Doesn't this war just breed more terrorism and ensure the lose of American Life?

Originally posted by Insertalias
I think it would make me safer to have those 100,000 troops in the US?:tank:

Oh, sure, and we'll call you General Headinsand.

As you recall he recommended this as a superior strategy for fighting the Nazi and Imperial Japanese threats in WWII.

Or wait, that's not right, we haven't been attacked on our own soil yet to merit overseas committment, that's it.

Your one of those people.
First of all who is this "he" that recomended we not fight in WW2? I have never talked about WW2 with you guys. Please don't use your feeble closed mind to try to guess how I think. You don't know me, I don't know you, we will probably never understand each other, so don't act like you know how I feel.

Second of all that is apples and ornges. WORLD WAR II was an actual WORLD WAR, not some super power completly renovating a country because it makes them feel more secure. We are the ones being the agressors. Don't tell me I hate America because I don't. I just think the government needs a major douche because it stinks more and more everyday. Your argment is invalid, but I will defend it regardlessly.

WWII Casualties of war:

total population / killed/missing / Civilians dead

US. 129 million / 300.000 / ------

U.K. 48 mil / 400,000 / 60,000

USSR 194 mil / 9 million / 19 million

Germany 78 mil / 3.5 million / 2mil

Japan 72 mil / 1.75 / 350,000

as you can see there is a sharp contrast between the US loses and other super powers at the time. Remember these numbers represent human lives. Maybe these lives don't mater to you, but these numbers had famlies and dreams, the less lives taken the better, you can't argue with that.
Also if we had entered the war earlier who knows if we may have emerged as one of the worlds two leading super powers. Our resources might have been heavily drained, more people may have disagreed with the war, and we might have pulled out early rather then deliverng the final revitalized punch that we did. It is usless to try to speculate how much better off we would have been if we attacked Japan before they attacked us. Iit is almost as pointless to talk about WWII in this thread as it is cajun cooking. :puke3:
By the by SoDam could have never lunched a succesfull atack on American soil, Japan and Germay could.
Insert, this isn't the first thread on a messageboard thats been hijacked and I can guarantee you that it won't be the last. Lay off the caffiene a bit and try to enjoy the boards, k?
Originally posted by Insertalias
By the by SoDam could have never lunched a succesfull atack on American soil, Japan and Germay could.

You are right.... Sadman could not have himself. But the terrorists he sponsored, provided safe haven for and encouraged, could have using HIS weapons of mass destruction. Thank God our president has the cajones to make sure we stopped him before he could pass those weapons on to his "buddies".

You have no clue do you?
Originally posted by Insertalias
I think it would make me safer to have those 100,000 troops in the US?:tank:

Why? Do you really think another country could invade us?

100,000 troops sitting in the USA would just be targets in of themselves. It is much better for us to take the battle to the enemy than to sit back and wait for the enemy to bring the battle to us. That is what happened on 9-11 and we lost that battle. Bush is just trying to make sure we don't lose the war.
If we are giving them water let us know. If they are going to school, hell ya tell me more.

A good example of the poor media coverage in this country....

Senor started out the daily briefing today talking about how the World Bank, with the encouragement of and in cooperation with the CPA, has agreed to DONATE I forget how many millions of dollars to print school books for the children of Iraq. I just did a google search and can't find one report on this. But I can find dozens on the story that one more disc containing 24 pictures of "prisoner abuse" has been found.
:gross2: :gross2: :gross2:
is it cajones or is it alterior motives?
We could have those outfitted men and women stationed around our water supplies or our unprotected harbors, or our nuclear power plants rather then off doing something much of the world sees as wrong, thus creating more enemies
Originally posted by Insertalias
:gross2: :gross2: :gross2:
is it cajones or is it alterior motives?

pick a winner there bud, and don't let anybody see ya eatin it.

what would the ulterior motives be this week?

Cheap oil? Oh, wait, it is expensive, so this week it is higher oil prices.... oh wait, uh, maybe, uh, shit, i dunno, let me check with my lackeys to see what this week's talking points are..... doh!
It is not cheap oil for us right now it is cheaper oil for Haliburton Dick Cheney's old company, and the leading contender for contracts to build up oil infrastructure. Bush's arms building friends and his old buddies in haliburton wait for blank check after blank check of tax payers money to fall in their lap, as they are assured that we want to be paying the tab for their corporate Imperialization. There are tyrants persueing weapons of mass destruction all over the world, we just happened to liberate the people with a shit load of oil. Maybe Im crazy, or maybe there is something motivating bush besides "liberating" Iraqis. We knew that saddam had certian WMD's because we gave them to him to fight Iran a long time ago. If we went back rebuilding the countries we've supplied with WMDs over the years the US would be in debt until 3000 assuming we make it that long, and Haliburton would be the beneficiary. If you could ensure your business a steady bankrole from the worlds wealthiest customer, would you?
HEY FREE----I'm in Austin already-----lots of mud bugs here----79 cents a lb in season!!! No need to go any further east unless you just have a hankerin
Originally posted by dilloduck
HEY FREE----I'm in Austin already-----lots of mud bugs here----79 cents a lb in season!!! No need to go any further east unless you just have a hankerin

