Dog Whistle Statement by Mr. Trump

It doesn't surprise me that Candycorn can hear a dogwhistle...but this is complete bullshit.

She isn't the least bit perturbed that her team is actually using these tactics to disrupt and intimidate another candidates supporters.

That's not a problem at all for her.

But she has to say something to offset the damage these thugs and disruptors are doing to her party, so she posts this bullshit.

Epic fail.
Of course you don't want to admit you are following down the same path that the German people followed in the late 1920s, early 1930s.

Why would I admit something that has no basis in reality.

You are supposed to be a well educated former military officer.

Do you know nothing of history?

Candycorn is a partisan idiot that will say anything to win an election.

From you I expect more.

10 months ago you were conservative
Now you're a Trump supporter fine with Planned Parenthood, abortion, taxing the wealthiest 1% and all the other liberal stuff Trump is in favor of--oh yeah and he's a big supporter of the Clintons.

So obviously it is you who will back any horse to win an election. I've been with HRC since 2008.

You're full of shit, as always.
Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today

And Obama giving America a distorted history lesson on the Crusades in order to justify Islamofascism was what?

The Crusades...

Congratulations; you've even mentioned something less relevant to the 2016 POTUS contest.
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The KKK were democrats you low info buffoon

Gee, another loser that is as predictable as an alarm clock.

If it was so predicable than why didn't you leave out the Red Flags from you post, and just discuss your concerns and make your argument based on what Trump has done and said?

I checked there were no red flags…here is a blue one though:


That's green. Are you Japanese?
Adolf Trump is a master of innuendo.
... and don't forget the legions of demons awaiting his beckon call from the bowels of Hades.
That's "beck and call."
Hey, you call your demons your way!

I was just trying to help. I see people misusing English all the time and it drives me crazy. Here's the one that I hate the most: A lot of people say "the point is mute." The "correct phrase is "the point is moot." It comes from "moot court," which is a practice court in law school where the verdicts have no impact on the real world.

You are awesome.
Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today

And Obama giving America a distorted history lesson on the Crusades in order to justify Islamofascism was what?

The Crusades...

Congratulations; you've even mentioned something less relevant to the 2016 POTUS contest.
Not my fault dumbass Obama thinks the Crusades are relevant to today.
Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today

And Obama giving America a distorted history lesson on the Crusades in order to justify Islamofascism was what?

The Crusades...

Congratulations; you've even mentioned something less relevant to the 2016 POTUS contest.
Not my fault dumbass Obama thinks the Crusades are relevant to today.

You're the one referencing it loser.
Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today

And Obama giving America a distorted history lesson on the Crusades in order to justify Islamofascism was what?

The Crusades...

Congratulations; you've even mentioned something less relevant to the 2016 POTUS contest.
Not my fault dumbass Obama thinks the Crusades are relevant to today.

You're the one referencing it loser.
I'm basking in laughter at your selective outrage, hypocrite.
Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today

And Obama giving America a distorted history lesson on the Crusades in order to justify Islamofascism was what?

The Crusades...

Congratulations; you've even mentioned something less relevant to the 2016 POTUS contest.
Not my fault dumbass Obama thinks the Crusades are relevant to today.

You're the one referencing it loser.
I'm basking in laughter at your selective outrage, hypocrite.

I drink conservative tears of impotent rage
Sorta like "punch back twice as hard"....or get in their face...."

standard everyday hypocrisy
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The next thing you will be saying is if someone calls the cops because left wingers are rioting that is an act of NAZIism. Calling the police on anyone just seems so unfair.
What most of the DTRWNJs (Donald Trump Right Wing Nut Jobs) don’t realize is that this was the dog whistle….

By saying that he is considering sending “troops” to other candidate’s rallies, he is telling people that he wants you to do it. So now (if that is what he said actually—that he was considering sending people to Sanders rallies) the lone wolfs will take it upon themselves to do it.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump gets to disavow that he sent anyone thusly avoiding legal entanglements and depositions.

It’s the classic tease/denial strategy the KKK used in the South for dozens of years.

Hope you folks are happy knowing where your messiah gets his bag of tricks from... and quick; cue the “Democrats started the KKK in the 1870’s” as if it has some relevance to today.

The next thing you will be saying is if someone calls the cops because left wingers are rioting that is an act of NAZIism. Calling the police on anyone just seems so unfair.

that post
Just goes to show what a lifetime of bong rips will do to you

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