DOJ: Hillary Was Free To Delete Personal Emails

Another NaziCon conspiracy theory debunked.
they succeeded in ruining her favor-ability polling, succeeded in building their false image of her, succeeded in keeping her support and donations lower for her campaign....

the lies they tell, justifies their end hurt her and her campaign.
WASHINGTON -- Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have had the authority to delete personal emails even if she had used a government email address, instead of her own private server, government lawyers argued this week.

Justice Department lawyers said in a court filing, first reported by Buzzfeed and The Washington Times, that there was "no question" Clinton had the authority to erase messages she thought were personal. The filing came as part of an ongoing legal battle over the government's failure to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests for Clinton's emails.

State Department employees, according to the Justice Department, "may delete messages they deem in their own discretion to be personal." The government said that Judicial Watch, the organization that filed the FOIA lawsuit, had provided "no evidence" that Clinton withheld any legitimate federal records.

Hillary Clinton Was Totally Free To Delete Personal Emails, DOJ Claims

Well, there ya have it folks. Is that clear enough for you?

Obongo's Corrupt Dept of Justice..
Blog: Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?

June 11, 2016
Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?
By Daniel John Sobieski
WASHINGTON -- Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have had the authority to delete personal emails even if she had used a government email address, instead of her own private server, government lawyers argued this week.

Justice Department lawyers said in a court filing, first reported by Buzzfeed and The Washington Times, that there was "no question" Clinton had the authority to erase messages she thought were personal. The filing came as part of an ongoing legal battle over the government's failure to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests for Clinton's emails.

State Department employees, according to the Justice Department, "may delete messages they deem in their own discretion to be personal." The government said that Judicial Watch, the organization that filed the FOIA lawsuit, had provided "no evidence" that Clinton withheld any legitimate federal records.

Hillary Clinton Was Totally Free To Delete Personal Emails, DOJ Claims

Well, there ya have it folks. Is that clear enough for you?

Obongo's Corrupt Dept of Justice..
Blog: Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?

June 11, 2016
Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?
By Daniel John Sobieski
Judge Napoliatano is a paid conservative shill, and has made his living off of making crap up about the Clintons, that's a fact jack! He has spewed one lie after another on this entire email investigation, made up one thing after another, that have ALL turned out to be lies and false....

no reason to believe the guy has had a change of heart and has decided to tell the truth.

btw, why isn't he a judge anymore?
WASHINGTON -- Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have had the authority to delete personal emails even if she had used a government email address, instead of her own private server, government lawyers argued this week.

Justice Department lawyers said in a court filing, first reported by Buzzfeed and The Washington Times, that there was "no question" Clinton had the authority to erase messages she thought were personal. The filing came as part of an ongoing legal battle over the government's failure to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests for Clinton's emails.

State Department employees, according to the Justice Department, "may delete messages they deem in their own discretion to be personal." The government said that Judicial Watch, the organization that filed the FOIA lawsuit, had provided "no evidence" that Clinton withheld any legitimate federal records.

Hillary Clinton Was Totally Free To Delete Personal Emails, DOJ Claims

Well, there ya have it folks. Is that clear enough for you?

Obongo's Corrupt Dept of Justice..
Blog: Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?

June 11, 2016
Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?
By Daniel John Sobieski
Judge Napoliatano is a paid conservative shill, and has made his living off of making crap up about the Clintons, that's a fact jack! He has spewed one lie after another on this entire email investigation, made up one thing after another, that have ALL turned out to be lies and false....

no reason to believe the guy has had a change of heart and has decided to tell the truth.

btw, why isn't he a judge anymore?
That's your actual "gotcha response?" Why isn't he a judge any longer?! LOL Most of you bedwetting dummies have gotten stale since I've been away. Allow me to educate you - I don't answer for the "Judge" nor is it any of my concern why he decided to retire from the bench.. Secondly, In regard to him being a LIBERTARIAN, so are millions of Americans, so are you now saying any Libertarian's article which lists FACTS are automatically discredited because you Leftists say so?! LET'S THROW OUT THE NY TIMES, HUFFPO, POLITICO, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC..
Hillary was free to delete personal emails.
Please try to keep up....

Hillary WAS free to delete personal emails, but when did emails pertaining to government business (which federal law required be retained) become personal????

Or when did classified information suddenly become Hillary's "exclusive personal property"????

After all, the FBI WAS able to recover that information from her server after she deleted it (and after her IT guy botched the job of "wiping" the server).....

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