DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

Oh yes they are. Like all other conservative groups they go directly from anti-government to ultra nationalist and back depending on who is president. Funny how you people never feel like hypocrites about that.
You leftard asswipes are so full of shit it isn't even funny.
Oath Keepers are not anti government, dumbass

You sucking their dicks is not gonna change who they are.

The Oath Keepers, which claims tens of thousands of present and former law enforcement officials and military veterans as members, is one of the largest far-right antigovernment groups in the U.S. today.
What a shame you can't stop lying about this. She was warned and you know she was warned. I myself have shown this to you in the past, where Thomas Baranyi was standing so close to her when she was shot, he had her blood on him. And he said thd police warned the crowd to get back...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21

Yeah, only one problem with that, Faun! When you look at the actual video of the shooting you don't hear ANY Police or Secret Service saying any of those things! You hear the protesters start yelling "Gun...Gun!" and then Babbitt is shot at point blank range. There was no warning from the Police.
Yeah, only one problem with that, Faun! When you look at the actual video of the shooting you don't hear ANY Police or Secret Service saying any of those things! You hear the protesters start yelling "Gun...Gun!" and then Babbitt is shot at point blank range. There was no warning from the Police.

I don't care what you don't hear on video. Thomas Baranyi was standing right there and he heard it. You know that yet you continue to lie. That you have to lie proves you're full of shit and even you know it.
I don't care what you don't hear on video. Thomas Baranyi was standing right there and he heard it. You know that yet you continue to lie. That you have to lie proves you're full of shit and even you know it.
Ask anyone in law enforcement how reliable "eye witness" accounts are, Faun! I have no doubt that Thomas may think he heard that but it's obvious from listening to audio from that he didn't. It's why actual video and audio evidence will ALWAYS be more accurate then eye witness testimony!
I don't care what you don't hear on video. Thomas Baranyi was standing right there and he heard it. You know that yet you continue to lie. That you have to lie proves you're full of shit and even you know it.
Multiple videos. Eye witness accounts are notoriously inaccurate especially in high stress situations.
Ask anyone in law enforcement how reliable "eye witness" accounts are, Faun! I have no doubt that Thomas may think he heard that but it's obvious from listening to audio from that he didn't. It's why actual video and audio evidence will ALWAYS be more accurate then eye witness testimony!

His description is very reliable. Without knowing the cop would tell investigators he warned the mob to 'get back,' he independently reported hearing police tell them to 'get back.'

He was there, you weren't. He had no reason to say he heard that had he not really heard that. You know this yet you continue to lie. Thst exposes just how fragile your position is.
Were you paying attention to the Michigan "kidnapping" trial, Occupied? You can infiltrate anti-government groups but you can't entice them into breaking the law. If the FBI was enticing those militia members in Michigan to kidnap Governor Whitmer is it really a stretch to imagine them doing the same thing with protesters at the Jan 6th protests?

Do you seriously think that will make a difference with a DC jury.

Those people left the Trump rally, geared up for a fight and then immediately stormed the capital. There was no intermediate interval where anyone besides Trump had a chance to whip up an otherwise peaceful crowd.

Except the riot started before the rally ended. Go freaking figure.

DOJ Drops the Bomb! The federal government admitted on January 6 that it ran informants inside the Oath Guard – less than a week before the trials spring on J6 prosecutors.

Sadly, it is still necessary for the democrat party to have to pretend to go through legal processes at this point. Hopefully, after November, the charade will no longer be necessary as the democrat party FBI/gestapo, the new 87,000 IRS troops, and the democrat party shock troops in BLM and antifa will have moved to secure the capture of all enemies of the Regime with rapid removal to the new work camps completed, and the Freedom of the democrat party secured with the last election in November. At that point, more direct action will be possible and rounding up of the anti-democrat party freedom groups will occur at a far more rapid pace..........the FBI/gestapo, IRS troops, and the shock troops in BLM and Antifa will have a freer hand in dealing with the enemies of the democrat party....
Gratefully, we can look forward to the J6 Committee hearings resuming again next week.
They have already done excellent work detailing the timelines of who did what and when did they do it.

