DOJ charges more than 400 folks with $1.3billion Obamacare fraud

any system can be a victim of fraud. if they did it - jail 'em, revoke license to practice medicine.

Democrats will pull out all the stops to bury this. Look for a torrent of fake news.
would someone be able to put together a system that is fraud proof? not sure why the dems would need to hide anything nor why the repubs would hold the dems accountable for the actions of someone outside their control.
Jeff Sessions brings down the criminal left!

DOJ charges more than 400 people with healthcare fraud
What pathetic pikers. The article makes no mention of their political affiliation. However, When Governor Scott of Florida was Columbia/HCA, the company was fined a record 1.7 billion. Now that is a record the GOP can be proud of.

Rick Scott 'oversaw the largest Medicare fraud' in U.S. history, Florida Democratic Party says

Among the revelations from the 2000 settlement:

• Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or had not been ordered by physicians;

• The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;

• The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;

• Columbia billed the government for home health care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.

On Scott’s 2010 campaign website, he admitted to the $1.7 billion fine, though the link is no longer on the site.

What type of record was that fine?

The fine clearly set a record, though the Justice Department (and media reports at the time) were not always consistent in their terminology, sometimes describing it as the "largest government fraud settlement in U.S. History" and other times more specifically as the "largest health care fraud case in U.S. History."
Wooo...400 people out of some multiple millions...

And what kinds of individuals are 25% or so of the alleged perpetrators of the graft? According to the linked article in the OP, opioid drug abusers. Well, WTH? There aren't many sorts of individuals whom I'd more expect to engage in subterfuge to get something than I would drug abusers, particularly opioid abusers, aka heroin users. (I'd expect about the same of abusers of cocaine and its derivatives.)

Additionally 56 doctors were charged and nearly 300 providers have been suspended or banned from the program. Indeed, it appears from the article that even Sessions' focus is the providers who are abusing or misusing the system, for he said:
"Too many trusted medical professionals like doctors, nurses and pharmacists have chosen to violate their oaths and put greed ahead of their patients. Amazingly, some have made their practices into multimillion dollar criminal enterprises. They seem oblivious to the disastrous consequences of their greed."​
He doesn't even mention fraudulent activity carried out by individuals who are sick in way or another. (Presumably even the opioid abusers are under some sort of treatment regimen.)
The fact that Obamacare is rife with fraud and waste is even more of a reason to repeal it.
Both are nothing more than welfare entitlements. A corrupt bankrupt government engaged in perpetuating itself. Just become communists and get it over with. Then we can fail and drag the rest of the world and their fiat currencies along with us.

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