DOJ announces new effort to promote "religious freedom" in schools

THere actually isn't a need to promote religious freedom because people are already free to believe anything you want unless you are christian. Then you will be attacked mercilessly for you beliefs.
DOJ Announces New Effort to 'Promote Religious Freedom' in the Nation's Schools

Yeah bullshit. Its more like investigating people who don't accept Islam and its beliefs....has nothing to do with religion. Its just a different kind of propaganda. NO RELIGION belongs in public schools. PERIOD. Put your kids in religious schools if you want them learning about religion.

Yeah - so much for the separation of church and state ruling huh.

Supreme Court rules - no prayer in schools --->Lee v. Weisman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Quote = Robert S. Wood has argued that the United States is a model for the world in terms of how a separation of church and state—no state-run or state-established church—is good for both the church and the state, allowing a variety of religions to flourish.

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It would be the U.S. Department of Justice versus the Supreme Court. Justice would loose.

We are supposed to have religious freedoms. Freedom of Speech ( yes, to a degree and extent ). And the Government is supposed to protect the American citizen, their freedoms and their rights. The American citizen was not born to be oppressed. The American citizen was not born in communism, or some totalitarian Government.....under a iron fisted dictator.

Hang a cross, or a picture of Jesus up in a school and see what happens.


Isn't this redundant, and a case of hypocrisy? The ACLU says----> Your Right to Religious Freedom.

QUOTE = Since private and parochial schools aren't run by the government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them.


No. Prayers, scriptural readings and loudspeaker devotionals violate the First Amendment because they promote religion. This is true even if the prayer is "non-denominational" (not of any particular religion.) Moments of silence might be unconstitutional -- it depends on whether or not the real reason they're being held is to encourage prayer.

QUOTE = Think about your friends who have different faiths or no religious beliefs at all. They'd still feel excluded from their own graduation exercises. Or worse, they'd feel like the school thought your religion was better than theirs. Put the shoe on the other foot for a second and think about how that would make you feel!

QUOTE = If a school official has told you that you can't pray at all during the school day, your right to exercise your religion is being violated. Contact your local ACLU for help.

Key words = " Prohibiting free exercise thereof.... "

QUOTE = "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." -- First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility..........

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THere actually isn't a need to promote religious freedom because people are already free to believe anything you want unless you are christian. Then you will be attacked mercilessly for you beliefs.
And to a lesser degree Mormons, and Jews. Want real religious freedom? Convert to Islam, then you will have true religious freedom in this country. Even President Obama will come riding to your defense then, and he will even bring the prayer rugs. LOL
The Federal Government has no place promoting religious pluralism. Or anything religious. Congress shall make no law. Let the people make their own decision
BTW where exactly are these countless threats against Muslims?
The Federal Government has no place promoting religious pluralism. Or anything religious. Congress shall make no law. Let the people make their own decision

So.....the Government ( A.K.A. - The Supreme Court ) can overstep their bounds? Am I right?

The Government ( A.K.A - The Supreme Court ) can force politics and what a citizen can elect to, or not elect to choose; down the American public's throats?

Next is we can't have certain foods in American grocery stores, because it offends people of the Islam religion.

Next is the American public cannot wear a certain item of clothing in public...or clothing with a certain design or wording on it, because it offends another persons religion.

TV shows will have to be cancelled, because it offends another person religion.

Where is.......freedom?

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