And then, from farther up in the thread, this comment:

As far as the "FBI was enticing those militia members in Michigan".....well, I dunno.

I kinda hafta be persuaded by the 12 member jury in their unanimous verdict on August 23rd of this year.
They heard FBI's snitches from the witness stand. And the jury believed they were 'informants' not 'enticers'.

To wit:

Aug 23 (Reuters) - A jury on Tuesday convicted two men accused of conspiring to trigger "a second American revolution" by kidnapping Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, handing the U.S. government a victory in its second attempt to prosecute the case.

The pair, who the government said were members of the Three Percenters militia group..... face the possibility of life in prison.

By kidnapping the governor and putting her "on trial," they said, the men hoped to push the country into open conflict as a contentious presidential election approached in November 2020.
"They wanted to set off a second American Civil War and a second American Revolution," Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler told jurors during closing arguments on Monday.

In the retrial, prosecutors again used testimony from FBI informants and two key witnesses who pleaded guilty to kidnapping conspiracy charges. "They didn’t want to just kidnap her," Kessler said, referring to Whitmer. "They wanted to execute her."

Gratefully, we can look forward to the J6 Committee hearings resuming again next week.
You mean the commiecrat campaign committee, RIGHT?

You mean the commiecrat campaign committee, RIGHT?


Sadly, it is still necessary for the democrat party to have to pretend to go through legal processes at this point. Hopefully, after November, the charade will no longer be necessary as the democrat party FBI/gestapo, the new 87,000 IRS troops, and the democrat party shock troops in BLM and antifa will have moved to secure the capture of all enemies of the Regime with rapid removal to the new work camps completed, and the Freedom of the democrat party secured with the last election in November. At that point, more direct action will be possible and rounding up of the anti-democrat party freedom groups will occur at a far more rapid pace..........the FBI/gestapo, IRS troops, and the shock troops in BLM and Antifa will have a freer hand in dealing with the enemies of the democrat party....
You assume I have some special knowledge of the FBI. Sorry, I don't. Even though they might have done some things I disagree with, I don't think they are a criminal organization as you seem to.

There are 20+ whistleblowers that disagree.

You assume I have some special knowledge of the FBI. Sorry, I don't. Even though they might have done some things I disagree with, I don't think they are a criminal organization as you seem to.

Of course you don't, you are a fascist......what they are doing is normal for you.
Actually their reports have been the basis for the seditious conspiracy charges, they've been able to get convictions for.

The extent of the planning by the leaders is why the heads got convicted, even though they weren't anywhere near Washington DC when it happened.

Sadly, it is still necessary for the democrat party to have to pretend to go through legal processes at this point. Hopefully, after November, the charade will no longer be necessary as the democrat party FBI/gestapo, the new 87,000 IRS troops, and the democrat party shock troops in BLM and antifa will have moved to secure the capture of all enemies of the Regime with rapid removal to the new work camps completed, and the Freedom of the democrat party secured with the last election in November. At that point, more direct action will be possible and rounding up of the anti-democrat party freedom groups will occur at a far more rapid pace..........the FBI/gestapo, IRS troops, and the shock troops in BLM and Antifa will have a freer hand in dealing with the enemies of the democrat party....
She was warned and you know she was warned. I myself have shown this to you in the past, where Thomas Baranyi was standing so close to her when she was shot, he had her blood on him

Thank you, poster Faun.
I had not seen that Baranyi reportage before.
Blood on his hand ------ sorta kinda adds some credibility to the guy.

As has been reported repeatedly, the people on the wrong side of that police barrier were warned to go away, to leave, to do not enter. Yet, they insisted on violently battering the intentionally placed barrier so they could get at the police and our Congressional representatives. And when a breach was finally accomplished the woman leaped towards the brandished gun.

Babbitt is dead because of Babbit.

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