Doesn’t it bother republicans Trump isn’t even talking about what he’ll do in his second term?

It would b helpful for his fans to know what his plans are.Then they will know what they believe in.
They don't care. Not kidding. They've sold their soul to this guy.

Look at the Fifth Avenue Rule: "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and my fans wouldn't care" -- well, it played out, literally, when he lied to the country about a deadly virus.

Give him this: He knows his people.

We know what he will do. We also know what Biden/Harris will do. We are smart, so we choose the former. I can assure you it is the left that is the by far the most uninformed about the actual issues. 90% of the time, Biden supporters talk about love, hate, kumbaya and all that jazz, no real substance.
We know what he will do. Make America great again and the Liberal filth can't stand it.
I can assure you it is the left that is the by far the most uninformed about the actual issues. 90% of the time, Biden supporters talk about love, hate, kumbaya and all that jazz, no real substance.
I know that you believe that. I think that the Right is terribly mal-informed on the issues, trapped in an informational vacuum of its own making, incapable of anything but the same talk radio platitudes and half inch-deep thought processes.

Looks like we disagree.
I can assure you it is the left that is the by far the most uninformed about the actual issues. 90% of the time, Biden supporters talk about love, hate, kumbaya and all that jazz, no real substance.
I know that you believe that. I think that the Right is terribly mal-informed on the issues, trapped in an informational vacuum of its own making, incapable of anything but the same talk radio platitudes and half inch-deep thought processes.

Looks like we disagree.

Yes, we disagree for sure. The proof is in the pudding. Most won't like the taste if Biden/Harris are elected. The sad part is that even if they destroy the US, most Democrats will still blame Republicans. It is very much like the liberals that move to my state to get away from high taxes and liberal policies only to vote for the same morons. It is mind-numbingly ignorant behavior.
Apparently all this idiot can muster is childish zingers against Biden or Harris. Why would anyone want to vote for someone in re-election if he’s too stupid to even articulate basic policy ideas? It’s bad enough he incoherently babbles regardless of what he is talking about.
AS with ALL Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, intolerant Dumb-o-crats, you're never happy. IF, President Donald J Trump, yes he is President...Get over it already, were to articulate what he would do in his next term, you would lambast him as being arrogant for assuming he will win a second term (Even though he will). Your candidates, Sleepy Joe and the Ho, refuse to answer any specific questions about ANYTHING they would do if they were to win the election, which they won't. They won't answer specifics, because they know that the majority of even their hopeful electorate would abandon them like rats fleeing a sinking ship. They would destroy this nation by destroying the foundation of our 3 branch, checks and balances system simply to keep their power over all Americans. Why can't you see that? Are you so afflicted with TDS that you can't see that by them wanting to dilute the Supreme Court by adding Justices, dilute the House and Senate by adding territories as States would only add to the inefficiencies of our government, serving only to pad the pockets of MORE government employees and taking even more OUT of the pockets of the people? Don't you understand that by adding many more millions of dependent "citizens" by instantaneously adding Puerto Rico and possibly The U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands would further endanger the solvency of social safety nets you purportedly endorse, even worse than they are being endangered now?

And as for incoherent babble? ......Please.....that characterization has it's label firmly emblazoned on one candidates utterings, and it's not Donald J Trump.

Ozzy Osbourne Hired To Interpret Speeches For Joe Biden
Trumpbots devotion remains no matter how much he lies and no matter how poor a President he is. They are irrational.

There is nothing like that on the Democratic side.

As you know, the vast amount of things you desperately need to count as "lies" are his many exaggerations as if the crowd size at an inauguration is important to anyone. But, Democrats pretend that they are somehow relevant. Democrats are desperate and irrational.

Amusing too is the Democrats rants, with the aid of their mass media that President Trump has done a poor job. THAT is their only hope. Repeat that forcefully enough so that enough voters believe the Democrats lie rather their own pocketbooks and eyes.

Nothing like that on the Democrat side. Yeah, right, got it.

You have a milquetoast candidate when he was in his best years and now, a shell of his former self. His own handlers know he cannot stand and speak for more than 30 minutes. He cannot read his speeches from a teleprompter without constant almost laughable major mistakes.

Joe Biden has no plans of his own, all he does is parrot the plans of far left wing who have taken over the former Democrat party.
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God it’s so nauseating how you people have this delusional sense of self importance because you pay taxes even though everyone else does too. Yeah idiot, I have a job and pay taxes. I get that it gives you a false sense of manliness and toughness to assume I am unemployed, but you really just come across insecure and pathetic.

