Does your God have limitations?

I'm interested to know about what you perceive your God's limitations to be (if any).

The all knowing AND all powerful God description seems to defy logic, but if your God can be illogical..... then I suppose that's fine;....however, if it's fine're admitting that the Laws of Logic are not absolute as they can be broken by your God.

Many explain away paradoxes as "we're too small and ignorant to understand."

I accept that answer, but Im not interested in it if it's yours, as the conversation ends there. Im interested in folks who believe their God has limitations or not, and if not ~ if they can logically explain away all of the paradoxes this causes without invoking ignorance.
And the logical paradoxes...

The physical and metaphysical meet after 80 or so years of dispelling one’s ego.
Are they able to be explained or arent they ~ to clarify?
Yes...but you have to understand the underlying concepts of words and the letters they are compromised of.
YouTube has many videos on Kabalah that introduce these concepts step by step.
Maybe you could do your best to explain in plain English how the logical paradoxes don't pertain?

Can God make A not A, at the same time and in the same sense?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, the laws of logic are not absolute.

Can God make himself not know something?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, he could make himself not even know...if he doesn't know all powerful being thats logically consistent couldnt even know if its not all knowing.....which makes it not all knowing as a default.

These logical paradoxes can be explained by "logic doesnt pertain," but be careful granting this because this causes a theist world view many, many problems.
Theres a reason a Christian Apologetic will not grant that God can act illogically.

That will follow ~ if someone wants to slip that noose on their world-view's neck first.
And the logical paradoxes...

The physical and metaphysical meet after 80 or so years of dispelling one’s ego.
Are they able to be explained or arent they ~ to clarify?
Yes...but you have to understand the underlying concepts of words and the letters they are compromised of.
YouTube has many videos on Kabalah that introduce these concepts step by step.
Maybe you could do your best to explain in plain English how the logical paradoxes don't pertain?

Can God make A not A, at the same time and in the same sense?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, the laws of logic are not absolute.

Can God make himself not know something?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, he could make himself not even know...if he doesn't know all powerful being thats logically consistent couldnt even know if its not all knowing.....which makes it not all knowing as a default.

These logical paradoxes can be explained by "logic doesnt pertain," but be careful granting this because this causes a theist world view many, many problems.
The Ain Sofe (Without End) is beyond our comprehension and presents paradoxes that cannot ever be resolved because the capabitis not built into the essence of the creation, as opposed to the essence of The Creator.
The issue is whether or not humans can accept that humans have limitations.
Rabbi Akiva accepted this limitation because he trained his ego to focus on what’s important to mankind and the world, not engaging in mental gymnastics.
One of his colleagues went insane, one became terminally depressed and one became an idol worshipper because their egos could not accept the fact that the human being cannot understand everything.
None. God created everything great and awful.
Do you want to discuss any of the paradoxes this creates, or are you in the "humans do not possess the ability to explain these paradoxes" category?
I'm in the "humans do not possess the ability" category. I believe there is a creator of the universe and that religions are humans attempts to explain this creation. I'm a Deist
To add to this I am not anti religion or anti atheism
God created everything great and awful.
Especially his creation of Lucifer!!!!!
Lucifer is a human creation/interpretation
God created everything great and awful.
Especially his creation of Lucifer!!!!!
Oh! The NT! That’s right.
Nope, OT.

Story of Lucifer – His Origin
To find the origin of Lucifer, we turn to the Old Testament. In the Hebrew, the name Lucifer is translated from the Hebrew word "helel," which means brightness. This designation, referring to Lucifer, is the rendering of the "morning star" or "star of the morning" or "bright star" which is presented in Isaiah. "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High’" (Isaiah 14:12-14).
if god created everything--why did he create humans that are not ''god-like''?
after we die--what happens?? will we ''fly around''/be able to see/feel/hear?
or when we die--is that it?
--now to put all of that regarding the OP--if there is a god--''he'' must have limitations
he has no control over humans/the universe/etc
..also if there is a god---''he''/it is not a single being--it is everything put together-stars/humans/animals/plants/etc
And the logical paradoxes...

The physical and metaphysical meet after 80 or so years of dispelling one’s ego.
Are they able to be explained or arent they ~ to clarify?
Yes...but you have to understand the underlying concepts of words and the letters they are compromised of.
YouTube has many videos on Kabalah that introduce these concepts step by step.
Maybe you could do your best to explain in plain English how the logical paradoxes don't pertain?

Can God make A not A, at the same time and in the same sense?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, the laws of logic are not absolute.

Can God make himself not know something?

If not, thats a limitation.
If so, he could make himself not even know...if he doesn't know all powerful being thats logically consistent couldnt even know if its not all knowing.....which makes it not all knowing as a default.

