DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

People in the House chamber were in danger the moment Trump's thugs broke into the Capitol. That's why they were evacuated. And Byrd had to shoot to keep that violent mob out to protect those still inside the chamber.

Because unlike Ashes Targetpractice, they weren't breaching the police barricade. You think had someone climbed over it, which police guns drawn on them, the police wouldn't have taken that shot??
Actually the only thing Byrd's shot did (other than needlessly take the life of an unarmed woman) was delay the clearing of the last few people from the chamber. Who are you "protecting" when members would have all been gone by the time protesters even got to the doors of the chamber?

Protesters at the main door to the chamber had actually broken window panes of that door. Why didn't Capitol Police shoot any of them? Quite simply? There was no need!
Funny, you said he was back in hte middle of the pack. Now you want to know what he said, when he was there.

You want to take a minute to talk about how wrong you were?

I said he was back in the middle of the mob when he first entered the Capitol. You have a really bad reading comprehension problem.

2nd time... what did he say to Ashes to instigate her to breach the police barricade. I even spotted you the video. Shouldn't be hard for you to do...
You're lying again...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21

Show me a video where you can hear Byrd give a warning before he shot, Faun! I dare you. He didn't say a word. He stepped out of hiding with his gun extended and he shot Babbitt at point blank range.

And what disturbs me most about his action is that he was allegedly "defending" members of Congress but there were only a few of those members left in the chamber and they were seconds from being evacuated to safety. So did he shoot an unarmed protester to "defend" an empty room? Why would anyone think that was necessary?
I said he was back in the middle of the mob when he first entered the Capitol. You have a really bad reading comprehension problem.

2nd time... what did he say to Ashes to instigate her to breach the police barricade. I even spotted you the video. Shouldn't be hard for you to do...

Busy with otehr shit. I recall him screaming for to keep going, keep attacking. You denied he was in the front. YOu were wrong.
Show me a video where you can hear Byrd give a warning before he shot, Faun! I dare you. He didn't say a word. He stepped out of hiding with his gun extended and he shot Babbitt at point blank range.

If that had been a lefthy protestor, and a white cop, he would be serving life already.
The bang in the videos you posted was NOT the gunshot! If it were then you would have heard the Police yelling for everyone to Get Down!

Here's Pramila Jayapal recalling hearing the gunshot while hunkered down in the gallery....

Both sides have testimony from those there, that say there were warnings and that there were no warning.
The video does not have any audible warning from the police, only from other protestors.
But the video camera was too far away to have picked up anything regardless.

However, the claim this was the "last line of defense" protecting congress members, obviously is false.
This doorway is just along a corridor that does not get directly to the House, but only to the corridor outside the doors to the House.
Nor were there any actual congress members left, only staffers.

That "corridor" is the Speaker's Lobby and has doors leading directly into the chamber. One of which was just several feet from where Ashes was shot. And yes, there were lawmakers inside. I just posted a video of Pramila Jayapal, a representative from Washington, recall hearing the gunshot as she was still in the gallery.
You were claiming the door Ashlii was trying to breach was the last line of defense.
In your own diagram, clearly it is NOT!
Ashlii's door only leads to another corridor, which then has doors to the House, which were then the actual last line of defense, NOT the door Ashlii was breaching.
How far away is pointless.
The fact is there were additional doors and levels of security.

It was the last line of defense. It was the last point between the House chamber and that violent mob which was barricaded and protected by police.

The other door past the one she climbed, which led directly to the chamber, was just an unguarded door. An unguarded door is not a line of defense.
I asked you if you cared if the charges were true or not, and you said no.

Liar, you asked no question. You said this...

Wow. I thought for sure you would claim to care about the truth of the matter, you know, since people are actually being held in prison based on these claims, but, nope, as long as the formalities are followed, you are fine with your political enemies being imprisoned, whether or not the charges are real or false.

... to which I asked, why should I care about them if they're guilty?
Liar, you asked no question. You said this...

... to which I asked, why should I care about them if they're guilty?

The post before I asked the question. Then I expressed suprise about how open you were/are in your support of the holding of political prisoners.

You are a vile monster.
Actually the only thing Byrd's shot did (other than needlessly take the life of an unarmed woman) was delay the clearing of the last few people from the chamber. Who are you "protecting" when members would have all been gone by the time protesters even got to the doors of the chamber?