hey, where is the best place to live in Austin? We are looking at the "Brown Building" for now, but we would like to live on the either Lake Austin or Lake Travis. My wife and I like "downtown" living so we are not sure where the best areas to look are. Our agent recommended Hyde Park also..... any ideas??
Originally posted by Insertalias
It is not cheap oil for us right now it is cheaper oil for Haliburton Dick Cheney's old company, and the leading contender for contracts to build up oil infrastructure. Bush's arms building friends and his old buddies in haliburton wait for blank check after blank check of tax payers money to fall in their lap, as they are assured that we want to be paying the tab for their corporate Imperialization. There are tyrants persueing weapons of mass destruction all over the world, we just happened to liberate the people with a shit load of oil. Maybe Im crazy, or maybe there is something motivating bush besides "liberating" Iraqis. We knew that saddam had certian WMD's because we gave them to him to fight Iran a long time ago. If we went back rebuilding the countries we've supplied with WMDs over the years the US would be in debt until 3000 assuming we make it that long, and Haliburton would be the beneficiary. If you could ensure your business a steady bankrole from the worlds wealthiest customer, would you?

Were you this upset when Clinton was handing out exclusive, non-competitive bids in Kosovo? And you seem to forget that there are only two companies in the world that can do what Haliburton does and one of them is a French company, that, by the way, is majority owned by Haliburton.

Also, did you know that Lady Bird Johnson is the largest private shareholder of Haliburton? She owns 19%. So much for your "right-wing" conspiracies......
Originally posted by Insertalias
First of all who is this "he" that recomended we not fight in WW2?

General Headinsand. Famous for advocating defence of our borders only, owing to the logistical difficulties any enemy would have in actually invading our country. You've never heard of such a General?

I have never talked about WW2 with you guys. Please don't use your feeble closed mind to try to guess how I think. You don't know me, I don't know you, we will probably never understand each other, so don't act like you know how I feel.

It sounds like you "feel" like I'm stupid.

Second of all that is apples and ornges. WORLD WAR II was an actual WORLD WAR, not some super power completly renovating a country because it makes them feel more secure. We are the ones being the agressors. Don't tell me I hate America because I don't. I just think the government needs a major douche because it stinks more and more everyday. Your argment is invalid, but I will defend it regardlessly.

Never said you hate America, just that you don't seem to consider this war to be global, despite the fact that our lack of any real intervention globally clearly led to 9-11. I say you are one of those people who believe our intervention in the Middle East originally was the direct cause. It is clear from your latest post this is exactly what you think will be the case the next terror attack on our country. Our intervention will only make it worse, you believe. That is ridiculous, and already proven wrong. And you are leading into an argument for appeasement, which itself is totally bankrupt as a military strategy.

Just ask General HeadInSand.

WWII Casualties of war:...

You should understand the parallels of appeasement torwards Germany from 1933 to 1939, and US lack of resolve to oppose Japanese expansion in China beginning in 1931, that lead to each becoming dire threats left unopposed while casualties could be minimized substantially. If you can't draw the one single lesson learned from appeasement from WWII you have no business telling me I am closed minded.
Originally posted by Insertalias
Wow that was fast.

As in the US poll, the trend lines in Iraqi public opinion were found to be distinctly negative. Thus, 71 percent of the Iraqi respondents said they considered coalition forces mostly as "occupiers" rather than liberators (19 percent). That rose to an overwhelming 81 percent when respondents from the Kurdish areas were excluded from the sample.

When I posted this percentage I will admit it was from memory, I remebered hearing it on the news, don't ask me what channel.

I know coitis interuptis isn't the answer, but more innocent deaths on our side or theirs aren't the answer ither.

ASIA TIMES is what you're using as truth?

Jeeeeezuuz..... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Pale Rider
ASIA TIMES is what you're using as truth?