These logical paradoxes can be explained by "logic doesnt pertain," but be careful granting this because this causes a theist world view many, many problems.
The Ain Sofe (Without End) is beyond our comprehension and presents paradoxes that cannot ever be resolved because the capabitis not built into the essence of the creation, as opposed to the essence of The Creator.
The issue is whether or not humans can accept that humans have limitations.
Rabbi Akiva accepted this limitation because he trained his ego to focus on what’s important to mankind and the world, not engaging in mental gymnastics.
One of his colleagues went insane, one became terminally depressed and one became an idol worshipper because their egos could not accept the fact that the human being cannot understand everything.
I prefaced all questions by asking if its it "humans cant understand."

I did that to save YOU the time man.
I'm interested to know about what you perceive your God's limitations to be (if any).

The all knowing AND all powerful God description seems to defy logic, but if your God can be illogical..... then I suppose that's fine;....however, if it's fine're admitting that the Laws of Logic are not absolute as they can be broken by your God.

Many explain away paradoxes as "we're too small and ignorant to understand."

I accept that answer, but Im not interested in it if it's yours, as the conversation ends there. Im interested in folks who believe their God has limitations or not, and if not ~ if they can logically explain away all of the paradoxes this causes without invoking ignorance.

First, definitions shift. Omnipotent, All Powerful originally had limits. Omnipotent, all the power it is possible to have; All Powerful, the one who held power over things that were possible to hold power over.

If we keep to original definitions, then God falls nicely into the category without having to defy logic.

The same is true of Omniscience: Having all knowledge it is possible to have.
I'm interested to know about what you perceive your God's limitations to be (if any).

The all knowing AND all powerful God description seems to defy logic, but if your God can be illogical..... then I suppose that's fine;....however, if it's fine're admitting that the Laws of Logic are not absolute as they can be broken by your God.

Many explain away paradoxes as "we're too small and ignorant to understand."

I accept that answer, but Im not interested in it if it's yours, as the conversation ends there. Im interested in folks who believe their God has limitations or not, and if not ~ if they can logically explain away all of the paradoxes this causes without invoking ignorance.

First, definitions shift. Omnipotent, All Powerful originally had limits. Omnipotent, all the power it is possible to have; All Powerful, the one who held power over things that were possible to hold power over.

If we keep to original definitions, then God falls nicely into the category without having to defy logic.

The same is true of Omniscience: Having all knowledge it is possible to have.
Who created the nature of possibility and impossibility, then? That statement youve made led to that new conundrum.
There is no way to speak about 'God' other than by metaphor. Speech is limited, and 'God' could not be limited. Linguistics cannot encompass what 'God' would have to be. This is what makes all religions hypocritical and, basically, blasphemous.
'God' could only be known on a basis of personal revelation. All else is hearsay.
There is no way to speak about 'God' other than by metaphor. Speech is limited, and 'God' could not be limited. Linguistics cannot encompass what 'God' would have to be. This is what makes all religions hypocritical and, basically, blasphemous.
'God' could only be known on a basis of personal revelation. All else is hearsay.
According to?....Intuition...what?¿
My God has no limitations, but I don't know about yours. And just who is to say He is not logical, just because it's beyond our own understanding? The faults & failings aren't with God, but we as humans.

In a rough comparison.......parents know more than their children and their own understanding is far greater than a childs. The child doesn't understand the rules or reasons for those rules set by the parent and therefore considers the parent to be illogical......because of the child's limited understanding. And this is similar to humans childlike understanding vs God's all knowing.
Yet as the child grows in age & size, they also grow in understanding as do believers in our Christian walk with Him.
My God has no limitations, but I don't know about yours. And just who is to say He is not logical, just because it's beyond our own understanding? The faults & failings aren't with God, but we as humans.

In a rough comparison.......parents know more than their children and their own understanding is far greater than a childs. The child doesn't understand the rules or reasons for those rules set by the parent and therefore considers the parent to be illogical......because of the child's limited understanding. And this is similar to humans childlike understanding vs God's all knowing.
Yet as the child grows in age & size, they also grow in understanding as do believers in our Christian walk with Him.
You could have short formed this since its the "humans cant understand" premise that I prefaced for ya.

Theres no discussion to be had down that road, obviously we couldnt understand!

I thought I was polite. : /
My God has no limitations, but I don't know about yours. And just who is to say He is not logical, just because it's beyond our own understanding? The faults & failings aren't with God, but we as humans.

In a rough comparison.......parents know more than their children and their own understanding is far greater than a childs. The child doesn't understand the rules or reasons for those rules set by the parent and therefore considers the parent to be illogical......because of the child's limited understanding. And this is similar to humans childlike understanding vs God's all knowing.
Yet as the child grows in age & size, they also grow in understanding as do believers in our Christian walk with Him.
You could have short formed this since its the "humans cant understand" premise that I prefaced for ya.

Theres no discussion to be had down that road, obviously we couldnt understand!

I thought I was polite. : /

Then why ask if my God has limitations, and breaks your laws of logic.....if you're not willing to discuss it? Yet many of your comments and questions are addressing the Christian God.

There are other gods that many people follow, that maybe do have limitations, IDK :dunno:. Yet to be a God of any religion, you have to be greater than your subjects or followers, or you're not really a God at all except in your own eyes

Yes you were polite, as I am as well, but you don't really make sense

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