DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

Conservative activist James Sullivan, John's brother, reports that John was conservative "until recently".[2] James Sullivan founded "Civilized Awakening", part of the greater far-right Patriot movement.[8][10]

Denounced and expelled[edit]​

An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he managed to get local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle; Sullivan was widely-suspected of being a double agent working for law enforcement. In Signal chat groups, Sullivan would use various sock puppet accounts to create the illusion that others were defending the reputation of John Sullivan.[3] Labor activist Talia Jane said Sullivan is "reviled throughout the activist space".[2]

On September 16, James Sullivan and Civilized Awakening held a counterprotest against BLM. James brought a bodyguard to a BLM protest; that individual was arrested on charges of brandishing a firearm.[10][31]

On November 26, 2020, Seattle activists published a memo accusing John Sullivan of being an agent provocateur seeking to undermine the Black Lives Matter movement:[2]

"John has been kicked from the #SaltLakeCity and #Portland protest scenes due to alarming behaviors including grifting/profiteering, self-promotion/clout chasing, sabotage of community actions, threats of violence, and — maybe most disturbingly — ties to the far-right ... John's brother, James, is the co-founder of a pro-Trump org called 'Civilized Awakening,' and has strong ties to Proud Boys — even having spoken at a Proud Boy rally. The brothers' polarized political stances conveniently bolster the other's public personas. Activists in these cities recommend that he be barred from community actions and totally avoided."
On December 12, Pro- and Anti-Trump activists traveled to Washington DC. Brawls broke, four people were stabbed. That day, John Sullivan was escorted from an event at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington after he was identified by activists aware of the accusations against him. [2] That same day, James Sullivan was similarly evicted from a Pro-Trump event in Washington.[30]
From your link

Ties to Proud Boys[edit]​

External video
video icon
Speech by James Sullivan to a Proud Boys rally in Portland on Sept 26, 2020, mentioning his brother John.
Sullivan organized events in Provo, Utah that were controversial with BLM. Sullivan experienced greater skepticism after a July 1, 2020 event where he invited speeches from the Proud Boys, an American far-right, neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence.[21][22] Sullivan's close relationship with the Proud Boys led to BLM activists refusing to work with him.[2] Sullivan later got his group firearms training.[2] On September 26, Sullivan's brother James had addressed a Proud Boys rally in Portland on behalf of James's far-right group Civilized Awakening.[23] [24][25]

Yeah, I would love to introduce you to my niece. Tell her about how family ties means that her standard out of the box liberalism, and personal beliefs don;t matter, becuase of her family ties to Correl, that she mustt be a Trump supporter.

That would be funny.

And how, back in the real world, John Sullivan was a self defined lefty anti-police, anti-Trump activist. He was there on 1/6 6o instigate violence, for his own personal reasons, not because of any "planned insurrection" or any such bullshit.

Thus, the standard defense of the Left, that it is absurd to think that any outside agitators would have been there on 1/6, to cause problems, perhaps to incite violence, or law breaking,

that something like that is absurd, is proven false. Becuase we have a clear example of it.

And if there was one, there could have bene more.

It is worth noting that Sullivan was there, at the point where the ony death occurried.

Denounced and expelled[edit]​

An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he managed to get local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle; Sullivan was widely-suspected of being a double agent working for law enforcement. In Signal chat groups, Sullivan would use various sock puppet accounts to create the illusion that others were defending the reputation of John Sullivan.[3] Labor activist Talia Jane said Sullivan is "reviled throughout the activist space".[2]

On September 16, James Sullivan and Civilized Awakening held a counterprotest against BLM. James brought a bodyguard to a BLM protest; that individual was arrested on charges of brandishing a firearm.[10][31]

On November 26, 2020, Seattle activists published a memo accusing John Sullivan of being an agent provocateur seeking to undermine the Black Lives Matter movement:[2]

On December 12, Pro- and Anti-Trump activists traveled to Washington DC. Brawls broke, four people were stabbed. That day, John Sullivan was escorted from an event at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington after he was identified by activists aware of the accusations against him. [2] That same day, James Sullivan was similarly evicted from a Pro-Trump event in Washington.[30]
Read that again Correll you dipshit

Denounced and expelled[edit]​

An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he managed to get local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle; Sullivan was widely-suspected of being a double agent working for law enforcement. In Signal chat groups, Sullivan would use various sock puppet accounts to create the illusion that others were defending the reputation of John Sullivan.[3] Labor activist Talia Jane said Sullivan is "reviled throughout the activist space".[2]

On September 16, James Sullivan and Civilized Awakening held a counterprotest against BLM. James brought a bodyguard to a BLM protest; that individual was arrested on charges of brandishing a firearm.[10][31]

On November 26, 2020, Seattle activists published a memo accusing John Sullivan of being an agent provocateur seeking to undermine the Black Lives Matter movement:[2]

On December 12, Pro- and Anti-Trump activists traveled to Washington DC. Brawls broke, four people were stabbed. That day, John Sullivan was escorted from an event at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington after he was identified by activists aware of the accusations against him. [2] That same day, James Sullivan was similarly evicted from a Pro-Trump event in Washington.[30]

So, you're claiming now that he was a police agent, not a lefty activist?

Either way, he is a case of an outside infilitrator and agitator.
So, you're claiming now that he was a police agent, not a lefty activist?