Jeeeeezuuz..... :rolleyes:

is there evidence that would lead you to believe that they are less reliable than an american or arab newspaper?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
is there evidence that would lead you to believe that they are less reliable than an american or arab newspaper?

It's just so obscure. And I would have to see evidence that it "is" as reliable as an American newspaper.

It appeared to me from the stats in the article from the link, this was not to be believed.
well, I suppose if I was a blind pro-american I'd call it obscure and unbelievable as well with articles like THIS

There are many differences between the United States war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. But there are some obvious similarities. Both conflicts, for one example, involved widespread brutality by the American armed forces toward civilians and the torture of "suspected" enemies.

Thirty-five years ago, commenting on the American massacre in My Lai, Vietnam, this author wrote an editorial in the Guardian weekly (US) that contained the following paragraph: "This calculated slaughter of the innocents is neither a mistake nor an aberration, neither a temporary moral lapse on the part of weary GIs nor the debased sadism of a few perverts. The murder of more than 500 civilian residents of My Lai - children in arms, women and men - is the quintessential expression of American imperialism and racism directed toward one hamlet in ravaged South Vietnam."

The murder, rape and torture of My Lai came to mind recently when President George W Bush insisted that the shattering revelations of the use of torture by the US military against inmates in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison were the product of a "few people who have stained the honor of this country". He argued, "that's not the way we do things in America".

The history of the US is nothing if not contradictory. Its extraordinarily productive economy has transformed the US into the world's most powerful state, and its society offers a certain degree of liberty, opportunity and benefit to some - though hardly all - of its citizens. As such, those who promote America depict the country as the apex of civilized development and the beacon of freedom and democracy.

In this connection, of course, it must be noted that the history of the US has been punctuated frequently by episodes of extreme barbarism, oppression and torture toward largely non-European peoples since it was colonized nearly 400 years ago. Our vast continental configuration is the product of a long campaign of genocide and displacement of the indigenous population; our economic growth was assisted until 1865 by over 200 years of slave labor from kidnapped and brutalized Africans who were tortured at the whim of their masters.
Joss, I love liberals.

Question: If it turns out to have been a "wedding party," who gets to keep the wedding gifts?LOL My guess is that it will be Zarqawi, if ya know what I mean?

Someone who calls us an "occupying" force is both correct AND a moron. See, the way THEY use the word is to intimate that we have taken over Iraq, slaughtering its people, and raping its resources. We have liberated them from Saddam, and they are on their way to self-rule, keeping all of their resources.

I mean, FU*K! If you go into Burger King and sit down, you are "OCCUPYING" that chair, are you not? Yes, you are. That sure as bloody hell doesn't mean you plan to stay there, forever, right? Yes, we are occupying the nation, but we cannot WAIT to throw out our Whopper wrapper, get the hell out of that sticky fu*king chair, & GO HOME!

Haliburton is the root of all evil? LMFAO

I love how liberals get so indignant over Haliburton being INVESTIGATED by the Bush administration for overbilling, but they have NO problem with the U.N., France, Germany, & Russia bilking the "oil-for-fraud" program, a sin which killed thousands & thousands of innocent Iraqis. Joss forbid that anyone in the LMM should give that great institution a black eye, right? How DARE people like FOX report on both the scandal AND the coverup concerning the U.N.

Personally, we should get the hell OUT of the U.N. and kick ALL of them out of OUR country, the rat bastard scumfu*kS!

And for the original premise of this thread, the "Let's not make the terrorists even angrier than they already are." Ummm, the repair shop just called and your brain is ready!

You guys are the same liberals who keep saying," Amazingly enough, this Abu Ghraib 'scandal' really has legs!"

Yeah!!!!!! Because you & liberal pukes like Chris "Nerf Softball" Matthews keep reporting on it for hours & hours & hours & hours & hours & hours & hours, EVERY FRIGGIN' DAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Fortunately, the LMM have, again, overplayed their hand. If they had just given it the coverage it deserved, most all of us would have become & STAYED outraged- though not about the prisoners, just that our soldiers had screwed up. However, by reporting it ad nauseam, while giving the slaughter of Nick Berg a day or so, they have, AGAIN, tipped their hand, showing that they are NOT outraged. It proves that they, the LMM, nearly came on themselves over it, seeing yet ANOTHER tool with which to beat up on Bush & America. The American people are starting to see that the LMM, AGAIN, are simply using this to bash President Bush, Rummy, the military, and, ultimately, THEM, the American people & their culture.

This, ALL of this, is why you guys are going to need numerous suicide hotlines on the evening of November 2nd.

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