As you know and know well NOT everyone pays Federal Income Taxes. Forty-seven percent of households pay no Federal Income Taxes. Why should they not contribute to the well being of our country?
There was NO rioting, they were NOT threatened and NO one set a single toe on their property.
Are you a Ken or a Karen? :D

You're right, no one set a single toe on their property. The police were ordered to stand down so they did the right thing, they stepped up and defended themselves. Why is that a problem for you? Why would you refuse to defend your loved ones and your property?
Yes, I was educated in awesome public schools. You most likely by Mommy and Daddy at home or in safe-space private schools.
Go light the scented candles in your Betsy DeVos shrine!

Yes, if you're old enough, there was a time when public schools were awesome. For countless school districts, that day is in the distant rearview mirror.

As you know, plantation owners forbid any effort to educate the slaves. Teaching them to read and write could result in death or severe beatings at the least.

As you know too, California is one of our most progressive, and advanced states in the Union. Are you aware that only 25% of black students read far below their grade level. How is that a good thing?
Yes, I was educated in awesome public schools. You most likely by Mommy and Daddy at home or in safe-space private schools.
Go light the scented candles in your Betsy DeVos shrine!

Yes, if you're old enough, there was a time when public schools were awesome. For countless school districts, that day is in the distant rearview mirror.

As you know, plantation owners forbid any effort to educate the slaves. Teaching them to read and write could result in death or severe beatings at the least.

As you know too, California is one of our most progressive, and advanced states in the Union. Are you aware that only 25% of black students read far below their grade level. How is that a good thing?

Not sure what California, Blacks or slavery have to do with anything, but would agree with you on one point. Public schools aren't what they used to be. Much of that has to do with Republican cuts resulting in low teacher pay and large class sizes. They have also eliminated important classes like civics, PE and music. Sad but true.
There was NO rioting, they were NOT threatened and NO one set a single toe on their property.
Are you a Ken or a Karen? :D

You're right, no one set a single toe on their property. The police were ordered to stand down so they did the right thing, they stepped up and defended themselves. Why is that a problem for you? Why would you refuse to defend your loved ones and your property?

Defend against what - Peaceful protesters walking by their house? What a crock. :icon_rolleyes:
Trump supporters are spoiled brat asshole
Apparently all this idiot can muster is childish zingers against Biden or Harris. Why would anyone want to vote for someone in re-election if he’s too stupid to even articulate basic policy ideas?

He will continue to be their orange god. That's enough for Trumpbots.

The orange thing always cracks me up. We call him orange too, but you pound that into the ground like you're bothering someone.

Richard-H: He's orange, bam!

Trump supporters: Yeah, that's definitely orange

Richard-H Yes, he's orange. He's orange he's orange he's orange! He's orange! LOL, bam, he's orange!

Trump supporters: Not color blind, definitely orange

Richard-H: OMG, you're triggered like the lone ranger! Bam, bam, bam, he's orange, he's orange!

Don't know what I can tell you, Richard. The guy is DEFINITELY orange. You got anything else?

Yes, it's the word after orange that's objectionable idiot!

Gotcha. You were separating him from your wrinkly assed lily white God, Joe Biden

Nobody is devoted to Biden the way Trumpbots are devoted to Trump.

Trumpbots devotion remains no matter how much he lies and no matter how poor a President he is. They are irrational.

There is nothing like that on the Democratic side.

You're full of shit. Stop swigging the kool-aid, you're just supposed to sip it.

OK, so you circle jerk with leftists that Trump supporters are deluded and Trump supporters just think you're an idiot. What's the game plan from there?

Trump supporters are spoiled brat assholes that elected a spoiled brat asshole. That's why they adore him.

Nobody on the left is devoted to Biden - He's just the only possible alternative to President Shit-for-brians

I would have prefered any of a few of the other Democratic candidates, but Biden is what we got and Biden is what we're going with.

The game plan from here is simple: Get Biden elected, take over the Senate and remain in control of the house.

Then fix everything that President Shit-for-Brains screwed up.
Trumpbots devotion remains no matter how much he lies and no matter how poor a President he is. They are irrational.

There is nothing like that on the Democratic side.

As you know, the vast amount of things you desperately need to count as "lies" are his many exaggerations as if the crowd size at an inauguration is important to anyone. But, Democrats pretend that they are somehow relevant. Democrats are desperate and irrational.

Amusing too is the Democrats rants, with the aid of their mass media that President Trump has done a poor job. THAT is their only hope. Repeat that forcefully enough so that enough voters believe the Democrats lie rather their own pocketbooks and eyes.

Nothing like that on the Democrat side. Yeah, right, got it.