Either way, he is a case of an outside infilitrator and agitator.
What kind of drugs are you on?

i made no such claim

What we KNOW is that BLM kicked him to the curb
Antifa disavowed John Sullivan before January 6. He was not part of Antifa

John Earle Sullivan (born July 18, 1994),[1] also known as Activist John,[2] is an American political activist and self-identified photojournalist who participated in the 2021 United States Capitol attack.

Before the January 6 attack, Sullivan organized and participated in protests relating to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, though a few other BLM organizers explicitly disavowed him, even expelling Sullivan from rallies and warning fellow activists to avoid associating with Sullivan.[3][4]

On January 6, Sullivan entered the Capitol and broke a window. He repeatedly shouted encouragement to fellow rioters. Sullivan captured footage of the attack, his own interactions with law enforcement, and the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.[5]

After Sullivan participated in the Capitol attack, some theories accuse Sullivan of being affiliated with antifa, though federal authorities had not identified him as such and he has stated that he has no relationship to the antifa movement.[6][7]
With ties to the Proud boys as documented from your link above

The portion you cut and pasted was presenting the opinion of some of the blm factions, that he was a police agent/agitator.

If so, then he could have been there on 1/6 in the same role.

OR, the blm types that did not like him, could have been wrong and his attempts to support the BLM movement might have been sincere.

Either way, he clearly was not there as a sincere Trump supporter, thus validating the concerns about outside infiltrators/agitators, leading/causing/encouraging the violence.

After all, Trump rallies, Republcian rallies in general, don't have a pattern of erupting into riots.

Unlike you violent lefties.
Antifa disavowed John Sullivan before January 6. He was not part of Antifa
The Proud Boys disavowed that one guy that was at Charlottesville and that didn't stop you leftards from CONSTANTLY AND FALSELY claiming it was a Proud Boys event.

Why do you repect that when it serves your purpose but ignore it when it...oh right, because you are all dishonest trolls.
Antifa disavowed John Sullivan before January 6. He was not part of Antifa

John Earle Sullivan (born July 18, 1994),[1] also known as Activist John,[2] is an American political activist and self-identified photojournalist who participated in the 2021 United States Capitol attack.

Before the January 6 attack, Sullivan organized and participated in protests relating to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, though a few other BLM organizers explicitly disavowed him, even expelling Sullivan from rallies and warning fellow activists to avoid associating with Sullivan.[3][4]

On January 6, Sullivan entered the Capitol and broke a window. He repeatedly shouted encouragement to fellow rioters. Sullivan captured footage of the attack, his own interactions with law enforcement, and the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.[5]

After Sullivan participated in the Capitol attack, some theories accuse Sullivan of being affiliated with antifa, though federal authorities had not identified him as such and he has stated that he has no relationship to the antifa movement.[6][7]

Cause no one would ever lie, to hide their membership in a violent, criminal, even traitorous organization.
Sorry i don’t find it credible that the DoJ had information of a planned coup attempt and just forgot to tell anyone.
Ok, That's not exactly what was said, but you don't have to agree with the bipartisan congressional investigation. It's not like they interviewed all the people involved, or anything.
If they had people inside, why did they not warn of the supposedly planned "innsurrection"?
Perhaps those in power wanted to see a riot or “insurrection” so they could use it to discredit Trump and stop hime from running again.
The Proud Boys disavowed that one guy that was at Charlottesville and that didn't stop you leftards from CONSTANTLY AND FALSELY claiming it was a Proud Boys event.

Why do you repect that when it serves your purpose but ignore it when it...oh right, because you are all dishonest trolls.
Yet he was marching shoulder to shoulder with the Proud Boys for most of the day, and up until a few minutes before he drove into the crowd.
Ok, That's not exactly what was said, but you don't have to agree with the bipartisan congressional investigation. It's not like they interviewed all the people involved, or anything.
The DOJ has charged several members of the oathkeepers with planning an insurrection on Jan 6. They could only know that if they had oathkeepers who are turning states evidence or they had sources inside. They have now admitted that they were running sources inside the oathkeepers. So that begs the question if you have enough evidence of this planning to charge members with it then why weren’t the correct people informed prior to Jan 6 to prevent it.
Cause no one would ever lie, to hide their membership in a violent, criminal, even traitorous organization.
So you think Antifa lied about disavowing him a year before 1/6 to hide the fact they were associated a year later? That's a little far fetched, isn't it?
The portion you cut and pasted was presenting the opinion of some of the blm factions, that he was a police agent/agitator.

If so, then he could have been there on 1/6 in the same role.

OR, the blm types that did not like him, could have been wrong and his attempts to support the BLM movement might have been sincere.

Either way, he clearly was not there as a sincere Trump supporter, thus validating the concerns about outside infiltrators/agitators, leading/causing/encouraging the violence.

After all, Trump rallies, Republcian rallies in general, don't have a pattern of erupting into riots.

Unlike you violent lefties.
So let’s understand

Anyone can be an Antifa member. Trump is Antifa

And BLM didn’t trust Sullivan. That makes him LE and not a a proud Boy?

You’ll say anything
Perhaps those in power wanted to see a riot or “insurrection” so they could use it to discredit Trump and stop hime from running again.

Plausible. But that really raises the question(s), where hte informatants just informing, or doing more.

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