Protesters at the main door to the chamber had actually broken window panes of that door. Why didn't Capitol Police shoot any of them? Quite simply? There was no need!

How many times need I repeat the answer to your question? Just throw out a number so I know now how many times you want me to answer.

Again . . . no one at that other door breached the police barricade. Hence, there was no need to shoot them. Just like with Ashes Targetpractice; had she not climbed up in that window pane to breach the police barricade, she would also not have been shot.
Here's Pramila Jayapal recalling hearing the gunshot while hunkered down in the gallery....

LOL...only one problem, Faun! Jayapal doesn't say where she was when she heard the shot...just that she heard it! That video doesn't prove that the shot rang out while they were still hunkered down in the gallery and there is a good reason why it DOESN'T and that reason is that they were no longer IN the gallery...they were in the process of being escorted out of the House Chamber!
How many times need I repeat the answer to your question? Just throw out a number so I know now how many times you want me to answer.

Again . . . no one at that other door breached the police barricade. Hence, there was no need to shoot them. Just like with Ashes Targetpractice; had she not climbed up in that window pane to breach the police barricade, she would also not have been shot.
They punched out panes of glass in that door! Which is closer to the House Chamber than Ashli Babbitt EVER got and that was when there were still members of Congress still in the room! So isn't it amazing that THOSE officers didn't execute the person or persons on the other side of that door! Lucky for them that Officer Byrd wasn't in that Chamber or they'd most likely be dead today!
Show me a video where you can hear Byrd give a warning before he shot, Faun! I dare you. He didn't say a word. He stepped out of hiding with his gun extended and he shot Babbitt at point blank range.

Matters not if Byrd is not heard on video. I was watching two videos earlier. On one, you hear someone yelling, "shots fired! shots fired!" But in the other video, only several feet away, you don't hear that at all. And likewise, in the second video, you hear someone yell, "it was just a flashbang." But that is not heard in the other video.

But we have Thomas Baranyi who was there who said he heard police give warnings.
And what disturbs me most about his action is that he was allegedly "defending" members of Congress but there were only a few of those members left in the chamber and they were seconds from being evacuated to safety. So did he shoot an unarmed protester to "defend" an empty room? Why would anyone think that was necessary?

Why would he let that mob get passed him since there were still lawmakers and staff still inside the chamber?
Busy with otehr shit. I recall him screaming for to keep going, keep attacking. You denied he was in the front. YOu were wrong.


You're a pussy who ran away from that challenge for nothing. Moron, I already watched that video -- he never said shit to Ashes Targetpractice. That's why you ran away from my challenge; not because you're busy.

You lied.

And got caught.


You're a pussy who ran away from that challenge for nothing. Moron, I already watched that video -- he never said shit to Ashes Targetpractice. That's why you ran away from my challenge; not because you're busy.

You lied.

And got caught.


You are talking nonsense.
The post before I asked the question. Then I expressed suprise about how open you were/are in your support of the holding of political prisoners.

The post before you asked...

Seems a big discrepeancy between teh guy on teh inside and the guys putting people in jail. Do you care who is right?

To which I answered...

They'll have their days in court. That's what I care about.

I never expressed any belief in your bullshit about them being political prisoners, which you said in the past but didn't say in the post above. So I was speaking in terms of their opportunity to defend themselves in a court of law where their guilt or innocence will be determined. Sadly, your inability to comprehend, along with your deformed brain, led you completely astray.

You are a vile monster.

LOL...only one problem, Faun! Jayapal doesn't say where she was when she heard the shot...just that she heard it! That video doesn't prove that the shot rang out while they were still hunkered down in the gallery and there is a good reason why it DOESN'T and that reason is that they were no longer IN the gallery...they were in the process of being escorted out of the House Chamber!


Your desperation is noted and laughed at.

"Like many of you trapped in the House gallery, I remember every moment vividly. I viscerally feel the pounding on the gallery doors. I hear the shot ringing out."

And of course, she is seen in the video I posted earlier where the gunshot is heard.

How bizarre you would deny that when you yourself have admitted that members of Congress were still inside the gallery when Ashes was shot.
They punched out panes of glass in that door! Which is closer to the House Chamber than Ashli Babbitt EVER got and that was when there were still members of Congress still in the room! So isn't it amazing that THOSE officers didn't execute the person or persons on the other side of that door! Lucky for them that Officer Byrd wasn't in that Chamber or they'd most likely be dead today!

They didn't get through the door. What part of that has you so baffled?

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