just shrug your shoulders and say "oh well"

What happened to backing law enforcement??
For a man who still to this day feels the railroading and corrupt prosecution of 5 black men forever known as the Central Park 5 was justified --
That's a straight up lie. Those hood rats confessed, were identified by multiple witnesses and were found guilty in a fair trial.
The trial wasn't fair you moron.....and they were innocent you pussy...
Trump knows as much about being Black and poor as Democrats know about our constitution. Or how about this one. He knows as much as Hillary knows about honesty, sobriety and patriotism. Really, who the hell cares what Trump knows about being Black and poor, since he's neither? He obviously knows more about it than people like Soros since he has done more to improve their condition.
What has Trump done to improve their condition??

Personally claim a black guy as his own African American??

Ask Mr. Cheadle that

Why the man Trump once called 'my African American' is leaving the GOP
"[Mueller] found that Russia systematically and sweepingly interfered in our U.S. elections."

What a load of crap. We need to stop this bullshit before it goes any further. Mueller found not one scrap of evidence that even a single vote was impacted by the pathetic, microscopic Russian efforts.

"The Russians" and everyone else in the world knew that Trump had no chance of winning the election. Why would they waste any significant effort fighting a foregone conclusion? Simple: They wouldn't. Their objective was to sow chaos, nothing more.
Wth is the connection of being black and poor to some trumped up concocted Russian crap?

Good fcking grief.
The connection is that these dumb ass Trump voters thinks the so-called most powerful man in the world is being oppressed and subjugated by his OWN JUSTICE DEPT, FBI and everyone else he has personally morons will twist yourselves into pretzels to believe that..

but the minute someone tells you that the judicial system is biased against poor people or people of color -- you same morons just shrug your shoulders and say "oh well"

What happened to backing law enforcement??

I put your error in big, red text so you can find it. He never appointed those Deep State operatives that are trashing him.
Trump knows as much about being Black and poor as Democrats know about our constitution. Or how about this one. He knows as much as Hillary knows about honesty, sobriety and patriotism. Really, who the hell cares what Trump knows about being Black and poor, since he's neither? He obviously knows more about it than people like Soros since he has done more to improve their condition.
What has Trump done to improve their condition??

Personally claim a black guy as his own African American??

Ask Mr. Cheadle that

Why the man Trump once called 'my African American' is leaving the GOP
To you it is a hundred more government programs. For the government has all the answers. You give people to little credit. Of all backgrounds. Unity starts with ending all the crap between each other. Unity in all facets can not really begin until the media/entertainer/race baiters stop getting air time. There is headway. But mistrust and the teaching to the children of hate must be curbed.

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