You have a milquetoast candidate when he was in his best years and now, a shell of his former self. His own handlers know he cannot stand and speak for more than 30 minutes. He cannot read his speeches from a teleprompter without constant almost laughable major mistakes.

Joe Biden has no plans of his own, all he does is parrot the plans of far left wing who have taken over the former Democrat party.

Everything that you say about Biden may be true - but President Milquetoast is still infinitely better for America than President Shit-for-Brains!
Trump supporters are spoiled brat asshole
Apparently all this idiot can muster is childish zingers against Biden or Harris. Why would anyone want to vote for someone in re-election if he’s too stupid to even articulate basic policy ideas?

He will continue to be their orange god. That's enough for Trumpbots.

The orange thing always cracks me up. We call him orange too, but you pound that into the ground like you're bothering someone.

Richard-H: He's orange, bam!

Trump supporters: Yeah, that's definitely orange

Richard-H Yes, he's orange. He's orange he's orange he's orange! He's orange! LOL, bam, he's orange!

Trump supporters: Not color blind, definitely orange

Richard-H: OMG, you're triggered like the lone ranger! Bam, bam, bam, he's orange, he's orange!

Don't know what I can tell you, Richard. The guy is DEFINITELY orange. You got anything else?

Yes, it's the word after orange that's objectionable idiot!

Gotcha. You were separating him from your wrinkly assed lily white God, Joe Biden

Nobody is devoted to Biden the way Trumpbots are devoted to Trump.

Trumpbots devotion remains no matter how much he lies and no matter how poor a President he is. They are irrational.

There is nothing like that on the Democratic side.

You're full of shit. Stop swigging the kool-aid, you're just supposed to sip it.

OK, so you circle jerk with leftists that Trump supporters are deluded and Trump supporters just think you're an idiot. What's the game plan from there?

Trump supporters are spoiled brat assholes that elected a spoiled brat asshole. That's why they adore him.

Nobody on the left is devoted to Biden - He's just the only possible alternative to President Shit-for-brians

I would have prefered any of a few of the other Democratic candidates, but Biden is what we got and Biden is what we're going with.

The game plan from here is simple: Get Biden elected, take over the Senate and remain in control of the house.

Then fix everything that President Shit-for-Brains screwed up.

Another hate filled leftist, a dime a dozen.

Politicians tell you what to think and like a brainless little greedy leftist zombie, you think it!
Trump supporters are spoiled brat asshole
Apparently all this idiot can muster is childish zingers against Biden or Harris. Why would anyone want to vote for someone in re-election if he’s too stupid to even articulate basic policy ideas?

He will continue to be their orange god. That's enough for Trumpbots.

The orange thing always cracks me up. We call him orange too, but you pound that into the ground like you're bothering someone.

Richard-H: He's orange, bam!

Trump supporters: Yeah, that's definitely orange

Richard-H Yes, he's orange. He's orange he's orange he's orange! He's orange! LOL, bam, he's orange!

Trump supporters: Not color blind, definitely orange

Richard-H: OMG, you're triggered like the lone ranger! Bam, bam, bam, he's orange, he's orange!

Don't know what I can tell you, Richard. The guy is DEFINITELY orange. You got anything else?

Yes, it's the word after orange that's objectionable idiot!

Gotcha. You were separating him from your wrinkly assed lily white God, Joe Biden

Nobody is devoted to Biden the way Trumpbots are devoted to Trump.

Trumpbots devotion remains no matter how much he lies and no matter how poor a President he is. They are irrational.

There is nothing like that on the Democratic side.

You're full of shit. Stop swigging the kool-aid, you're just supposed to sip it.

OK, so you circle jerk with leftists that Trump supporters are deluded and Trump supporters just think you're an idiot. What's the game plan from there?

Trump supporters are spoiled brat assholes that elected a spoiled brat asshole. That's why they adore him.

Nobody on the left is devoted to Biden - He's just the only possible alternative to President Shit-for-brians

I would have prefered any of a few of the other Democratic candidates, but Biden is what we got and Biden is what we're going with.

The game plan from here is simple: Get Biden elected, take over the Senate and remain in control of the house.

Then fix everything that President Shit-for-Brains screwed up.

Another hate filled leftist, a dime a dozen.

Politicians tell you what to think and like a brainless little greedy leftist zombie, you think it!

Politicians don't tell me anything, nor does the news media.

What's obvious is that President Shit-for-Brains has severe psychological problems and that he doesn't know what he's doing as President. He's an IDIOT!!! Getting him out of office is thing single most important thing for this country.

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