Does Trump Think That Stock Market Gains Reduce Our Debt?

Look! There are actually people who agree with Trump. The gains in the stock market ( which these same assholes don’t want to tax ) are credits which the federal government can use to counter debits in the budget!

All governments needs a healthy and vibrant economy to generate revenues unless they intend to use debt to finance their activities. The stock market is one indicator of how well the business sector is doing.

John Kennedy also felt that improved business activity had an impact on the deficit (which has an impact on the debt):

"This improved business outlook means improved revenues; and I intend to submit to the Congress in January a budget for the next fiscal year which will be strictly in balance. Nevertheless, should an increase in taxes be needed--because of events in the next few months--to achieve that balance, or because of subsequent defense rises, those increased taxes will be requested in January."

"Meanwhile, to help make certain that the current deficit is held to a safe level, we must keep down all expenditures not thoroughly justified in budget requests. The luxury of our current post-office deficit must be ended. Costs in military procurement will be closely scrutinized--and in this effort I welcome the cooperation of the Congress. The tax loopholes I have specified--on expense accounts, overseas income, dividends, interest, cooperatives and others--must be closed."

John F. Kennedy Speeches - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

The fact remains that no matter how much tax government collects, spending must be reduced or deficits and debt will continue to grow.

It appears that he does.

Trump Ties Stock Market Gains To Debt Reduction in Fox News Interview

Did you guys elect a dude who knows nothing about anything?

It appears that you did.
/----/ Sometimes the president needs to talk to the adults. Unfortunately, his comments went way over your head.
All he means is that the gains in the market could match the debt - not that it wipes out the debt. It's a comparison. Sorry he confused you.
"The country, we took it over at $20 trillion," Trump began, "As you know the last eight years they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country, so they borrowed more than $10 trillion. And yet we've picked up $5.2 trillion just in the stock market possibly picked up the whole thing in terms of the first nine months, in terms of value, so you could say in one sense we're really increasing values and maybe in a sense we're reducing debt."

No Trump displayed he knows nothing about the debt.
/—-/ No but you displayed your blind hatred for Trump no matter what he says or does. I explained what he meant.
It appears that he does.

Trump Ties Stock Market Gains To Debt Reduction in Fox News Interview

Did you guys elect a dude who knows nothing about anything?

It appears that you did.
/----/ Sometimes the president needs to talk to the adults. Unfortunately, his comments went way over your head.
All he means is that the gains in the market could match the debt - not that it wipes out the debt. It's a comparison. Sorry he confused you.
"The country, we took it over at $20 trillion," Trump began, "As you know the last eight years they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country, so they borrowed more than $10 trillion. And yet we've picked up $5.2 trillion just in the stock market possibly picked up the whole thing in terms of the first nine months, in terms of value, so you could say in one sense we're really increasing values and maybe in a sense we're reducing debt."

No Trump displayed he knows nothing about the debt.
/—-/ No but you displayed your blind hatred for Trump no matter what he says or does. I explained what he meant.

I don't like Trump and I have no problem admitting it. I am proud to say it. I've seen what this asshole has done to people for more than 30 years. I did not like his ass when he was a democrat and I don't like him now. You on the other hand, only like him because he's a republican, no matter how immoral and evil he is. Trump is wrong and your explanation doesn't change anything.
All I can figure out is that perhaps we're back to the early GW Bush years when Republicans were saying debt / deficits don't matter.

I believe Jimmy Carter and GHW Bush were last presidents that cared about a sensible budget (notice how both were 1 term presidents). Bill Clinton did well in that regard but I'm reluctant to judge how much of that was forced upon him by a GOP congress.
All I can figure out is that perhaps we're back to the early GW Bush years when Republicans were saying debt / deficits don't matter.

I believe Jimmy Carter and GHW Bush were last presidents that cared about a sensible budget (notice how both were 1 term presidents). Bill Clinton did well in that regard but I'm reluctant to judge how much of that was forced upon him by a GOP congress.
/—-/ One Republican said that but you paint all Republicans with the same brush. I’ll tell you conservatives and libertarians don’t believe that for a second
—-/ One Republican said that but you paint all Republicans with the same brush. I’ll tell you conservatives and libertarians don’t believe that for a second

I recall it as popular discussion around 2003 when Republicans held the Presidency and majority in both houses of congress. With debt racking up, I beefed about it in the office break room and a friend spouted that it didn't matter anymore. Then 6 years later he was off to a Tea Party rally. We're both retired now. I should check to see how he feels about it today. Conservatives are consistent but political partisans are another matter.
—-/ One Republican said that but you paint all Republicans with the same brush. I’ll tell you conservatives and libertarians don’t believe that for a second

I recall it as popular discussion around 2003 when Republicans held the Presidency and majority in both houses of congress. With debt racking up, I beefed about it in the office break room and a friend spouted that it didn't matter anymore. Then 6 years later he was off to a Tea Party rally. We're both retired now. I should check to see how he feels about it today. Conservatives are consistent but political partisans are another matter.
/----/ What Dick Cheney meant was deficits of modest size as a percentage of the gross domestic product are entirely sustainable.

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