DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

Yet he was marching shoulder to shoulder with the Proud Boys for most of the day, and up until a few minutes before he drove into the crowd.

most of the day? WHat are you even talking about? Oh, you using words to mean made up stuff? Like you lefties do so much?

Sullivan was not a Trump supporters. He was a lefty infiltrator and agitator.
So you think Antifa lied about disavowing him a year before 1/6 to hide the fact they were associated a year later? That's a little far fetched, isn't it?

Not what I said. Not even close. I was clearly and expressly stated that perhaps HE lied to hide his affliliation with a criminal and traitorous organization.

The way you lefties constantly insist on not understanding the most simple statements. It is pathetic.
So let’s understand

Anyone can be an Antifa member. Trump is Antifa

And BLM didn’t trust Sullivan. That makes him LE and not a a proud Boy?

You’ll say anything

You're the one saying stupid random crap, not me.

Some BLM people were saying that Sullivan was LE. Christ, I clearly pointed that out. It was clearly expressed in the cut and pasted excerpt.

Why are you unable to understand the simplest shit?
The DOJ has charged several members of the oathkeepers with planning an insurrection on Jan 6. They could only know that if they had oathkeepers who are turning states evidence or they had sources inside. They have now admitted that they were running sources inside the oathkeepers. So that begs the question if you have enough evidence of this planning to charge members with it then why weren’t the correct people informed prior to Jan 6 to prevent it.
The investigation said the Capitol Police dropped the ball.

I would suggest the good poster Oldestyle has answered his own question.

"Breach-that-door".... ain't retreating. Ain't backing up.
Breaching ain't holding still.
Breaching ain't leaving the scene.

Breaching is attacking.
And she died for it.

May her family find peace.
So we assassinate unarmed protesters for attacking a DOOR? Really?
most of the day? WHat are you even talking about? Oh, you using words to mean made up stuff? Like you lefties do so much?

Sullivan was not a Trump supporters. He was a lefty infiltrator and agitator.
You can certainly believe that. You will be wrong, but you can do it.
The investigation said the Capitol Police dropped the ball.
So you believe that the DOJ had good evidence of a planned insurrection and armed assault on the capital building on Jan 6 and didn’t bother to tell anyone in the House or Senate leadership? Oh and they also thought it was a good idea to just let it happen and not arrest these fools on conspiracy to commit these crimes charges? I think more than just the Capital Police dropped to ball.
The government has been infiltrating anti-government groups forever. So what?

The "so what" is that often the FBI has been more than infiltrating informants, but guilty of planning, carrying out, and providing the weapons and explosives.
For example, in 1993, the WTC bombing was carried out by a paid FBI informant who supplied the van, explosives, assembled the bomb, suggested the target, and drove the van.
Not usually, but when you are chanting about hanging someone on the other side of that door while you tear it down, you might get shot.
In all the videos that were taken during the confrontation at that door I never ONCE heard anyone chanting about hanging someone, Bulldog! Would you like to provide proof that they did? Or is this just one more made-up excuse to kill an unarmed female protester?

And if chanting about committing violence is now grounds for being assassinated by the Police then just about every BLM protest should have been met with Police gunfire! Funny how that never happened!
Not usually, but when you are chanting about hanging someone on the other side of that door while you tear it down, you might get shot.

The Jan 6 protestors never got near to an actual door to the House, where the joint session was.
And yes, anyone who would have approached an actual chamber door would have been shot.
So no one ever did.
In fact, the chants about "hanging" Pence were much earlier, outside, where the fake scaffold was erected.
God, you're an idiot! His description obviously ISN'T very reliable because multiple videos don't back up what he claims happened! You base YOUR claim on one person's recollections and I base MY claim on what you see and hear on those videos! Why you think that makes my position "fragile" baffles me!

I've already shown you how some videos didn't capture some audio. He said he heard what police later said they shouted at the crowd. He couldn't know they warned the crowd to 'get back" unless he heard them order the crowd to 'get back.'
Well well well....if this won't turn out just like the Whitmer "kidnapping" plot huh?
So we assassinate unarmed protesters for attacking a DOOR? Really?

No, we stop them by any means possible from breaching a police barricade separating a violent mob from members of Congress and their staff.
Yes, and thousands have claimed all sorts of things that weren't accurate, just for attention. The credible claims will be investigated, and then we will know. When a failed ex-president has such an extensive history of lying, it's normal to expect some of his supporters will do the same.

So a few posts back you were defending thousands of employees at the FBI and now you're claiming thousands of them are attention whores. Would you please make up my mind? Or you can continue trolling and I'll just ignore your lame commies ass.

The Jan 6 protestors never got near to an actual door to the House, where the joint session was.
And yes, anyone who would have approached an actual chamber door would have been shot.
So no one ever did.
In fact, the chants about "hanging" Pence were much earlier, outside, where the fake scaffold was erected.

You lie as always. In reality, Ashes Targetpractice was just feet away from a door leading into the House chamber where some lawmakers and staff were still waiting to be evacuated.



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